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Julian Kirsch HiImJulien
Hey there!

Bayreuth, Germany

gwen elythh
devops/cybersecurity - I like nix

Radio France Paris

feedbackandnoise feedbackandnoise
audio/visual touchdesigner and godot experiments
Karsten Pedersen karstenpedersen
Currently studying Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Computer Science @ University of Southern Denmark

Odense, Denmark

Kristoffer Plagborg Bak Sørensen kpbaks
Recent MSc graduate in Computer Engineering from Aarhus University. Looking for work. Passionate about Linux, Open Source and programming language design

Aarhus, Denmark

Sam Morozov sammorozov
CyberSec / Web3 dev / ex-DS 🇷🇺


Akshett Rai Jindal akshettrj
IIIT Hyderabad '24 | Undergraduate Researcher @ LTRC IIITH

Hyderabad, Telangana

Anne-Julia Seitz dazz
I am passionate about development, clean code, designing information flows and speak public about it.

@qossmic Berlin



Ernst Salzmann etangreal
ErnstSalzmann(at) Berlin

Carlos Molina A cmolina
CCO & Co-Founder @ Horacio SpA

Horacio SpA Temuco, Chile

Son Sumin testfailed
I'm a developer.

Home South Korea

Cedric M'Passi cempassi
Software Engineer.


Martín Cigorraga cig0
Full-time metal-head n3rd embracing the flake. Nix{OS} FTW! 🚀 ❄️ 🧉

Mar del Plata / Argentina

Sam Nurmi samnurmi
Rethinking OS and software dev, bridging cloud, desktop, and web into one. Focused on user-centric AI, data privacy, and eliminating vendor lock-ins.


Bartosz Sławecki bswck
cook it up, gourmet

@coherent-oss @NaukaPythona @infoshareacademy Wrocław, Poland

Mark Anderson markemer
Electrical Engineer, Computer Scientist, and Mobile Developer

@ionic-team at @OutSystems Fairfax, VA

Trần Đức Nam dynamotn
Undefined ~.~ Gentooer, Gopher and DevOpser

Hanoi - Vietnam

yosoof yosoof3
computer nerd, graphic designer, nixos user, and best of all master yapper my only other account is @yosoof4
Nguyen Tan Vy v0112358

Freelancer Vietnam

xluffy xluffy


Loïc Reynier loicreynier
PhD in Fluid Dynamics, tinkerer with a serious addiction to modding, also known online as Lorkhan. Latest addiction: @NixOS

Fuveau, France

Fabian fabei

Fraunhofer FOKUS Berlin

Rick Bowen rrrix
Hacking on Kubernetes, Go, Rust, Nix. Linux grey-beard (sans beard). I really like DevOps, Security and 10GbE.

Hire me! El Dorado Hills, CA

flow hyp3rflow
loves crafting on the shoulder of giants

@ku-plrg @pbkit Seoul, Korea

Phani Rithvij phanirithvij
@phanirithvij2000 is me, also don't follow me ... around like a stalker (unless you watched the 1979 movie)
haruki7049 haruki7049
I can not speak English well
