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Use Azure Database for MySQL for AKS Workloads

Step-01: Introduction

  • What are the problems with MySQL Pod & Azure Disks?
  • How we are going to solve them using Azure MySQL Database?

Step-02: Create Azure Database for MySQL servers

  • Go to Service Azure Database for MySQL servers
  • Click on Add
  • Basics
  • Project details
    • Subscription: Free Trial
    • Resource Group: aks-rg1
  • Server Details
    • Server name: akswebappdb (This name is based on availability - in your case it might be something else)
    • Data source: none
    • Location: (US) East US
    • Version: 5.7 (default)
    • Compute + Storage
      • Pricing Tier: Basic
      • VCore: 1
      • Storage: 5GB
      • Storage Auto Growth: Yes
      • Backup Retention: 7 days
      • Locally Redundant: Yes
  • Administrative Account
    • Admin username: dbadmin
    • Password: Redhat1449
    • Confirm password: Redhat1449
  • Review + Create
  • It will take close to 15 minutes to create the database.

Step-03: Update Security Settings for Database

  • Go to Azure Database for MySQL Servers -> akswebappdb
  • Settings -> Connection Security
    • Very Important: Enable Allow Access to Azure Services
    • Update Firewall rules to allow from local desktop (Add current client IP Address)
    • SSL Settings: Disabled
    • Click on Save
  • It will take close to 15 minutes for changes to take place.
# Template
mysql --user=myadmin@mydemoserver -p

mysql --user=dbadmin@akswebappdb -p

Step-04: Create Kubernetes externalName service Manifest and Deploy

  • Create mysql externalName Service
  • 01-MySQL-externalName-Service.yml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: mysql
  type: ExternalName
  • Deploy Manifest
kubectl apply -f kube-manifests/01-MySQL-externalName-Service.yml

Step-04: Connect to RDS Database using kubectl and create usermgmt schema/db

# Template
kubectl run -it --rm --image=mysql:5.7.22 --restart=Never mysql-client -- mysql -h <AZURE-MYSQ-DB-HOSTNAME> -u <USER_NAME> -p<PASSWORD>

# Replace Host Name of Azure MySQL Database and Username and Password
kubectl run -it --rm --image=mysql:5.7.22 --restart=Never mysql-client -- mysql -h -u dbadmin@akswebappdb -pRedhat1449

# Added --skip-ssl flag
kubectl run -it --rm --image=mysql:5.7.22 --restart=Never mysql-client -- mysql -h -u dbadmin@akswebappdb -pRedhat1449 --skip-ssl

mysql> show schemas;
mysql> create database webappdb;
mysql> show schemas;
mysql> exit

Step-05: In User Management WebApp deployment file change username from root to dbadmin@akswebappdb

  • 02-UserMgmtWebApp-Deployment.yml
# Change From
          - name: DB_USERNAME
            value: "root"
          - name: DB_PASSWORD
            value: "dbpassword11"               

# Change To dbadmin@<YOUR-Azure-MYSQL-DB-NAME>
            - name: DB_USERNAME
              value: "dbadmin@akswebappdb"            
            - name: DB_PASSWORD
              value: "Redhat1449"                  

Step-06: Deploy User Management WebApp and Test

# Deploy all Manifests
kubectl apply -f kube-manifests/

# List Pods
kubectl get pods

# Stream pod logs to verify DB Connection is successful from SpringBoot Application
kubectl logs -f <pod-name>

Step-07: Access Application

# Get Public IP
kubectl get svc

# Access Application
Username: admin101
Password: password101

Step-08: Clean Up

# Delete all Objects created
kubectl delete -f kube-manifests/

# Verify current Kubernetes Objects
kubectl get all

# Delete Azure MySQL Database