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pullrequests Search Results · topic:maptalks-layer org:maptalks fork:true language:TypeScript

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316 results

inmaptalks (press backspace or delete to remove)

总体思路是放宽idle message的调用门槛,让worker message分散到更长的时间周期里返回给主线程,同时不会因为主线程忙而长时间堵塞worker消息的返回。 主要改进如下: - 改为按百分比设置worker向主线程返回的消息数量,解决繁忙时,worker中消息排队过久的问题 - busyLoop(animFrameLoop)返回更少消息:目前固定为idleLoop中返回比例的一半 ...
  • fuzhenn
  • 1
  • Opened 
    2 days ago
  • #2385

const layer1 = new maptalks.VectorLayer( layer1 , { zIndex: 1 }).addTo(map); const coordinates = [ [116.949462890625, 34.849875031954156] , [116.949462890625, ...
  • deyihu
  • 2
  • Opened 
    4 days ago
  • #2382

  • Liquid-Zhangliquan
  • Opened 
    5 days ago
  • #641

fix #1888
  • deyihu
  • Opened 
    17 days ago
  • #2373

fix #1376 var map = new maptalks.Map( map , { center: [120.132398, 30.18717], zoom: 14, pitch: 56, bearing: 60, baseLayer: new maptalks.TileLayer( ...
  • deyihu
  • Opened 
    18 days ago
  • #2371

fix #2337
  • deyihu
  • Opened 
    19 days ago
  • #2370