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AndyNi nijiazhi
Less is More.

Chinese Academy of Sciences beijing

Juyoung Suk scottsuk0306
M.S. student at LK Lab @kaistAI

@kaistAI Seoul

Henry.H hhstore
🔥️#Mojo 🎯#Flutter 🦀#Rust 🐹#Golang ⚡#Zig 🐍#Python #Docker #K8S #DevOps #Bitcoin ₿ #Ethereum ⟠ #Polkadot #10+YearsCoder

Indie Hacker Shanghai, China

Elnaz ElnazEskandari
MSc Student, with a particular interest in Recommender Systems and NLP

Big Data Research Center & Faculty of Computer, Najafabad Branch Isfahan, Iran

Sonny Sonny-Inkai
Bring SoTA to Production.

University of Information Technology

PARK JIHUN zzakjista

Kookmin University Seoul, Korea

Patrick Jiacheng Shen Patrickhshs

@NYU Shanghai

jiangtao chenjiangtao
Art is long, but life is short.

Shanghai China

neo peixinlei

Jinan, China

Shuqi Ke shuqike
Ph.D. student at Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University

Bing wbbeyourself
Talk is cheap, show me the code.

北京航空航天大学 北京

David Dai goodbyedavid

Amazon Web Services United States

Tony Tony-comments
A master student in Univercity of Chinese Academy of Science

Institute of automation, Chinese academy of science Haidian district ,Beijing, China

LeeWendao WendaoLee
Why the Cheshire cat smile?
hume lLD7
student of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications