Dr. Barbara Mutedzi (PhD).  Conscious Leadership, Wellbeing and Neuroscience Based Coach

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Artikel oleh Dr. Barbara Mutedzi (PhD). Conscious Leadership,



Pengalaman & Pendidikan

  • Conscious Leadership with Design Your Life Foundation

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Lisensi dan Sertifikasi

  • Gambar Compassionate Inquiry

    Compassionate Inquiry

    Compassionate Inquiry

  • Gambar Neuroscience-Based Coach_ICF Accredited Course

    Neuroscience-Based Coach_ICF Accredited Course

    Synaptic Potential

  • PSI Fundamentals of Management and PSI ethics certificate


  • Technology for Data Visualization (ongoing)


  • Life Coach


  • Excel for data visualisation


  • Gender Integration in Political Transition Environments


  • Monitoring and Evaluation Fundamentals


  • NIH Ethics certification on ‘Protecting Human Research Participants’


  • Translating Research into Policy


  • HIV/AIDS Care and Counseling


  • Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)



Pengalaman Sukarela

  • Manager and Coordinator

    Chiedza Psycho-social Support Group

    - 5 tahun 4 tahun


    I started as a volunteer facilitator with Chiedza Support Group in October 2009. My strengths lie in high organisational skills, which I used when I first volunteered; to take over the financial part of the group, keeping records and reports. Funds were and are still scarce. As a result of my organisational and creative ways of managing the little we had, we were able to sustain the programme. This level of commitment saw me being promoted to being the Manager and Coordinator of Chiedza after…

    I started as a volunteer facilitator with Chiedza Support Group in October 2009. My strengths lie in high organisational skills, which I used when I first volunteered; to take over the financial part of the group, keeping records and reports. Funds were and are still scarce. As a result of my organisational and creative ways of managing the little we had, we were able to sustain the programme. This level of commitment saw me being promoted to being the Manager and Coordinator of Chiedza after only a year of being a volunteer facilitator.

    Within 2012, I initiated a peer supporters group from the older adolescents within the group. We nurtured them to become peer facilitators so that the Chiedza Support Group is peer run and therefore more sustainable. The leadership skills we imparted to the peer supporters were very effective as the other adolescents in the group became more open and participative; as they felt a sense of ownership of the group.

    Within 2013, I have again initiated another project as part of the Support Group. We have older adolescents who have finished high school and have no funds to proceed to higher education. As a result they stay at home as there are very few jobs that they can do, seeing that there is a high unemployment rate in Zimbabwe. We have encouraged them to start small businesses that will allow them to earn money, which they will pay back at a time when they can. If they produce a succinct business plan, Chiedza would fund part of their projects. They can then pay back Chiedza when they have earned adequate funds. This money that has been paid back can then be used to fund other adolescents’ projects.

    My goal each year is to initiate projects like those above, to make sure that Chiedza becomes bigger, better and more sustainable – something that the adolescents can own and continue to contribute to.

  • President and Finance Director

    Rotaract Club of Msasa

    Social Services

    I was a member of the Rotaract Club of Msasa (a local Rotaract Club in Harare, Zimbabwe). The club raised funds for children’s homes in the city of Harare. At times, we visited children, spending time and engaging in activities with them. My natural zeal and active participation in the administration of the organisation including a self initiated 100% attendance at all meetings and functions, saw me being nominated as a President of the Club as well as the Finance Director thereafter.

  • Volunteer Reader

    Mount Pleasant Library


    Every Friday afternoon, I volunteered to read books to children of primary school going age after their lessons at school. School children came to the library, chose books that they were interested in and we read through themMy love for children also saw me volunteering at my local library in Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. I volunteered to read to primary school children after school on Friday afternoons. The children came to the library, amongst them they would choose a few books, that I…

    Every Friday afternoon, I volunteered to read books to children of primary school going age after their lessons at school. School children came to the library, chose books that they were interested in and we read through themMy love for children also saw me volunteering at my local library in Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. I volunteered to read to primary school children after school on Friday afternoons. The children came to the library, amongst them they would choose a few books, that I read to and with them. I have recently donated all my past Undergraduate books to the library that I will not be using in my future studies. together.

  • Volunteer

    Organisation formed by individual well-wishers


    When I started my undergraduate program with UNISA, I felt I needed to restart volunteering as I had stopped, due to my travels. I volunteered at a local hospital to feed children and the elderly, most living with HIV and AIDS, who came from afar for medication and doctor's visits. Some of the patients, because they had to travel long distances and because they had no extra money on top of the transport fare required to come to the hospitals, went without food. The sandwiches, tea and juice we…

    When I started my undergraduate program with UNISA, I felt I needed to restart volunteering as I had stopped, due to my travels. I volunteered at a local hospital to feed children and the elderly, most living with HIV and AIDS, who came from afar for medication and doctor's visits. Some of the patients, because they had to travel long distances and because they had no extra money on top of the transport fare required to come to the hospitals, went without food. The sandwiches, tea and juice we provided, went a long way in them regaining their strength and allaying any forms of hunger pains whilst they waited to see the doctor.

    Instead of feeding the children behind a counter, as was the procedure, I went to the different areas and departments, looking for those who could not come to us because they were queuing for medication, for counselling and to see the doctor.

  • Ophthalmic Assistant

    The Eye Institute


    I offered to assist at the Eyes for Zimbabwe Campaign through the ophthalmic clinic that I worked in. As an ophthalmic assistant I opted to be part of the team who went once a year to the rural areas to offer cataract extractions to the elderly. I assisted in pre-op rituals, assisted the ophthalmologists in theatre and assisted the patients post-operatively. This was extra non-paying work that I opted to do because of the volunteer and "need to help" nature that I have within…

    I offered to assist at the Eyes for Zimbabwe Campaign through the ophthalmic clinic that I worked in. As an ophthalmic assistant I opted to be part of the team who went once a year to the rural areas to offer cataract extractions to the elderly. I assisted in pre-op rituals, assisted the ophthalmologists in theatre and assisted the patients post-operatively. This was extra non-paying work that I opted to do because of the volunteer and "need to help" nature that I have within me.

    Cataract operations within the rural areas are paramount as the elderly who make up most of the patients requiring cataract operations are found in the rural areas. At most, they also do not have access to eye health care or they do not have the funds to undergo such treatments. The Eyes for Zimbabwe Campaign, provides these services each year, for free.

    As an ophthalmic assistant, I also volunteered in photo-eye screening services for children under the age of 6, to determine any congenital or other eye conditions that could be recognised and treated early. I took time out of work visiting schools that potentially needed children to be tested so that I could introduce them to the program.

  • Mentor


    - Saat ini 9 tahun 7 tahun


    I presently mentor and provide life coaching to adolescents and young adults.


  • Improving bereavement outcomes in Zimbabwe: results of a feasibility cluster trial of the 9-cell bereavement tool

    Pilot and Feasibility Studies

    CONTEXT: Despite high mortality rates from both communicable and non-communicable diseases, bereavement is under-researched in African countries. The 9-cell bereavement tool was designed to assist individuals to reflect on their feelings about bereavement and identify resources in families and communities to manage bereavement. This study aimed to determine the feasibility of implementing the 9-cell bereavement tool and recruitment to experimental…

    CONTEXT: Despite high mortality rates from both communicable and non-communicable diseases, bereavement is under-researched in African countries. The 9-cell bereavement tool was designed to assist individuals to reflect on their feelings about bereavement and identify resources in families and communities to manage bereavement. This study aimed to determine the feasibility of implementing the 9-cell bereavement tool and recruitment to experimental evaluation.

    Implementation of the nine-cell bereavement tool and recruitment to experimental evaluation were successful. Implementation of the tool and the recruitment of study participants were conducted within the intended timeframe of 3 weeks. In line with the suggested sample size, the study was able to recruit and retain at least 75% of the trial participants for the total duration of the study.

    The feasibility cluster trial was successfully implemented and assessed. Through the published protocol, the literature review and the results of this study, it has been noted that there is an urgent need to carry out a full trial in this subject matter, not only as a contribution to the currently sparse literature in this regard, but for the enormous potential public health benefit in supporting and saving lives in many more under-resourced and under-supported countries.

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  • “We need more big trees as well as the grass roots”: Going beyond research capacity building to develop sustainable careers in mental health research in African countries

    ACADEMIC JOURNAL PUBLICATION: LINK: https://rdcu.be/b6g90

    ✨LINK: https://rdcu.be/b6g90

    ✨This study highlights the importance of developing research infrastructure alongside capacity-building efforts. International funders should invest in grant management at African universities which would place them at the centre of research initiatives. African universities should prioritise the creation of a research culture by developing and promoting well-defined research tracks for both clinicians and academics, investing in grant management, and raising…

    ✨LINK: https://rdcu.be/b6g90

    ✨This study highlights the importance of developing research infrastructure alongside capacity-building efforts. International funders should invest in grant management at African universities which would place them at the centre of research initiatives. African universities should prioritise the creation of a research culture by developing and promoting well-defined research tracks for both clinicians and academics, investing in grant management, and raising the profile of research within their institutions.

    Keywords: Global mental health, Africa, Research Policy, Research funding, Research capacity strengthening

    Lihat penerbitan
  • Improving bereavement outcomes in Zimbabwe protocol for a feasibility cluster trial of the 9-cell bereavement tool

    Pilot and Feasibility Studies

    The high burden of bereavement in sub-Saharan Africa is largely attributable to HIV, cancer, and other non-communicable diseases. However, interventions to improve grief and bereavement are rare. Given high rates of mortality in the context of weak health systems, community lay members are well placed to provide peer bereavement support. The 9-cell bereavement tool was developed in Zimbabwe to improve community members’ capacity to support the bereaved. This study…

    The high burden of bereavement in sub-Saharan Africa is largely attributable to HIV, cancer, and other non-communicable diseases. However, interventions to improve grief and bereavement are rare. Given high rates of mortality in the context of weak health systems, community lay members are well placed to provide peer bereavement support. The 9-cell bereavement tool was developed in Zimbabwe to improve community members’ capacity to support the bereaved. This study aims to determine the feasibility of implementing the 9-cell bereavement tool and recruitment to experimental evaluation.

    This feasibility cluster randomized trial with embedded qualitative interviews will be conducted in two comparable neighborhoods in Zimbabwe. Community leaders from each neighborhood will identify 25 potential community lay bereavement supporters, each of whom will recruit 2–3 bereaved community members into the trial. The intervention will be randomly allocated to one community, and the second community will form a wait-list control (n ≥ 75 in each community cluster). Recruitment is estimated to take place over 3 weeks. Measures at T0 (baseline, i.e., week 0), T1 (midline, i.e., week 14 or 3 months post-baseline) and T2 (endline, i.e., week 27 or 3 months post-midline) will address mental health, social support, and levels of grief per individual. Qualitative data will describe lay supporters’ views of intervention training and delivery, and participants’ experience of bereavement support.

    This is the first documented trial evaluating a bereavement intervention in sub-Saharan Africa. Recruitment, retention, and measurement data will determine the feasibility of a full trial.

    Lihat penerbitan
  • Advocating for children and adolescents living with HIV in Harare

    Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP)

    ✨HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care amongst adolescents is low and inadequate when compared to other groups within African national populations (WHO 2013). There are high morbidity and mortality rates in this age group, specifically due to 'poor prioritising of adolescents in national HIV/AIDS plans, inadequate provision of accessible and acceptable HIV/AIDS testing and counselling and treatment services, and lack of support for adolescents to remain in care and adhere to anti-retroviral…

    ✨HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care amongst adolescents is low and inadequate when compared to other groups within African national populations (WHO 2013). There are high morbidity and mortality rates in this age group, specifically due to 'poor prioritising of adolescents in national HIV/AIDS plans, inadequate provision of accessible and acceptable HIV/AIDS testing and counselling and treatment services, and lack of support for adolescents to remain in care and adhere to anti-retroviral therapy' (WHO 2013). The political ecology framework used to inform this book was useful in revealing the webs of causation and human relationships within the healthcare and sociocultural structures that children and adolescents living with HIV engage with. Medical Anthropology, largely lacking in prior HIV-related research in Zimbabwe, is an important platform to engage genuine ethnographic research and comprehensive theoretical frameworks with an emphasis on implementing and advising on the feasibility of child-centred interventions. Children and adolescents should be engaged at all stages, determining the feasibility of HIV healthcare interventions they themselves are engaged in formulating.

    LINK to purchase on Amazon:

  • Contribution to the UNICEF Resource: Why Do People Do What They Do? A Social Norms Manual for Zimbabwe and Swaziland


    ✨The theory of social norms helps us to answer a basic and important question: Why do people do what they do? Here’s a list of the responses to that question we produced on our first day of training:

    1 Because society expects them to
    2 In order to make progress, learn, solve problems, achieve goals to become better people
    (increasing the value in oneself)
    3 Self fulfillment; fun; peace (but everyone isn’t the same in where they find these)

    ✨The theory of social norms helps us to answer a basic and important question: Why do people do what they do? Here’s a list of the responses to that question we produced on our first day of training:

    1 Because society expects them to
    2 In order to make progress, learn, solve problems, achieve goals to become better people
    (increasing the value in oneself)
    3 Self fulfillment; fun; peace (but everyone isn’t the same in where they find these)
    4 To defy and challenge social norms
    5 To fulfill their responsibilities
    6 As a spontaneous act
    7 Because everyone does what they see with their own eyes
    8 Because it interests them; or they have an interest
    9 Because they believe in what they’re doing
    10 Because they were raised that way
    11 To survive!
    12 Because they’re scared of the police

    All the answers above are great, but we’ve highlighted four especially because they preview the four types of collective behaviour that social norms theory distinguishes. Can you remember each?

    The first answer (“Because society expects them to”) roughly describes our behaviour when we are following a social norm: “I do it because other people expect me to do it.”

    The seventh answer (“because everyone does what they see with their own eyes”) roughly corresponds to our motivation for following a descriptive norm: “I do it because other people do it.”

    The eighth answer (“because they have an interest”) roughly corresponds to our motivation for engaging in a custom: “I do it because it meets my needs.”

    The ninth (“because they believe in what they’re doing”) roughly corresponds to our motivation for following a moral norm: “I do it because it’s right.”

    But these are just helpful slogans! The theory of social norms is most powerful when we understand its terms precisely. To build our way up to precise definitions of each of these kinds of behaviour, we need to review the basic concepts.

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  • Am I Insane, Black or Just a Woman


    This book is about my personal experiences of the insanity of everyday living and my experiences as a black person and a woman. I wrote the book it in a way that is meant to be engaging, as I open up and invite you, reader to experience the early years of my life through prose, narration and poetry. In inviting you, into conversation with me, I hope to create and encourage dialogue on many fronts.

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  • Leading Self + Leading Others

    LinkedIn Articles

    ✨44 articles ranging from Conscious Leadership, Leading Remote Teams Efficiently and Organizational Transformation, to Coaching and Self Leadership

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  • Thought Leadership Experience


    ✨ TOPICS I have written above, spoken about and been interviewed for:

    1. The Importance of Self-Leadership
    Higher Level Self Leadership ⚘ Higher Level Leadership as the Precursor to Leading Others Better ⚘ Growth Mindset ⚘ Mind-Body-Spirit Connection ⚘ Steps to Starting and Maintaining the Journey to Higher Level Self-Leadership ⚘ Meditation

    2. Conscious Leadership in the Workplace, Community and Nation:
    Consciously Leading from Within ⚘ Becoming a Conscious leader ⚘ The…

    ✨ TOPICS I have written above, spoken about and been interviewed for:

    1. The Importance of Self-Leadership
    Higher Level Self Leadership ⚘ Higher Level Leadership as the Precursor to Leading Others Better ⚘ Growth Mindset ⚘ Mind-Body-Spirit Connection ⚘ Steps to Starting and Maintaining the Journey to Higher Level Self-Leadership ⚘ Meditation

    2. Conscious Leadership in the Workplace, Community and Nation:
    Consciously Leading from Within ⚘ Becoming a Conscious leader ⚘ The main elements and steps to Conscious Leadership ⚘ Why Conscious Leadership is important for business ⚘ Self-Awareness & Emotional Intelligence in Business ⚘ Leading Remote Teams ⚘ Becoming Learning & Development Advisors ⚘ Actionable and Implementable Strategies

    3. Living a Life of & on Purpose
    Purpose ⚘ The importance of, and how to figure out your life and leadership purpose ⚘ Embracing your global role as a black person / as a woman / as a human being ⚘ The importance of a Deep sense of belonging

    I am a multi-faceted professional with a wide-ranging skill set allowing me to take in large amounts of data from many varying disciplines, as shown by my own extensive educational journey (official and unofficial), and be able to consolidate them into actionable and implementable strategies that are sustainable, flexible and agile programs and projects as needed.

    I am multi-passionate and curious human, whose professional path has seen me working in varying and different industries, within NGOs, Community Based Organizations, Public Health Organizations, Private and individual organizations in low, middle and high income countries.

    Companies I have worked for across Africa, USA, Asia and UK have ranged in size from a few people to over 100 people head count. I have worked in positions ranging to Director, Advisor and Board member level.

    I bring all this wisdom to all my Thought Leadership Work.

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Gelar Kehormatan dan Penghargaan

  • Ruth First Educational Trust 2013/14 Recipient

    Ruth First Educational Trust

  • Distinction for my Masters Dissertation

    Durham University, UK

    October 2014


  • English

    Tingkat fasih atau penutur asli

  • Shona

    Tingkat fasih atau penutur asli

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