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inpmndrs/gltfjsx (press backspace or delete to remove)

I m transforming a model to jsx using this command. npx gltfjsx ./f.glb -k -K -D In jsx some nodes are missing. For example the winkel_joint_basis is output as primitive. primitive object={nodes.winkel_joint_basis} ...

OK, so this is a few parts, any help on any of it would be greatly appreciated. I I have on the order of 50 models, and they all share a common material library. I am preloading the materials and don ...

I m fairly new to React Three Fibre. Following the docs/examples to try import my own 3D model. Docs say this site will convert mt GTLF file into a re-usable React component: I ...

I do have a glb/gltf model with shape key animation, firt i didn t use the pmndrs/gltfjsx and the model animation and shape key animation working fine but here s the problem I want to use my model twice ...

Only One Model Showing Hello Community I have a project where I really need to be able to reuse the models that I load. But with my models (By Quaternius) it doesn t work. I can t insert the Model multiple ...

Can you also import fbx files and layer them like you do with gltf or glb files?

Hi there, I recently downgraded three to version 0.125.2 in my project, but I m experiencing difficulties with loading materials. Specifically, the materials are not appearing as expected. I noticed that ...

Hello, and thank you for this amazing tool ! My idea is to use the power of your tool to create optimized preview renders of 3D models, which could be stored in a distant storage. The scope of the project ...

Hello there! I used npx gltfjsx [myGlb] -T but it show up prune: No unused properties found. I m sure it was under the folder. Does anyone know why?

In blender, we can add Custom Properties in a mesh. Wondering if it s a good idea to use this to specify rapier settings.