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Serverless AWS Ruby Step Functions

This is an example of using AWS Step Functions Standard Workflow Type. It uses AWS Lambda, DynamoDB (create and update, 2 separate databases), and flows from Step Functions.



The workflow used as an example is organising a holiday for example out of town.

Here we have two dynamodb tables:

  • tickets table for tickets
  • parking-lot-spaces table for parking spaces

The workflow first creates a record for us to buy a ticket, and to book a parking space (as Parallel state), and then waits for the day on which the tour is to take place (Wait State timestamp as check_in_date), and it checks the weather.

Depending on the weather, the workflow is successful if the weather is good. Otherwise (bad weather), both the ticket and the parking space are cancelled.

This can be considered a Saga pattern.



npm install to install all needed packages.


In order to deploy the service run:

sls deploy

for deploying with a specific profile (located in ~/.aws/credentials) you can simply use the command:


for deploying to the specific stage, let's say staging do:

sls deploy --stage staging

The expected result should be similar to:

Serverless: Packaging service...
Serverless: Excluding development dependencies...
Serverless: Clearing previous build ruby layer build
[ '2.2' ]
Serverless: Installing gem using local bundler
Serverless: Zipping the gemfiles to ../examples/aws-ruby-step-functions/.serverless/ruby_layer/
Serverless: Configuring Layer and GEM_PATH to the functions
✓ State machine "myStateMachine" definition is valid
Serverless: Uploading CloudFormation file to S3...
Serverless: Uploading artifacts...
Serverless: Uploading service file to S3 (1.03 MB)...
Serverless: Uploading service file to S3 (640.83 KB)...
Serverless: Validating template...
Serverless: Updating Stack...
Serverless: Checking Stack update progress...
Serverless: Stack update finished...
Service Information
service: serverless-ruby-step-functions
stage: dev
region: us-east-1
stack: aws-ruby-step-functions-dev
resources: 23
api keys:
  buy-ticket: aws-ruby-step-functions-dev-buy-ticket
  reserve-parking-lot-space: aws-ruby-step-functions-dev-reserve-parking-lot-space
  return-ticket: aws-ruby-step-functions-dev-return-ticket
  release-parking-space: aws-ruby-step-functions-dev-release-parking-space
  check-weather: aws-ruby-step-functions-dev-check-weather
  gem: arn:aws:lambda:YOUR_REGION:XXXXXXXXXXX:layer:aws-ruby-step-functions-dev-ruby-bundle:59


After the deployment, go to the AWS Dashboard, and enter Step Functions page. You will see a newly created state machine.

Open the organize-nice-weekend-state-machine state machine and click on Start Execution. You need to provide the input in the JSON schema.


  "first_name": "Daniel",
  "last_name": "Ani",
  "check_in_date": "2021-07-11T19:35:07+00:00",
  "check_out_date": "2021-07-11T19:35:07+00:00",
  "driver_plate": "RUBY"


The check_in_date is the most important one. Without it, the state machine will be failed (it's needed for the purpose of the Wait state).


Later on, simply start the excecution.

You can watch live as the change between states takes place. It is also possible to view every parameter going in and out of each state.

The weather attribute is returned randomly (either good or bad), so sometimes you need several executions of the state machine to get a failed execution.


To check created records check your DynamoDB tables (both for tickets, and parking lot spaces). In both cases, you will see that for failure executions, the current_status for records, will be changed to canceled.

Happy Path (good weather)


Unhappy path (bad weather)


Log retention

The log retention is setup for 30 days. To change it simply change the value of this attribute in serverless.yml file:

logRetentionInDays: 30

Advanced configuration

More options (like alerting in case of failed excecutions), could be found in the plugin repository.


Path Explanation
./src All code for the project.
./src/handlers/buy_ticket Lambda function for creating a ticket.
./src/handlers/return_ticket Lambda function for returning the ticket.
./src/handlers/reserve_parking_lot_space Lambda function for reserving the parking lot space.
./src/handlers/release_parking_space Lambda function for releasing the parking spaceticket.
./src/handlers/check_weather Lambda function for checking weather.
./src/common/ Space for common, reusable pieces of code.
./src/common/adapters/dynamo_db_adapter.rb Adapter for communication with DynamoDB with the usage of AWS SDK for Ruby. Used for creating new records and updating existing ones.
./src/common/services/ticket_service.rb The service object pattern is widely used within ruby/rails developers. In our case used for all things related to tickets, so creating and updating records within DynamoDB.
./src/common/adapters/reserve_parking_service.rb In our case used for all things related to parking reservations, so creating and updating records within DynamoDB.

Serverless plugins

For this example, there are two serverless plugins used:

Plugin Explanation
serverless-ruby-layer For bundling ruby gems from Gemfile and deploys them to the lambda layer.
serverless-step-functions Serverless Framework plugin for AWS Step Functions.

Ruby gems

Gem Explanation
aws-sdk-dynamodb It's a part of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Used for DynamoDB, in the case of this example - the creation of the new record.

Remove service

To remove the service do:

sls remove

And the stack will be removed from the AWS.