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76 lines (62 loc) · 2.32 KB

File metadata and controls

76 lines (62 loc) · 2.32 KB

Contributing to Whirl 💪

You're considering contributing to Whirl 🎉

Different types of contribution

Raising issues 🐛

Before raising a new issue, be sure to check the issue wasn't raised before. If it was and you don't feel it was resolved, open a new issue linking to the old 👍

When raising an issue, follow the issue template the best you can.

Development setup

The Whirl demo uses React via create-react-app. Dynamic imports play a huge role in keeping the loading times minimal. Styles are subject to code splitting and are only pulled in when a user selects an animation. All whirls are created using SASS and the demo app uses Hooks 👌

To get started, fork the repo and then clone it.

git clone

Then install dependencies with yarn;


You're good to go 🙌

yarn start

Run yarn run to see a list of available commands.

Adding a new loading animation 👟

These are the steps for adding a new loading animation.

From the root of the cloned repo run:

cd whirl
node utils/add-whirl --name <WHIRL NAME> --required <REQUIRED ELEMENTS>

WHIRL NAME will be the display name and class name for your animation. REQUIRED ELEMENTS defines how many elements you want for your animation.

For example; 0 would imply you are using :pseudo elements. In this case, the class name will be applied to the demo container.

If you wanted a more complex structure, you pass a comma separated list of numbers. For example, node utils/add-whirl --name awesome-whirl --required 1,2,3 would result in the following markup;

<div class='awesome-whirl'>

That's one div at the top level, two on the next and three on the final level.

By default, your new animation will be active and added to the config file at src/whirl.config.json.

  "className": "awesome-whirl",
  "name": "awesome-whirl",
  "requiredElements": [
  "active": true

Feel free to change this file if you wish to apply a different class name or switch animations on or off 👍

Open a PR following the PR template. Your commit message needn't be complex;

feat: add awesome-whirl animation