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Python Samples for Cloud Bigtable

This directory contains samples for Cloud Bigtable, which may be used as a refererence for how to use this product. Samples, quickstarts, and other documentation are available at

Hello World in Cloud Bigtable

Demonstrates how to connect to Cloud Bigtable and run some basic operations. More information available at:

Open in Cloud Shell

To run this sample:

  1. If this is your first time working with GCP products, you will need to set up the Cloud SDK or utilize Google Cloud Shell. This sample may require authentication and you will need to enable billing.

  2. Make a fork of this repo and clone the branch locally, then navigate to the sample directory you want to use.

  3. Install the dependencies needed to run the samples.

     pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run the sample using

usage: [-h] [--table TABLE] project_id instance_id
Demonstrates how to connect to Cloud Bigtable and run some basic operations.
Prerequisites: - Create a Cloud Bigtable cluster. - Set your Google
Application Default Credentials.

positional arguments:
  project_id     Your Cloud Platform project ID.
  instance_id    ID of the Cloud Bigtable instance to connect to.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --table TABLE  Table to create and destroy. (default: Hello-Bigtable)

Additional Information

You can read the documentation for more details on API usage and use GitHub to browse the source and report issues.


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