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Scripts in this folder are for adding addtional capabilities to epdiy.


python3 [-h] -i INPUTFILE -n NAME -o OUTPUTFILE [-maxw MAX_WIDTH] [-maxh MAX_HEIGHT]

optional arguments:

  • -h, --help show this help message and exit


  • -n NAME


  • -maxw MAX_WIDTH

  • -maxh MAX_HEIGHT



python3 [-h] [--compress] [--additional-intervals ADDITIONAL_INTERVALS] [--string STRING] name size fontstack [fontstack ...]

Generate a header file from a font to be used with epdiy.

positional arguments:

  • name name of the font to be used in epdiy.
  • size font size to use.
  • fontstack list of font files, ordered by descending priority. This is not actually implemented as yet. Please just use one file for now.

optional arguments:

  • -h, --help show this help message and exit

  • --compress compress glyph bitmaps.

  • --additional-intervals ADDITIONAL_INTERVALS

                    Additional code point intervals to export as min,max. This argument
                    can be repeated.
  • --string STRING A quoted string of all required characters. The intervals are will be made from these characters if they exist in the ttf file. Missing characters will warn about their abscence.


  1. Download a ttf from where you like to a directory. As in: "~/Downloads/any_old_ttf.ttf" in the download directory

  2. Run

python3 my_font 30 ~/Downloads/any_old_ttf.ttf --string '/0123456789:;@ABCDEFGH[\]^_abcdefgh{|}~¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª' > fonts.h`

  • you will need to use special escapes for characters like ' or " This is system dependant though.
  1. copy fonts.h into your app folder or where ever your app can find it.
  2. include it into your project with #include fonts.h Then use it just like any other font file in epdiy.

To run this script the freetype module needs to be installed. This can be done with pip install freetype-py You will be warned if it is not accessible by the script.


####usage: [-h] [--list-modes] [--temperature-range TEMPERATURE_RANGE] [--export-modes EXPORT_MODES] name

positional arguments: name name of the waveform object.

optional arguments:

  • -h, --help show this help message and exit

  • --list-modes list the available modes for tis file.

  • --temperature-range TEMPERATURE_RANGE only export waveforms in the temperature range of min,max °C.

  • --export-modes EXPORT_MODES comma-separated list of waveform mode IDs to export.