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issues Search Results · build label:"bug fix"

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Just noticed the kernel build docs don t have instructions for the Pi5. Quite a bit changed also in Bookworm with the use of initramfs that also affects older gens, that could probably use updated instructions overall.
bookworm 🐛
bug fix
pi5 5️⃣
  • timonsku
  • 11
  • Opened 
    on Oct 28, 2023
  • #3249

Bug Fix
  • ghost
  • 3
  • Opened 
    on Aug 28, 2022
  • #2

It is correctly selecting by header file, but if the user has the same header file, in order to have different configurations for the same header, MergerJS selects the first one on the configuration. ...
bug fix
  • joao-neves95
  • Opened 
    on Jun 22, 2020
  • #170

Resolved Troubles image - Error: can be escaped with apos; , lsquo; , #39; , rsquo; . - html이나 jsx와 같은 마크업에서 eslint에서 따옴표와 같은 문자열은 html entities 사용을 권장하도록 설정되어 있으므로 html entities로 변경하거나 eslint ...
bug fix
  • callmebyneon
  • Opened 
    2 days ago
  • #88

... component imported in a wrapper component, when I build my library I receive the error below. Screenshots Captura de Tela 2024-06-18 às 17 22 40
  • denisibanez
  • 2
  • Opened 
    on Jun 18
  • #1097

Build fails because of linting too often. Need automate linting process in the CI pipeline. The command to fix linting errors is yarn prettier --write ..
bug fix
  • Fryingpannn
  • 2
  • Opened 
    23 days ago
  • #97

Trouble image Dynamic Code Evaluation not allowed in Edge Runtime 빌드 오류 확인. Resolve 특정 페이지에서 로그인 세션을 체크하여 접근 제한을 하려면 미들웨어가 아닌 라우트 내 레이아웃 혹은 페이지에서 await getSession() 사용하도록 변경 #79 - 문제 해결전 참고한 내용 ...
bug fix
  • callmebyneon
  • Opened 
    2 days ago
  • #85

Troubles and Resolved image - JSX에서 Array.map을 사용하여 Element 렌더링 시 (unique) key prop이 없으면 빌드 실패의 이유가 됨. - key prop 추가 #79 - unique key prop이 아닌 인덱스와 같이 중복되기 쉬운 값을 넣으면(1, 2, 3...) 로컬 테스트(npm ...
bug fix
  • callmebyneon
  • Opened 
    2 days ago
  • #87

bug fix
  • ari62
  • 6
  • Opened 
    on Nov 4, 2022
  • #1210

... going to be TS or Babel or whatever is in your build chain that adds that. Is it possible to get a build that doesn t have minified code at all?
bug fix
  • sjurgis
  • 5
  • Opened 
    on Sep 10, 2020
  • #247
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