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issues Search Results · topic:maptalks-layer org:maptalks fork:true language:TypeScript

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inmaptalks (press backspace or delete to remove)

maptalks s version and what browser you use? Issue description Please provide a reproduction URL (on any jsfiddle like site)
  • Echo-7789
  • 3
  • Opened 
    3 days ago
  • #2384

Hello, is it possible to add a vector layer with a custom proj4 projection? For instance, I have a map with the EPSG:3763 projection, a tile layer in the EPSG:3857 projection, as the base map, and I want ...
  • MarciaBM
  • Opened 
    3 days ago
  • #2383

maptalks s version and what browser you use? Issue description Please provide a reproduction URL (on any jsfiddle like site)
  • deyihu
  • Opened 
    5 days ago
  • #2381

maptalks s version and what browser you use? chrome maptalks:^1.0.0-rc.27 Issue description 对TIFF切图出的瓦片,在Openlayers和leaflet上加载都是正常的,在Maptalks上加载出现拼接位置错乱,瓦片丢失的问题 问题显示 Snipaste_2024-07-12_09-03-42 代码粘贴 ...
  • zhangweixun0207
  • 1
  • Opened 
    8 days ago
  • #2379

maptalks s version and what browser you use? ---- maptalks : ^1.0.0-rc.33 , Issue description ---- 您好,我在底图上添加了一些有高度的线段,LineString中的数据都是(lng, lat, alt)的格式,相机一旦拉近时会出现线段消失的问题 这是视角没有拉近的时候,线段可以正常显示: 1720167672151 ...
  • pigHeadnotBald
  • 3
  • Opened 
    15 days ago
  • #2377

maptalks s version and what browser you use? v1.0.0-rc.33 Released Chrome Issue description 这是对比图 1 2 Please provide a reproduction URL (on any jsfiddle like site)
  • knoic
  • Opened 
    16 days ago
  • #2376

maptalks s version and what browser you use? maptalks : 1.0.0-rc.33 Electron Electron: 21.4.4 Chromium: 106.0.5249.199 Node.js: 16.16.0 V8: OS: Windows_NT x64 win32 10.0.22631 Issue ...
  • dontcry
  • 1
  • Opened 
    17 days ago
  • #2375

maptalks s version and what browser you use? v1.0.0-rc.33 Released Chrome Issue description 自定义瓦片图层放入GroupGLLayer后,当未开启地形时,正常显示,开启地形后,tileLayer.getTileUrl返回的x,y与开启前差别很大 Please provide a reproduction ...
  • knoic
  • Opened 
    17 days ago
  • #2374

maptalks s version and what browser you use? 1.0.0-rc.27 Chrome Issue description 项目中需要将drawTool中绘制结束的双击保存触发drawend,更改为某个键盘按键触发,是否可以实现? Please provide a reproduction URL (on any jsfiddle like site) ...
  • zhangweixun0207
  • 2
  • Opened 
    17 days ago
  • #2372

maptalks s version and what browser you use? Issue description // 有高度 双箭头 不显示 var line1 = new maptalks.ArcCurve( [ [-0.131049, 51.498568], [-0.107049, ...
  • deyihu
  • Opened 
    24 days ago
  • #2366
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