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Shaka Lab GitHub Runner

The Shaka Lab GitHub Runner package will register one or more GitHub Actions Runners to your project. These self-hosted runners will run in Docker, and will be wiped every time a job is complete. You can configure the runner scope (specific repo or organization) and the number of runners (which should not exceed the number of processors).

This package is available for Linux only.


To register a self-hosted runner on GitHub, you must have admin access to the desired runner scope (a repo or an organization). You will need to generate a personal access token from an admin account with the repo scope for repositories, or the admin:org scope for organizations.

See for details.


You can pre-configure the package as shown in the installation section below, or you can simply install the package and be prompted for the necessary configs. This section will explain the configuration options and how you should set them.

To attach a runner to a specific GitHub repo, set the scope to "repo" and the scope name to the URL of the GitHub repo (e.g. ""). The access token must have repo permissions.

To attach a runner to an organization, set the scope to "org" and the scope name to the name of the GitHub organization (e.g. "shaka-project"). The access token must have admin:org permissions.

To use a runner for Shaka Player testing workflows, set the labels to self-hosted-selenium, and set the number of runners to the number of processors or the number of Selenium nodes you are running, whichever is smaller.

To use a runner for Shaka Packager workflows on arm64, set the labels to self-hosted-linux-arm64, and set the number of runners to 1.

For your own workflows, set the labels to whatever your workflow expects, and set the number of runners to whatever is appropriate for the resources available on the device.


curl -L | \
    sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/shaka-lab.asc
echo deb stable main | \
    sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/shaka-lab.list
sudo apt update

# Configure your GitHub details before installation to avoid prompting.
cat << EOF | sudo debconf-set-selections
shaka-lab-github-runner shaka-lab-github-runner/scope select SCOPE
shaka-lab-github-runner shaka-lab-github-runner/scope_name string SCOPE_NAME
shaka-lab-github-runner shaka-lab-github-runner/access_token password ACCESS_TOKEN
shaka-lab-github-runner shaka-lab-github-runner/labels string LABELS
shaka-lab-github-runner shaka-lab-github-runner/number_of_runners string NUMBER

# Install the package, which will not have to prompt for anything thanks to
# the configuration above.
sudo apt -y install shaka-lab-github-runner

To change your configuration later, run:

dpkg-reconfigure shaka-lab-github-runner


In case you run multiple runner instances on one host, each runner instance is allocated a unique port number to use in your workflows. This is passed through the environment variable ALLOCATED_PORT, which you can read in your workflows.


If your workflow needs HTTPS certificates (as the Shaka Player testing workflows do), then you should also look at the shaka-lab-cert-generator and possibly shaka-lab-cert-receiver packages. If one of these is installed, the shaka-lab-github-runner package will automatically make those certs accessible to runners under /etc/letsencrypt/.


Some Docker environment variables and command-line arguments are set by the package installation scripts, but you can customize others.

/etc/shaka-lab-github-runner.env contains the environment variables set by the package installation scripts. This includes critical settings like the GitHub access token, scope details, and labels. Please do not edit this manually. To modify the configuration, see the dpkg-reconfigure command above. To customize the environment or arguments beyond what is offered in the package configuration, see the options below.

In paths below, $INSTANCE represents an instance number, such as 1. Instance numbers start at 1, not 0.

To add environment variables that apply to all runner instances, add Docker environment files to /etc/shaka-lab-github-runner.env.d/.

To add environment variables that apply to specific runner instances, add Docker environment files to /etc/shaka-lab-github-runner@$INSTANCE.env.d/.

To add Docker command line arguments that apply to all runner instances, add them in text files inside /etc/shaka-lab-github-runner.args.d/.

To add Docker command line arguments that apply to specific runner instances, add them in text files inside /etc/shaka-lab-github-runner@$INSTANCE.args.d/.


sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade

Stopping the service

sudo systemctl stop

Starting the service

sudo systemctl start


To watch live logs from instance 1 (for example):

journalctl -f -u github-actions-runner@1.service


sudo apt remove -y shaka-lab-github-runner