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Sequences fetching and sending data from any Kafka server

Easy example of usage Kafka with Scramjet platform. As the part of this PR, three different directories are created for organizational purposes. You need also 3 different terminals to check the whole.

On first terminal:

setup kafka in docker container

cd docs/kafka-setup
docker-compose up -d

create 'scramjet' topic

docker-compose exec kafka --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic scramjet

run watcher for 'scramjet' topic, you will see here logs directly from kafka

docker-compose exec kafka --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic scramjet --from-beginning

On a second terminal run STH

DEVELOPMENT=1 sth --runtime-adapter=process

On another terminal you need to make few things. First you need to build our two samples. You can run command visible below in main directory of platform-samples project to build all samples, or you can run it directly from the kafka-transformer and kafka-consumer directories.

npm run build

Once you've built these packages, you need to run consumer Sequence first. Please note that we are passing two arguments to Sequence, topic name and server name.

si seq deploy python/kafka-consumer/dist --args [{\"topic\":\"scramjet\"},{\"server\":\"\"}]

Now you can deploy transform Sequence, with exactly same arguments:

si seq deploy python/kafka-transformer/dist --args [{\"topic\":\"scramjet\"},{\"server\":\"\"}]

You should be able to list both instances with command:

si inst ls`

Last step is to start sending some data to transformer Sequence, which send it to Kafka topic.

si inst input -

Type anything you want to blinking terminal, you should then see same data in first terminal, which shows logs from kafka directly, but also you should be able to see information on STH terminal. It should look similar to:

Topic name=scramjet, Message=b'test message'