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Deploying the Capsule Operator

Use the Capsule Operator for easily implementing, managing, and maintaining multitenancy and access control in Kubernetes.


  • Helm 3 is required when installing the Capsule Operator chart. Follow Helm’s official steps for installing helm on your particular operating system.

  • A Kubernetes cluster 1.16+ with following Admission Controllers enabled:

    • PodNodeSelector
    • LimitRanger
    • ResourceQuota
    • MutatingAdmissionWebhook
    • ValidatingAdmissionWebhook
  • A kubeconfig file accessing the Kubernetes cluster with cluster admin permissions.

Major Changes

In the following sections you see actions which are required when you are upgrading to a specific version.

Upgrading to 0.7.x

Introduces a new methode to manage all capsule CRDs and their lifecycle. We are no longer relying on the native CRD hook with the Helm Chart. The hook only allows to manage CRDs on install and uninstall but we can't deliver updates to the CRDs. When you newly install the chart we recommend to set crds.install to true. This will manage the CRDs with the Helm Chart. This behavior is the new default.

Changed Values

The following Values have changed key or Value:

  • All values from previous releases under webhooks have moved to webhooks.hooks.
  • mutatingWebhooksTimeoutSeconds has moved to webhooks.mutatingWebhooksTimeoutSeconds
  • validatingWebhooksTimeoutSeconds has moved to webhooks.validatingWebhooksTimeoutSeconds


The Capsule Operator requires it's CRDs to be installed before the operator itself. Since the Helm CRD lifecycle has limitations, we recommend to install the CRDs separately. Our chart supports the installation of crds via a dedicated Release. The Capsule Operator Chart can be used to instantly deploy the Capsule Operator on your Kubernetes cluster.

  1. Add this repository:

     $ helm repo add projectcapsule
  2. Install Capsule:

     $ helm install capsule projectcapsule/capsule --version 0.7.0 -n capsule-system --create-namespace
     $ helm install capsule oci:// --version 0.7.0  -n capsule-system --create-namespace
  3. Show the status:

     $ helm status capsule -n capsule-system
  4. Upgrade the Chart

     $ helm upgrade capsule projectcapsule/capsule -n capsule-system
     $ helm upgrade capsule oci:// --version 0.4.7
  5. Uninstall the Chart

     $ helm uninstall capsule -n capsule-system

Customize the installation

There are two methods for specifying overrides of values during chart installation: --values and --set.

The --values option is the preferred method because it allows you to keep your overrides in a YAML file, rather than specifying them all on the command line. Create a copy of the YAML file values.yaml and add your overrides to it.

Specify your overrides file when you install the chart:

    $ helm install capsule capsule-helm-chart --values myvalues.yaml -n capsule-system

The values in your overrides file myvalues.yaml will override their counterparts in the chart's values.yaml file. Any values in values.yaml that weren’t overridden will keep their defaults.

If you only need to make minor customizations, you can specify them on the command line by using the --set option. For example:

    $ helm install capsule capsule-helm-chart --set manager.options.forceTenantPrefix=false -n capsule-system

Here the values you can override:

CustomResourceDefinition Lifecycle

Key Type Default Description
crds.annnotations object {} Extra Annotations for CRDs
crds.exclusive bool false Only install the CRDs, no other primitives
crds.install bool true Install the CustomResourceDefinitions (This also manages the lifecycle of the CRDs for update operations)
crds.labels object {} Extra Labels for CRDs

General Parameters

Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Set affinity rules for the Capsule pod
certManager.generateCertificates bool false Specifies whether capsule webhooks certificates should be generated using cert-manager
customAnnotations object {} Additional annotations which will be added to all resources created by Capsule helm chart
customLabels object {} Additional labels which will be added to all resources created by Capsule helm chart
imagePullSecrets list [] Configuration for imagePullSecrets so that you can use a private images registry.
jobs.affinity object {} Set affinity rules
jobs.annotations object {"":"before-hook-creation,hook-succeeded"} Annotations to add to the certgen job.
jobs.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Set the image pull policy of the helm chart job
jobs.image.registry string "" Set the image repository of the helm chart job
jobs.image.repository string "clastix/kubectl" Set the image repository of the helm chart job
jobs.image.tag string "" Set the image tag of the helm chart job
jobs.nodeSelector object {} Set the node selector
jobs.podSecurityContext object {"seccompProfile":{"type":"RuntimeDefault"}} Security context for the job pods.
jobs.priorityClassName string "" Set a pod priorityClassName
jobs.resources object {} Job resources
jobs.restartPolicy string "Never" Set the restartPolicy
jobs.securityContext object {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]},"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true,"runAsGroup":1002,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":1002} Security context for the job containers.
jobs.tolerations list [] Set list of tolerations
jobs.topologySpreadConstraints list [] Set Topology Spread Constraints
jobs.ttlSecondsAfterFinished int 60 Sets the ttl in seconds after a finished certgen job is deleted. Set to -1 to never delete.
nodeSelector object {} Set the node selector for the Capsule pod
podAnnotations object {} Annotations to add to the capsule pod.
podSecurityContext object {"runAsGroup":1002,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":1002,"seccompProfile":{"type":"RuntimeDefault"}} Set the securityContext for the Capsule pod
priorityClassName string "" Set the priority class name of the Capsule pod
proxy.enabled bool false Enable Installation of Capsule Proxy
replicaCount int 1 Set the replica count for capsule pod
securityContext object {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]},"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true} Set the securityContext for the Capsule container
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account.
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created. string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and serviceAccount.create=true, a name is generated using the fullname template
tls.create bool true When cert-manager is disabled, Capsule will generate the TLS certificate for webhook and CRDs conversion.
tls.enableController bool true Start the Capsule controller that injects the CA into mutating and validating webhooks, and CRD as well. string "" Override name of the Capsule TLS Secret name when externally managed.
tolerations list [] Set list of tolerations for the Capsule pod
topologySpreadConstraints list [] Set topology spread constraints for the Capsule pod

Manager Parameters

Key Type Default Description
manager.hostNetwork bool false Specifies if the container should be started in hostNetwork mode. Required for use in some managed kubernetes clusters (such as AWS EKS) with custom CNI (such as calico), because control-plane managed by AWS cannot communicate with pods' IP CIDR and admission webhooks are not working
manager.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Set the image pull policy.
manager.image.registry string "" Set the image registry of capsule.
manager.image.repository string "projectcapsule/capsule" Set the image repository of capsule.
manager.image.tag string "" Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
manager.kind string "Deployment" Set the controller deployment mode as Deployment or DaemonSet.
manager.livenessProbe object {"httpGet":{"path":"/healthz","port":10080}} Configure the liveness probe using Deployment probe spec
manager.options.capsuleConfiguration string "default" Change the default name of the capsule configuration name
manager.options.capsuleUserGroups list [""] Override the Capsule user groups
manager.options.forceTenantPrefix bool false Boolean, enforces the Tenant owner, during Namespace creation, to name it using the selected Tenant name as prefix, separated by a dash
manager.options.generateCertificates bool true Specifies whether capsule webhooks certificates should be generated by capsule operator
manager.options.logLevel string "4" Set the log verbosity of the capsule with a value from 1 to 10
manager.options.nodeMetadata object {"forbiddenAnnotations":{"denied":[],"deniedRegex":""},"forbiddenLabels":{"denied":[],"deniedRegex":""}} Allows to set the forbidden metadata for the worker nodes that could be patched by a Tenant
manager.options.protectedNamespaceRegex string "" If specified, disallows creation of namespaces matching the passed regexp
manager.rbac.create bool true Specifies whether RBAC resources should be created.
manager.rbac.existingClusterRoles list [] Specifies further cluster roles to be added to the Capsule manager service account.
manager.rbac.existingRoles list [] Specifies further cluster roles to be added to the Capsule manager service account.
manager.readinessProbe object {"httpGet":{"path":"/readyz","port":10080}} Configure the readiness probe using Deployment probe spec
manager.resources object {} Set the resource requests/limits for the Capsule manager container
manager.webhookPort int 9443 Set an alternative to the default container port. Useful for use in some kubernetes clusters (such as GKE Private) with aggregator routing turned on, because pod ports have to be opened manually on the firewall side

ServiceMonitor Parameters

Key Type Default Description
serviceMonitor.annotations object {} Assign additional Annotations
serviceMonitor.enabled bool false Enable ServiceMonitor
serviceMonitor.endpoint.interval string "15s" Set the scrape interval for the endpoint of the serviceMonitor
serviceMonitor.endpoint.metricRelabelings list [] Set metricRelabelings for the endpoint of the serviceMonitor
serviceMonitor.endpoint.relabelings list [] Set relabelings for the endpoint of the serviceMonitor
serviceMonitor.endpoint.scrapeTimeout string "" Set the scrape timeout for the endpoint of the serviceMonitor
serviceMonitor.labels object {} Assign additional labels according to Prometheus' serviceMonitorSelector matching labels
serviceMonitor.matchLabels object {} Change matching labels
serviceMonitor.namespace string "" Install the ServiceMonitor into a different Namespace, as the monitoring stack one (default: the release one)
serviceMonitor.targetLabels list [] Set targetLabels for the serviceMonitor

Webhooks Parameters

Key Type Default Description
webhooks.exclusive bool false When crds.exclusive is true the webhooks will be installed
webhooks.hooks.cordoning.failurePolicy string "Fail"
webhooks.hooks.cordoning.namespaceSelector.matchExpressions[0].key string ""
webhooks.hooks.cordoning.namespaceSelector.matchExpressions[0].operator string "Exists"
webhooks.hooks.defaults.ingress.failurePolicy string "Fail"
webhooks.hooks.defaults.ingress.namespaceSelector.matchExpressions[0].key string ""
webhooks.hooks.defaults.ingress.namespaceSelector.matchExpressions[0].operator string "Exists"
webhooks.hooks.defaults.pods.failurePolicy string "Fail"
webhooks.hooks.defaults.pods.namespaceSelector.matchExpressions[0].key string ""
webhooks.hooks.defaults.pods.namespaceSelector.matchExpressions[0].operator string "Exists"
webhooks.hooks.defaults.pvc.failurePolicy string "Fail"
webhooks.hooks.defaults.pvc.namespaceSelector.matchExpressions[0].key string ""
webhooks.hooks.defaults.pvc.namespaceSelector.matchExpressions[0].operator string "Exists"
webhooks.hooks.ingresses.failurePolicy string "Fail"
webhooks.hooks.ingresses.namespaceSelector.matchExpressions[0].key string ""
webhooks.hooks.ingresses.namespaceSelector.matchExpressions[0].operator string "Exists"
webhooks.hooks.namespaceOwnerReference.failurePolicy string "Fail"
webhooks.hooks.namespaces.failurePolicy string "Fail"
webhooks.hooks.networkpolicies.failurePolicy string "Fail"
webhooks.hooks.networkpolicies.namespaceSelector.matchExpressions[0].key string ""
webhooks.hooks.networkpolicies.namespaceSelector.matchExpressions[0].operator string "Exists"
webhooks.hooks.nodes.failurePolicy string "Fail"
webhooks.hooks.persistentvolumeclaims.failurePolicy string "Fail"
webhooks.hooks.persistentvolumeclaims.namespaceSelector.matchExpressions[0].key string ""
webhooks.hooks.persistentvolumeclaims.namespaceSelector.matchExpressions[0].operator string "Exists"
webhooks.hooks.pods.failurePolicy string "Fail"
webhooks.hooks.pods.namespaceSelector.matchExpressions[0].key string ""
webhooks.hooks.pods.namespaceSelector.matchExpressions[0].operator string "Exists" string "Fail"[0].key string ""[0].operator string "Exists"
webhooks.hooks.tenantResourceObjects.failurePolicy string "Fail"
webhooks.hooks.tenants.failurePolicy string "Fail"
webhooks.mutatingWebhooksTimeoutSeconds int 30 Timeout in seconds for mutating webhooks
webhooks.service.caBundle string "" CABundle for the webhook service string "" Custom service name for the webhook service
webhooks.service.namespace string "" Custom service namespace for the webhook service
webhooks.service.port string nil Custom service port for the webhook service
webhooks.service.url string "" The URL where the capsule webhook services are running (Overwrites cluster scoped service definition)
webhooks.validatingWebhooksTimeoutSeconds int 30 Timeout in seconds for validating webhooks

Created resources

This Helm Chart creates the following Kubernetes resources in the release namespace:

  • Capsule Namespace
  • Capsule Operator Deployment
  • Capsule Service
  • CA Secret
  • Certificate Secret
  • Tenant Custom Resource Definition
  • CapsuleConfiguration Custom Resource Definition
  • MutatingWebHookConfiguration
  • ValidatingWebHookConfiguration
  • RBAC Cluster Roles
  • Metrics Service

And optionally, depending on the values set:

  • Capsule ServiceAccount
  • Capsule Service Monitor
  • PodSecurityPolicy
  • RBAC ClusterRole and RoleBinding for pod security policy
  • RBAC Role and Rolebinding for metrics scrape

Notes on installing Custom Resource Definitions with Helm3

Capsule, as many other add-ons, defines its own set of Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs). Helm3 removed the old CRDs installation method for a more simple methodology. In the Helm Chart, there is now a special directory called crds to hold the CRDs. These CRDs are not templated, but will be installed by default when running a helm install for the chart. If the CRDs already exist (for example, you already executed helm install), it will be skipped with a warning. When you wish to skip the CRDs installation, and do not see the warning, you can pass the --skip-crds flag to the helm install command.

Cert-Manager integration

You can enable the generation of certificates using cert-manager as follows.

helm upgrade --install capsule projectcapsule/capsule --namespace capsule-system --create-namespace \
  --set "certManager.generateCertificates=true" \
  --set "tls.create=false" \
  --set "tls.enableController=false"

With the usage of tls.enableController=false value, you're delegating the injection of the Validating and Mutating Webhooks' CA to cert-manager. Since Helm3 doesn't allow to template CRDs, you have to patch manually the Custom Resource Definition adding the proper annotation (YMMV).

kind: CustomResourceDefinition
  annotations: v0.5.0 capsule-system/capsule-webhook-cert
  creationTimestamp: "2022-07-22T08:32:51Z"
  generation: 45
  resourceVersion: "9832"
  uid: 61e287df-319b-476d-88d5-bdb8dc14d4a6


See Capsule tutorial for more information about how to use Capsule.