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The instruction set of the rj32 processor, so named for the 32 core instructions it implements.

Table of Contents


  • First table most useful, draw into rest of doc
  • First table too sparse, more info
  • Footnotes for unusual instructions
  • Links to more information
  • Anything above the fold should contain links to more info
  • Hard to associate bits from encoding table to bits in decoding table
  • functional description of what the instructions do
  • encoding/decoding as tables so they are searchable????
  • split into:
    • short, colourful, hierarchical intro doc
    • comprehensive cross referenced, single page programmers manual

Instruction Summary

Some definitions:

  • rd: destination register and often also left source
  • rs: right source register
  • csr: control and status register
  • immediate: a number provided in the instruction itself
  • imm: the immediate register or the imm prefix instruction
  • imm4: unsigned 4 bit immediate
  • imm6, imm8, imm11, imm12: signed 6, 8, 11 and 12 bit immediates
  • rsval: right side value
    • from a register: rsval <- rs or
    • from an immediate: rsval <- imm6 or
    • from the immediate registerrsval <- imm[15:4] | imm6[3:0]
  • mem[]: data memory
  • memb[]: byte-wise access to data memory
  • pmem[]: program memory
  • C: carry flag, next instruction has carry if set
  • S: skip flag, next instruction skipped if set
  • K: kernel mode flag, register set swapped if set
op name asm description
0 nop nop 0 <- 0 no operation
1 rets rets K <- !K return to/from system
2 error error error <- 1 halt with error 1
3 halt halt halt <- 1 halt without error 1
4 rcsr rcsr rd, csr rd <- csr read csr
5 wcsr wcsr csr, rd csr <- rd write csr
6 move move rd, rs/imm8 rd <- rsval move into register
7 loadc loadc rd, rs/imm8 rd <- pmem[pc+imm8]
rd <- pmem[rs]
load constant
8 jump jump rd/imm11 pc <- rd
pc <- pc + imm11
set program counter
9 imm imm imm12 imm[11:4] <- imm12 extend immediate 1
10 call call rd/imm12 r0 <- pc; pc <- pc + imm11
r0 <- pc; pc <- rd
jump and save PC
11 reserved also imm instruction
12 load load rd, [rs, imm4] rd <- mem[rs + imm4*2] load word
13 store store [rs,imm4], rd mem[rs + imm4*2] <- rd store word
14 loadb loadb rd, [rs, imm4] rd <- memb[rs + imm4] & 0xff load byte
15 storeb storeb [rs,imm4], rd memb[rs + imm4] <- rd & 0xff store byte
16 add add rd, rs/imm6 rd <- rd + rsval + C add
17 sub sub rd, rs/imm6 rd <- rd - rsval - C subtract
18 addc addc rd, rs/imm6 rd <- rd + rsval + C;
C <- rd[16]
add with carry 1
19 subc subc rd, rs/imm6 rd <- rd - rsval - C;
C <- rd[16]
subtract with carry 1
20 xor xor rd, rs/imm6 rd <- rd xor rsval exclusive or
21 and and rd, rs/imm6 rd <- rd and rsval logical and
22 or or rd, rs/imm6 rd <- rd or rsval logical or
23 shl shl rd, rs/imm6 rd <- rd << rsval logical shift left
24 shr shr rd, rs/imm6 rd <- rd >> rsval (unsigned) logical shift right
25 asr asr rd, rs/imm6 rd <- rd >> rsval (signed) arithmetic shift right
26 if.eq if.eq rd, rs/imm6 S <- !(rd == rsval) if equal 3
27 rd, rs/imm6 S <- !(rd != rsval) if not equal 3
28 rd, rs/imm6 S <- !(rd < rsval) (signed) if less than 3
29 rd, rs/imm6 S <- !(rd >= rsval) (signed) if greater or equal 3
30 if.ult if.ult rd, rs/imm6 S <- !(rd < rsval) (unsigned) if unsigned less than 3
31 if.uge if.uge rd, rs/imm6 S <- !(rd >= rsval) (unsigned) if unsigned greater than 3

There are also the following pseudoinstructions:

asm implementation description
return jump r0 return from function
sxt rd shl rd, 8; asr rd, 8 sign extend byte
zxt rd shl rd, 8; shr rd, 8 zero extend byte
not rd xor rd, -1 2's complement
neg rd xor rd, -1; add rd, 1 negate rd, rs rs, rd if greater than rd, imm rd, imm+1 if greater than
if.le rd, rs rs, rd if less or equal
if.le rd, imm rd, imm-1 if less or equal
if.ugt rd, rs if.ult rs, rd if unsigned greater than
if.ugt rd, imm if.uge rs, imm+1 if unsigned greater than
if.ule rd, rs if.ugt rs, rd if unsigned less or equal
if.ule rd, imm if.ult rs, imm-1 if unsigned greater than


There are 16 registers, only r0 is hard coded with a special function, the other registers can be used in any way. Their calling convention purpose is denoted.

reg alias conventional usage
r0 ra return address
r1 a0 return value / 1st arg
r2 a1 second function argument
r3 s0 callee saved reg
r4 s1 callee saved reg
r5 s2 callee saved reg
r6 s3 callee saved reg
r7 s4 callee saved reg
r8 t0 caller saved temp reg
r9 t1 caller saved temp reg
r10 t2 caller saved temp reg
r11 t3 caller saved temp reg
r12 t4 caller saved temp reg
r13 t5 caller saved temp reg
r14 bp data base pointer
r15 sp stack pointer

Callee saved registers should be saved to the stack if used in a function.

Caller saved registers are expected to be clobbered in a function call, so if they are used, they are saved in the stack before a function is called.

The first two function arguments are provided in a0 and a1, and the return value is provided in a1. If there are more arguments than two or an argument doesn't fit in 16 bits, they are provided on the stack.

In kernel mode, there is an alternate set of registers including the PC that is used. Which set is in use is governed by the K flag.

Instruction Encodings

Instruction Encoding Overview

Instruction Encoding Overview

Bits 0-1 are a 2 bit format (fmt) code Bits 2-6 are the op code field Bit 7 on many instructions is reserved for future expansion The func code is the ALU function, which is part of the opcode.

Depending on the fmt code, the opcode is constructed from different patterns of bits denoted in the decoding logic section. There are 32 opcodes.

Instruction Decoding

This diagram shows the opcodes for each instruction format. All instructions have both an immediate form and a register-register form, but the immediate form does not contain a complete opcode field to make room for the immediate bits. Therefore, the decode circuitry needs to modify the opcode for those formats to be the same as the register-register form of the instruction. The modified bits are shown in grey in the diagram below. The non-grey bits can come from the instruction itself.

Instruction Decoding Details

On the left is the various formats, then the fmt code for each instruction class, then (optionally) the zeroth bit of op if it's required, then whether the instruction has an immediate. Then you get the 5 opcode bits.

Instruction Details

Prefix Instructions and State

There are a few prefix instructions (imm, addc and subc) that carry state over into the next instruction.

If an interrupt would happen between these instructions and the ones they modify, state would be lost. To avoid that, interrupts are disabled until the instruction they modify completes and that state is fully transferred.

The state is reset after the instruction modified uses that state to ensure it cannot cause bugs by putting the processor into an unexpected state.

Imm Prefix

The imm prefix instruction extends the immediate of the next instruction. The 12 bits supplied become the 12 most significant bits of the next instruction, and the modified instruction supplies the remaining 4 least significant bits.

Addc and Subc Prefixes

It's useful to be able to be able to add or subtract numbers larger than 16 bits. In order to do that, the carry out of the previous add or sub needs to be fed into the carry in of the next add or sub. The addc and subc instructions are provided to set a carry flag as well as a "use carry" flag that will tell the next instruction to use the provided carry. Otherwise these instructions act the same as add and sub.

For example:

  ; add two 64 bit numbers
  addc r1, r5
  addc r2, r6
  addc r3, r7
  add  r4, r8  ; this instruction will use the carry

  add  r9, r10 ; this instruction won't use the carry


Instead of conditional branches, there are instructions which will skip the next instruction if the condition is not true. Think of these acting like if statements in higher level languages.

  • if.eq - equal
  • - not equal
  • - less than
  • - greater or equal
  • if.ult - unsigned less than
  • if.uge - unsigned greater or equal

There are also psuedoinstructions for the following conditions:

  • - greater than
  • if.le - less or equal
  • if.ugt - unsigned greater than
  • if.ule - unsigned less or equal

Any prefix instructions (imm, addc or subc) will be skipped in addition to one regular instruction. During a skip, interrupts are disabled. Each skipped instruction uses one clock cycle (they act like nop).


halt and error can be used in test cases to halt successfully or with an error. The processor internally loops when these instructions are hit, raising a signal line.

Instruction Listing

This is quite incomplete... a few instructions are done as an example. The details may be inaccurate due to the instruction set design not being finished yet.



register-register form immediate form
format xxxx xxxx x010 x100 i12: iiii iiii iiii 1101
asm - imm imm12
example - imm 0x1234
symbolic acts like nop imm <- imm12[15:4]
opcode 9 & 11
prefix true
modifier imm

This instruction extends the immediate of the next instruction with the upper 12 bits of the 16 bit value. The lower 4 bits come from the next instruction.

This instruction is automatically inserted by the assembler when necessary. If a skip is active, both the imm instruction and the following instruction will be skipped.

Interrupts are disabled during this instruction since the state of the imm register cannot be saved.


register-register form
format xxxx xxxx x000 0000
asm nop
example nop
symbolic 0 <- 0
opcode 0
prefix false

Does nothing.


register-register form
format xxxx xxxx x000 0001
asm rets
example rets
symbolic K <- !K
opcode 1
prefix false

Swaps the register set and program counter used from the system (aka kernel) set, to the user set, or vice versa.

Execution resumes at the instruction after rets in the program in each mode.

If in user mode, the current instruction can be executed as if it were a rets instruction if the interrupt request line is high, interrupts are enabled, and the current instruction is interruptible. When this happens, the pc does not increment, so that a rets from kernel mode will return to the current instruction that would have been executed had the interrupt not occurred.


register-register form
format xxxx xxxx x000 0010
asm error
example error
symbolic error <- 1
opcode 2
prefix false

Assert the error line and spin until reset. Useful in unit tests to indicate a failure.

Exits the emulator with an error instead of spinning.


register-register form
format xxxx xxxx x000 0011
asm halt
example halt
symbolic halt <- 1
opcode 3
prefix false

Assert the halt line and spin until reset. Useful in unit tests to indicate a success.

Exits the emulator without an error instead of spinning.



register-register form
format xxxx xxxx x001 0000
asm rcsr rd, csr
example rcsr rd, status
symbolic rd <- csr
opcode 4
prefix false

This instruction is not yet implemented and the design will very likely change.

Moves a CSR into register rd. There are up to 16 CSRs and they control things like memory pages/banks, interrupts, and allow reading/writing of the registers from user mode while in system/kernel mode in order to perform a context switch.


register-register form
format xxxx xxxx x001 0100
asm wcsr csr, rd
example wcsr status, rd
symbolic csr <- rd
opcode 5
prefix false

This instruction is not yet implemented and the design will very likely change.

Moves a register rd into a CSR. There are up to 16 CSRs and they control things like memory pages/banks, interrupts, and allow reading/writing of the registers from user mode while in system/kernel mode in order to perform a context switch.


register-register form immediate form
format dddd ssss x001 1000 i8: dddd iiii iiii 0001
asm move rd, rs move rd, imm8
example move r5, r1 move r3, 120
symbolic rd <- rs rd <- imm8
opcode 6
prefix false

Copy a value from an 8 bit signed immediate or source register rs into the destination register rd.


register-register form immediate form
format dddd ssss x001 1100 i8: dddd iiii iiii 1001
asm loadc rd, rs loadc rd, imm8
opcode 7
prefix false

Unimplemented. Reserved for an instruction that loads a constant from program memory.

Currently hoping to avoid the need for this instruction.



register-register form immediate form
format dddd xxxx x010 0000 i11: iiii iiii iii0 0101
asm jump rd jump i11
example jump r0 jump mylabel
symbolic pc <- rd pc <- pc + imm11
opcode 8
prefix false

Jumps to either the absolute address given in a register, or increase the current pc by the immediate given.

Note: currently the jump to register is on opcode 4. Some rework is required to fix this instruction.


register-register form immediate form
format dddd xxxx x010 0000 i11: iiii iiii iii0 0101
asm call rd call i11
example call r0 call mylabel
symbolic pc <- rd pc <- pc + imm11
opcode 10
prefix false

Jumps to either the absolute address given in a register, or increase the current pc by the immediate given. At the same time, it saves the previous value of pc + 1 in the register r0 or ra.

Note: Currently calling a register does not work, it still adds the contents of the register to the pc which it shouldn't do.

Load Store


register-register form immediate form
format dddd xxxx x010 0000 ls: iiii iiii iii0 0101
asm load rd, [rs] load rd, [rs, imm4]
example load r5, [r9] load r6, [r15, 9]
symbolic rd <- mem[rs & ~1] rd <- mem[(rs & ~1) + imm4 * 2]
opcode 12
prefix false

A 16-bit word is loaded from memory at the offset provided by the doubled, zero extended immediate plus a base register rs and is stored in register rd. The least significant bit of rs is ignored.

Note: Implementation is incomplete. The immediate is not shifted left, and memory is currently word indexed not byte indexed. So address 0 is word 0 and address 1 is word 1. Therefore the least significant bit is not currently ignored.


register-register form immediate form
format dddd xxxx x010 0000 ls: iiii iiii iii0 0101
asm store [rs], rd store [rs, imm4], rd
example store [r9], r5 store [r15, 9], r6
symbolic mem[rs & ~1] <- rd mem[(rs & ~1) + imm4 * 2] <-rd
opcode 13
prefix false

A 16-bit word is stored in memory at the offset provided by the doubled, zero extended immediate plus a base register rs from the register rd.The least significant bit of rs is ignored.

Note: Implementation is incomplete. The immediate is not shifted left, and memory is currently word indexed not byte indexed. So address 0 is word 0 and address 1 is word 1. Therefore the least significant bit is not currently ignored.


register-register form immediate form
format dddd xxxx x010 0000 ls: iiii iiii iii0 0101
asm loadb rd, [rs] loadb rd, [rs, imm4]
example loadb r2, [r6] loadb r5, [r2, 15]
symbolic rd <- memb[rs] rd <- memb[rs + imm4]
opcode 14
prefix false

An 8-bit byte is loaded from memory at the absolute address provided by the register rs and is stored in register rd. The loaded byte is zero extended to 16-bits.

Note: Not implemented yet.


register-register form immediate form
format dddd xxxx x010 0000 ls: iiii iiii iii0 0101
asm storeb [rs], rd storeb [rs, imm4], rd
example storeb [r3], r4 storeb [r12, 10], r2
symbolic memb[rs] <- rd memb[rs + imm4] <-rd
opcode 15
prefix false

An 8-bit byte in the lower byte of register rd is stored to memory at the absolute address provided by the register rs.

Note: Not implemented yet.


ri6 format:

|15|14|13|12|11|10| 9| 8| 7| 6| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| 0|
|     rd    |       imm6      |     op    | 1  1|

rr format:

|15|14|13|12|11|10| 9| 8| 7| 6| 5| 4| 3| 2| 1| 0|
|     rd    |     rs    | -| 1|     op    | 0  0|


add - add immediate
  format:    ri6
  assembler: add rd, imm6
  example:   add r3, 15
  symbolic:  rd <- rd + imm6 + C
             Add a 6 bit signed immediate to the
             destination register rd. If an addc
             or subc instruction preceded this
             one, the carry flag is also added.

add - add register
  format:    rr
  assembler: add rd, rs
  example:   add r13, r2
  symbolic:  rd <- rd + rs + C
             Add registers `rd` and `rs` and store
             back into register `rd`. If an addc
             or subc instruction preceded this
             one, the carry flag is also added.


addc - add immediate with carry
  format:    ri6
  assembler: add rd, imm6
  example:   add r3, 15
  symbolic:  rd <- rd + imm6 + C; C <- carry
             Add a 6 bit signed immediate to the
             destination register rd. If an addc
             or subc instruction preceded this
             one, the carry flag is also added.
             The carry flag is set by this
             instruction. This instruction is not
             interruptible, and if a skip is in
             progress, it will also skip the next

addc - add register with carry
  format:    rr
  assembler: add rd, rs
  example:   add r13, r2
  symbolic:  rd <- rd + rs + C; C <- carry
             Add registers `rd` and `rs` and store
             back into register `rd`. If an addc
             or subc instruction preceded this
             one, the carry flag is also added.
             The carry flag is set by this
             instruction and will be cleared after
             the next instruction. This instruction
             is not interruptible, and if a skip is in
             progress, it will also skip the next


sub - subtract immediate
  format:    ri6
  assembler: sub rd, imm6
  example:   sub r3, 43
  symbolic:  rd <- rd - imm6 - C
             Subtract a 6 bit signed immediate from the
             destination register rd. If the previous
             instruction was an `addc` or `subc` the
             carry flag will also be subtracted.

sub - subtract register
  format:    rr
  assembler: sub rd, rs
  example:   sub r1, r5
  symbolic:  rd <- rd - rs - C
             Subtract registers `rd` and `rs` and store
             back into register `rd`. If the previous
             instruction was an `addc` or `subc` the
             carry flag will also be subtracted.


subc - Subtract immediate with carry
  format:    ri6
  assembler: sub rd, imm6
  example:   sub r3, 15
  symbolic:  rd <- rd - imm6 - C; C <- carry
             Subtract a 6 bit signed immediate
             from the destination register rd.
             If an addc or subc instruction
             preceded this one, the carry flag
             is also used as a borrow flag.
             The carry flag is set by this
             instruction and will be cleared after
             the next instruction. This instruction
             is not interruptible, and if a skip is in
             progress, it will also skip the next

subc - subtract register with carry
  format:    rr
  assembler: add rd, rs
  example:   add r13, r2
  symbolic:  rd <- rd - rs - C; C <- carry
             Subtract registers `rd` and `rs` and store
             back into register `rd`. If an addc
             or subc instruction preceded this
             one, the carry flag is also subtracted.
             The carry flag is set by this
             instruction and will be reset after the
             next instruction. This instruction is
             not interruptible, and if a skip is in
             progress, it will also skip the next










