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Helm Chart for Presto

Presto is a Fast and Reliable SQL Engine for Data Analytics and the Open Lakehouse.


This chart bootstraps a Presto on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


  • Kubernetes 1.27+
  • Helm 3

Presto charts Helm repository

Helm chart repository is a location where packaged charts can be stored and shared.

Use the following command to add Presto charts repository to Helm client configuration:

helm repo add presto

Installing the Chart

Install the chart with my-presto release name:

helm install my-presto presto/presto

Uninstalling the Chart

Uninstall my-presto release:

helm uninstall my-presto


Refer default values.yaml file of the chart for all the possible configuration properties:

helm show values presto/presto

Presto deployment modes

The chart supports three Presto deployment modes: single, cluster and highly available cluster.


Minimal Presto deployment, where single pod acts as Coordinator and Worker. This mode can be used for experimentation and testing purposes in environments with limited resources.

The following command installs Presto in single mode:

helm install my-presto presto/presto --set mode=single


Standard Presto deployment with one Coordinator and multiple Workers. The chart deploys Presto in cluster mode by default.

The following command installs Presto in cluster mode with 3 workers:

helm install my-presto presto/presto --set mode=cluster --set worker.replicas=3

Highly Available Cluster

Highly available Presto deployment with Resource Manager and multiple Coordinators and Workers. This mode allows to avoid single point of failure for coordinator and mitigate coordinator bottleneck in high load Presto clusters.

The following command installs Presto in ha-cluster mode with 2 coordinators and 3 workers:

helm install my-presto presto/presto --set mode=ha-cluster --set coordinator.replicas=2 --set worker.replicas=3