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Developed from the scratch for my personal interests.

Brand new version 2. Now released with The Unlicense.

Pull Requests

Pull requests are welcome. Please give me a request for bugfix/new feature.

The only problem is that I won't be able to merge requests as my daily spare time is very limited. (I use the internet approximately 1 hour per day because of frequent military operations)


The modest requirements are as follows:

  • A decent web server

    • Get nginx, apache, whatever you want. I personally recommend nginx or caddy.
  • PHP 7 or later — The project follows the latest standard (as of late 2017).

    • php-mysql, php-fpm, php-curl extensions must be enabled.
    • composer must be installed.
  • Latest MySQL distribution

    • MySQL 5.7+ or MariaDB 10.2+ will be the least requirement
    • This is because of the newly-implemented ranking feature. (which is very identical to features from MSSQL)
    • Please note that MySQL 5.7 on some distros won't work. I recommend using MariaDB for this project.
  • Latest versions of modern web browsers (for clients)

    • Tested in IE11, Chrome 4.x and Chrome 61

Detailed Installation Guide

Basic Setup

  1. Copy/Clone and put all files on your webroot directory. (git clone)

  2. Use composer from your webroot directory to install additional dependencies (composer install)

  3. Now, let's generate secure random salt for the service.

    • php -r "require('lib/function.php');var_dump(generate_random_string(64));"
  4. You are now ready to fill up the install/config.php file.

  5. Install the database with install/config.sql.

  6. cp install/config.php lib/exclude/config.php

  7. Remove installation directory, Cleanup useless files

Set user as admin

  1. Register your account from the website.

  2. Get into your MySQL console.

  3. Run UPDATE user SET user_permission=9 WHERE user_nickname='YOURNICK';

Admin functions are TBD. Coming soon.

Vulnerability Reports

You're allowed to send me a mail (PGP) on a successful development of the exploit.

The successful scope of such cases are limited to following situations:

  1. Any kind of attacks that would get one's credential without one's activity.
  • i.e. SQLi, RCE, XXE attacks
  • Attacks that require the least activity are also allowed
    • i.e CSRF on public page
  1. Any kind of attacks that would compromise the system or leak important data from the system
  • i.e. RCE, LFI/RFI attacks

You're also allowed to report the vulnerablity of the challenge network on following cases:

  1. Any kind of attacks that would escape the sandbox and get the shell of the host's system.
  2. Any kind of attacks that can leak contents/packets of other sandbox(es).

On a succesful patch, your exploit will be posted with your nickname at the Hall of Fame.

Please note that,

  1. Attacking challenge network should be done with purely black-box tests, without DoS or any related attacks that would consume a lot of traffic and data on the system.

  2. I won't reply on mails about possible flaws/attacks outside the boundary. Please provide me full exploit or any exploit that would break the server.

  3. Send me the encrypted text as a file (if mail sent by PGP)


  1. CTF Mode

  2. ChallRating

  3. ChallList sort by category, score