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Google Cloud Network Firewall Policy

This module allows creation of Global, Regional Network Firewall Policy and Rules. It can also attach network firewall policy to multiple VPCs. Module will create a Regional network firewall policy if a value is provided for the variable policy_region, otherwise a Global network firewall policy will be created. Module can create both Cloud Firewall Essentials and Cloud Firewall Standard tier rules. Firewall Rules and Target VPC attachment is optional.

Module Format

Variable rules details are available here. High level format of this module is as follows:

module "network_firewall_policy" {
  source       = "terraform-google-modules/network/google//modules/network-firewall-policy"
  version      = "~> 9.0"
  project_id   = var.project_id
  policy_name  = "my-firewall-policy"
  description  = "Test firewall policy"
  target_vpcs  = [var.vpc1_id, var.vpc2_id]

  rules = [


There are examples included for global and regional firewall policies in the examples folder. Basic usage of this module is as follows:

module "network_firewall_policy" {
  source       = "terraform-google-modules/network/google//modules/network-firewall-policy"
  version      = "~> 9.0"
  project_id   = var.project_id
  policy_name  = "my-firewall-policy"
  description  = "Test firewall policy"
  target_vpcs  = [var.vpc1_id, var.vpc2_id]

  rules = [

      priority       = "1"
      direction      = "INGRESS"
      action         = "allow"
      rule_name      = "ingress-1"
      description    = "test ingres rule 1"
      enable_logging = true
      match = {
        src_ip_ranges            = [""]
        src_fqdns                = [""]
        src_region_codes         = ["US"]
        src_threat_intelligences = ["iplist-public-clouds"]
        src_secure_tags          = ["tagValues/${}"]
        src_address_groups       = []
        layer4_configs = [
            ip_protocol = "all"

      priority                = "3"
      direction               = "INGRESS"
      action                  = "allow"
      rule_name               = "ingress-3"
      disabled                = true
      description             = "test ingres rule 3"
      enable_logging          = true
      target_service_accounts = ["fw-test-svc-acct@${var.project_id}"]
      match = {
        src_ip_ranges  = [""]
        dest_ip_ranges = [""]
        layer4_configs = [
            ip_protocol = "tcp"
            ports       = ["80"]

      priority       = "101"
      direction      = "EGRESS"
      action         = "allow"
      rule_name      = "egress-101"
      description    = "test egress rule 101"
      enable_logging = true
      match = {
        src_ip_ranges             = [""]
        dest_fqdns                = [""]
        dest_region_codes         = ["US"]
        dest_threat_intelligences = ["iplist-public-clouds"]
        dest_address_groups       = []
        layer4_configs = [
            ip_protocol = "all"

      priority                = "103"
      direction               = "EGRESS"
      action                  = "allow"
      rule_name               = "egress-103"
      disabled                = true
      description             = "test ingres rule 103"
      enable_logging          = true
      target_service_accounts = ["fw-test-svc-acct@${var.project_id}"]
      match = {
        dest_ip_ranges = [""]
        layer4_configs = [
            ip_protocol = "tcp"
            ports       = ["80", "8080", "8081-8085"]




Name Description Type Default Required
description An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource string null no
policy_name User-provided name of the Network firewall policy string n/a yes
policy_region Location of the firewall policy. Needed for regional firewall policies. Default is null (Global firewall policy) string null no
project_id Project ID of the Network firewall policy string n/a yes
rules List of Ingress/Egress rules
priority = number
direction = string
action = string
rule_name = optional(string)
disabled = optional(bool)
description = optional(string)
enable_logging = optional(bool)
target_secure_tags = optional(list(string))
target_service_accounts = optional(list(string))
match = object({
src_ip_ranges = optional(list(string), [])
src_fqdns = optional(list(string), [])
src_region_codes = optional(list(string), [])
src_secure_tags = optional(list(string), [])
src_threat_intelligences = optional(list(string), [])
src_address_groups = optional(list(string), [])
dest_ip_ranges = optional(list(string), [])
dest_fqdns = optional(list(string), [])
dest_region_codes = optional(list(string), [])
dest_threat_intelligences = optional(list(string), [])
dest_address_groups = optional(list(string), [])
layer4_configs = optional(list(object({
ip_protocol = optional(string, "all")
ports = optional(list(string), [])
})), [{}])
[] no
target_vpcs List of target VPC IDs that the firewall policy will be attached to list(string) [] no


Name Description
fw_policy Firewall policy created
rules Firewall policy rules created
vpc_associations VPC associations created

Firwall Policy Rules Format

In a firewall policy rule, you specify a set of components that define what the rule does. Some of the values are optional and some have default value. See Inputs. For sample code check global and regional in examples folder.

  • priority: An integer indicating the priority of a rule in the list. The priority must be a positive value between 0 and 2147483647 and It has to be unique for every rule.
  • dest_fqdns, dest_region_codes, dest_threat_intelligences and dest_address_groups values are not needed and ignored by the this for INGRESS policies.
  • src_fqdns, src_region_codes, src_threat_intelligences and src_address_groups values are not needed and ignored by this module for EGRESS policies.
  • target_secure_tags may not be set at the same time as target_service_accounts. When both target_service_accounts and target_secure_tags are provided, this module will generate an error message.
  • layer4_configs is a list of maps.
    • ip_protocol: IP protocol to which this rule applies. The protocol type is required when creating a firewall rule. This value can either be one of the following well known protocol strings (tcp, udp, icmp, esp, ah, ipip, sctp), or the IP protocol number.
    • ports: An optional list of ports to which this rule applies. Field is only applicable for UDP or TCP protocol. Each entry must be either an integer or a range. If not specified, this rule applies to connections through any port.


    priority                = 1
    direction               = "INGRESS"
    action                  = allow
    rule_name               = "my-test-policy"
    disabled                = false
    description             = "My test firewall policy"
    enable_logging          = true
    target_secure_tags      = ["tagValues/${}",]
    target_service_accounts = ["fw-test-svc-acct@$"]
    match = {
      src_ip_ranges             = [""]
      src_fqdns                 = []
      src_region_codes          = []
      src_secure_tags           = []
      src_address_groups        = []
      dest_ip_ranges            = [""]
      dest_fqdns                = []
      dest_region_codes         = []
      dest_threat_intelligences = []
      dest_address_groups       = []
      layer4_configs = [
          ip_protocol = "tcp"
          ports       = ["80", "8080", "8081-8085"]


Installed Software

Configure a Service Account

In order to execute this module you must have a Service Account with the following roles:

  • roles/compute.securityAdmin
  • roles/compute.networkAdmin

Enable API's

In order to operate with the Service Account you must activate the following API on the project where the Service Account was created:
