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Allows you to generate CRM 2011/2013 schema files based on a T4 template. 
Template is saved to project so that you can modify it as needed. 

Version 0.9.3
[UPDATE] disabling login form while retrieving data from the server.
[BUG] Fixed, when you have an existing .tt file on disk but not in the project and you were adding a .tt file with the same name to the project Visual Studio would get set stuck in a loop
[BUG] Fixed, when an error occurred while refreshing the entities the hourglass cursor would be stuck.

Version 0.9.2
[BUG] Reverted back to modal dialog, as Visual Studio will send control keys (eg backspace, home, end) to text editor window with a modeless dialog.
[BUG] now showing the wait cursor sooner when logging into CRM to retrieve the entities.
[UPDATE] updated templates so that they would convert any Carriage Return in descriptions to CRLF

Version 0.9.1
[BUG] fixed bug when existing template window was open in the editor and it was being replaced.
[UPDATE] changed AddTemplate window to non-modal (Login window has to be modal)
[BUG] fixed window position to center on Visual Studio
[BUG] removed connection cache as it may not renew itself (eg leave VS open over night and you wont be able to re-generate code)

Version 0.9 is ready for production. All generated classes has been compared to(and match) the Output from CrmSvcUtil.exe
[UPDATE] added more entities to the list of Non-Standard
[UPDATE] updated Attributes1 to match naming used by CrmSvcUtil.exe
[UPDATE] removed double underscore on Event, Namespace, & Abstract attributes to match CrmSvcUtil.exe
[UPDATE] removed background color on checkbox
[UPDATE] converted attributes name for SecondHalf & FirstHalf to match the title case used by CrmSvcUtil.exe
[BUG] fixed name for InvoiceState.Closed
[REFACTOR] Moved NonStandard entities to helper class
[UPDATE] Added the ability to exclude the non-standard entities with a checkbox.
[UPDATE] added summaries to XrmServiceContext class in
[BUG] fixed false positive on self-referencing many to many relationships (eg CampaignItem  Campaign-to-Campaign is not self-referencing)
[UPDATE] to only use base.Id on read only entities  (this is a template change if you have an old template delete and use the one from this version)
[UPDATE] Dialogs now open in the center of Visual Studio

Version 0.8.5
[UPDATE] XML escaped the descriptions so they can be added into the summary of an class/property
[UPDATE] force-excluded entities that aren't included in CrmSvcUtil.exe
[BUG] typo in
[UPDATE] corrected CalendarRules by mirroring what CrmSvcUtil.exe does
[UPDATE] added rule to convert attribute name from calendar_calendar_rules to CalendarRules
[UPDATE] update Attribute type for ManagedProperties (eg ConnectionRole.IsCustomizable)
[UPDATE] fixed the case on the 'From' attribute
[UPDATE] excluded some more entities that aren't included with CrmSvcUtil.exe
[UPDATE] added support deprecated attributes
[UPDATE] cosmetic changes to CrmSrvUtil template to make it look more like the output from CrmSrvUtil.exe

[BUG] Fixed bug in CrmSvcUtil template that cause problem with readonly entities 

Version 0.8.4
[BUG] corrected AuditId so that it is now read only attribute on Audit (to match CrmSvcUtil.exe)
[BUG] corrected the StateCode on the AsyncOperation  entity to allow it to be R/W (to match CrmSvcUtil.exe)
[BUG] Fixed attribute name for the ID attribute of Activities  (it should be activityid not appoinmentid)
[BUG] AllParties needed to be made read only.
[BUG] Proper case for RequiredAttendees
[BUG] fixed the Attribute names for the period attributes on the fiscal calendars  (now using annual/quarter/month instead of period/periodN/periodN)
[BUG] fixed attribute name of self-referencing 1:N relationship (eg "account_parent_account")
[UPDATE] Added ObjectTypeCode to entities that have them (eg address, annotation, queueitem, etc.)
[REFACTOR] removed the extra code that was added to created the Base fields (it wasn't needed, they were jsut being excluded)
[BUG] Added fully qualified class name to OptionSetValue
[UPDATE] Added Entity/Class summary to CrmSvcUtil template
[UPDATE] Replaced spaces with tabs in the CrmSvcUtil template
[UPDATE] Replaced all spaces in the CrmSvcUtil template with tabs
[UPDATE] Added summary to the attributes.

[BUG] fixed bug that was allowing a relationship to be updatable when the underlying property was not updatable.
[UPDATE] Added Referenced/Referencing relationships for self referencing N:N relationships (eg campaigncampaign_association)
[BUG] changed naming convention on 1:N relationship to match CrmSvcUtil.exe (removed the pluralization)
[UPDATE] forced removed postregarding, postrole, imagedescriptor, owner as they aren't provide in CrmSvcUtil
[BUG] Corrected the names of the Self-referencing relationships (eg contact_customer_contacts)
[UPDATE] Added _Base attributes for currency attributes.  Added some explicit class names

[BUG] Possible naming conflict when an N:N relationship has the same name as the entity. (eg native N:N relationship)

[BUG] Used the wrong name when mapping related entities for custom entities.  (also requires template to be updated; change attribute.ToEntity.DisplayName to attribute.ToEntity.HybridName)

Version 0.8.3
Worked on getting the CrmSvcUtil template to more closely mirror what is generated by CrmScvUtil.exe
[UPDATE] Added support for N:N Relationships
[UPDATE] Added Support for N:1 Relationships
[UPDATE] Added Support for 1:N Relationships
[UPDATE] forced excluding applicationfile entity, it's not provided with the CrmSvcUtil.exe
[UPDATE] changed default templates so that CrmSvcUtil is the one that match Microsoft's CrmSvcUtil.exe  and CrmSvcUtilExtended is the one with extra items (enums for OptionSetValue)
[UPDATE] Added additional fields for Entity Images (to match CrmSvcUtil)
[BUG/UPDATE] Removed the *Name & *Type fields from standard template.
[BUG] allowed OwnerId to be writable (needed when creating a new record).
[UPDATE] more standardization of the CrmSrvUtil.  Removed 'sub'attribute fields
[BUG/UPDATE] forced excluding these entities; sqlencryptionaudit, subscriptionsyncinfo, and subscriptiontrackingdeletedobject.  As they were not listed in the entities that are retrieved by CrmSvcutil
[BUG/UPDATE] CrmSvcUtilStandard template updated the StateCode to mirror the CrmSvcUtil where the field is ReadOnly.
[UPDATE] Added ActivityParty (forced if there is Activity in the entities list)
[BUG/UPDATE] for the standard template uniqueidentifiers are now being set to Nullable<GUID>.

Version 0.8.2
[UPDATE] saving originally generated code so that is can be re-used if the developer cancels the login process the code generation does wipe out the file
[REFACTOR] Cleaning up the code in DteHelper
[UPDATE] Made Intersect Entities (aka Native N:N) readonly in the standard template
[UPDATE] Changed the default URL to match CRM OnLine
[BUG] Fixed bug that was causing the setting to get lost (ie not saved in the .SLN)
[BUG] was defaulting to the last organization that was selected.
[UPDATE] Better error handling for connection problems
[BUG] fixed so that the ErrorList window would be cleared of any previous template errors
[UPDATE] Username & Password (encrypted) now stored in the .SUO file
[UPDATE] password input is now using a PasswordBox so the password is concealed.

Version 0.8.1
[UPDATE] updated wording of menu item
[BUG] Template was being added if the developer hit cancel or close.
[UPDATE] removed Min/Max button from dialogs
[BUG] Fixed Typo in Dialogbox
[UPDATE] Leaving Login window until have the mapping is done, so it clear to the developer that it's still working.
[UPDATE] Any syntax errors in the template will generate an Error and show the Error List

Version 0.8.0
Complete overhaul.   Menu item now only add the template with the 'Custom Tool' attached.  The 'Custom Tool'  will then prompt for login credentials