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 Some portions of the survival package have been written using the literate
programming paradym.  These are contained here, and have a .Rnw suffix.
Long term, the plan is to have all of the code source here to maximize
the documentation, and through it the reliability of the package. 

These files are processed using the noweb package, NOT by Sweave or knitr.
The purpose of the latter two is to create reports that interweave text and
exectuted results.  The noweb package documents and writes out source code
for functions.  Use "make fun" to create the objects in ../R.  (If you
don't, changes here will have no effect on the final pacakge.)

The file code.pdf is documentation for understanding the code, 
not how to use the survival functions for data analysis.  For those who
maintain the code it will be a big help, for everyone else I'd expect
it to be boring.  To create code.pdf type  "make doc".

Any .Rnw files that are not yet included in the Makefile are works in progress.

A note on style: I prefer to use smaller "chunks" of code in my editor, and so
this is broken up into a lot of pieces.  That is neither right nor wrong, just 
my preference.  Similarly, the Makefile creates many different .R files in the
../R directory.  We could have a much simpler Makefile that created a single 
large "code.R" file, but I tend to add cat() and browser() calls to the .R when
debugging, rather than the .Rnw, so I like smaller files there too.

	Terry Therneau