SANS Review: Google reCAPTCHA Enterprise

Connected Sheets for Looker

Analyze your data from any of the 50+ different data sources integrated with Looker, all through the familiar Google Sheets interface.

H1 60 characters et ipsum dolor sit amet phaerta et purus

180 characters lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris id auctor erat. Mauris cursus pharetra purus, et blandit magna condimentum et felis.




H1 60 characters et ipsum dolor sit amet phaerta et��purus

H1 60 characters et ipsum dolor sit amet phaerta et purus

H1 60 characters et ipsum dolor sit amet phaerta et purus

180 characters lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris id auctor erat. Mauris cursus pharetra purus, et blandit magna condimentum et felis.

Event countdown timer




reCAPTCHA Enterprise helps secure online services against fraudulent activities.

As more of our critical services and assets move online, it’s important to realize that attackers are shifting their attack strategies to fraudulently interact with sites and services in new, innovative, and perhaps unanticipated ways. To combat this kind of malicious behavior, deep machine learning and threat intelligence are needed in tandem to detect unusual patterns and sources of requests in real time.

reCAPTCHA Enterprise employs advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze user behavior and assess risk levels in real time. By identifying and blocking automated bots and fraud actors, reCAPTCHA Enterprise helps secure online services against account takeovers, unauthorized access, and fraudulent activities.

SANS had the opportunity to review the Google reCAPTCHA Enterprise platform and evaluate its key features.

120 characters autem quibusdam et autae officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet voluptates repudiandae sint.

—Firstname Lastname, Title lorem ipsum dolor set amet

reCAPTCHA Enterprise offers organizations an entire ecosystem of tools for both detecting and responding to fraud.


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Link text

Carbon Health transforms operating outcomes with Connected Sheets for Looker

Learn how Connected Sheets for Looker unlocked an entirely new way of sharing insights across Carbon Health.

Analyze Looker-modeled data through Google Sheets

Connected Sheets for Looker brings modeled, trusted data into the familiar spreadsheet interface.

H2 50 characters lorem eusa ipsum dolor sit elis amet

H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

Date XX, XXXX [SH-M]

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H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

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H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

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H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

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H2 50 characters lorem eusa ipsum dolor sit elis amet

H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

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H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

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H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

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H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

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H3 28 characters lorem ipsum

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H2 50 characters lorem eusa ipsum dolor sit elis amet


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Country four ~ without images

Multi-city map

Event map and details


Firstname Lastname

Developer Advocate of Machine Learning,

Google Cloud

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Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

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Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud

Firstname Lastname

Customer Engineer,

Google Cloud


EP1: Security in Google Cloud Platform

  • 2 月 17 日
    EP1: Security in Google Cloud Platform

    本培訓課程將帶您瞭解 Google Cloud 資訊��全相關基礎控制及技術,並探索如何部署 Google Cloud 資安解決方案。,

    • 正在使用或預計使用 Google Cloud 的網路工程師及管理人員
    • 希望採用軟體定義網路解決方案相關雲端技術的人員
    • 雲端資訊安全分析師、架構師及工程師
    • 資訊安全/網路安全人員
    • 雲端基礎架構師

    Hansheng Chiu
    Google Cloud Certified Instructor

EP2: Networking in Google Cloud

  • 3 月 10 日
    EP2: Networking in Google Cloud

    本培訓課程將帶您瞭解 Google Cloud 網路連結相關選項及細節,並探索如何部署 Google  Cloud 網路連結技術。

    • 正在使用或預計使用 Google Cloud 的網路工程師及管理人員
    • 希望採用軟體定義網路解決方案相關雲端技術的人員
    • 雲端資訊安全分析師、架構師及工程師
    • 資訊安全/網路安全人員
    • 雲端基礎架構師

    Hansheng Chiu
    Google Cloud Certified Instructor

EP3: Architecting with Google Compute Engine

  • 3 月 24 日
    EP3: Architecting with Google Compute Engine

    本培訓課程將帶您瞭解 Google Cloud 具高度彈性的基礎架構及平台服務,並著重於 Google Compute Engine

    • 正在使用或預計使用 Google Cloud 的網路工程師及管理人員
    • 希望採用軟體定義網路解決方案相關雲端技術的人員
    • 雲端資訊安全分析師、架構師及工程師
    • 資訊安全/網路安全人員
    • 雲端基礎架構師

    Browny Lin
    Google Cloud Certified Instructor

EP4: Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine

  • 4 月 14 日
    EP4: Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine

    本培訓課程將帶您瞭解如何在 Docker 容器中執行工作負載容器化,並透過 Google Kubernetes Engine 部署並擴大規模以因應高流量需求。

    • 正在使用或預計使用 Google Cloud 的網路工程師及管理人員
    • 希望採用軟體定義網路解決方案相關雲端技術的人員
    • 雲端資訊安全分析師、架構師及工程師
    • 資訊安全/網路安全人員
    • 雲端基礎架構師

    Browny Lin
    Google Cloud Certified Instructor

EP5: Google Cloud Big Data & Machine Learning Fundamentals

  • 5 月 12 日
    EP5: Google Cloud Big Data & Machine Learning Fundamentals

    本培訓課程將帶您瞭解 Google Cloud 大數據及機器學習產品及服務,進而支援「數據到人工智慧」的生命週期。

    • 正在使用或預計使用 Google Cloud 的網路工程師及管理人員
    • 希望採用軟體定義網路解決方案相關雲端技術的人員
    • 雲端資訊安全分析師、架構師及工程師
    • 資訊安全/網路安全人員
    • 雲端基礎架構師

    Hansheng Chiu
    Google Cloud Certified Instructor

EP6: Logging, Monitoring and Observability in Google Cloud

  • 5 月 26 日
    EP6: Logging, Monitoring and Observability in Google Cloud


    • 正在使用或預計使用 Google Cloud 的網路工程師及管理人員
    • 希望採用軟體定義網路解決方案相關雲端技術的人員
    • 雲端資訊安全分析師、架構師及工程師
    • 資訊安全/網路安全人員
    • 雲端基礎架構師

    Browny Lin
    Google Cloud Certified Instructor

EP7: Data Engineering on Google Cloud Platform

  • 6 月 9 日
    EP7: Data Engineering on Google Cloud Platform

    本培訓課程將帶您瞭解如何在 Google Cloud 上設計並建立資料處理系統、分析資料及部署機器學習。本課程涵蓋結構、非結構及串流資料領域。

    • 正在使用或預計使用 Google Cloud 的網路工程師及管理人員
    • 希望採用軟體定義網路解決方案相關雲端技術的人員
    • 雲端資訊安全分析師、架構師及工程師
    • 資訊安全/網路安全人員
    • 雲端基礎架構師

    Hansheng Chiu
    Google Cloud Certified Instructor

EP8: From Data to Insights with Google Cloud Platform

  • 6 月 30 日
    EP8: From Data to Insights with Google Cloud Platform

    本培訓課程將帶您瞭解 Google Cloud 的無伺服器式、高度可擴展性且費用合理的雲端資料倉儲 BigQuery,分析資料進而獲得獨到見解。。

    • 正在使用或預計使用 Google Cloud 的網路工程師及管理人員
    • 希望採用軟體定義網路解決方案相關雲端技術的人員
    • 雲端資訊安全分析師、架構師及工程師
    • 資訊安全/網路安全人員
    • 雲端基礎架構師

    Browny Lin
    Google Cloud Certified Instructor

EP9: Developing Applications with Google Cloud

  • 7 月 21 日
    EP9: Developing Applications with Google Cloud

    本培訓課程將帶您瞭解如何透過 Google Cloud 生態系統設計、開發及部署應用程式,進而執行無縫整合。

    • 正在使用或預計使用 Google Cloud 的網路工程師及管理人員
    • 希望採用軟體定義網路解決方案相關雲端技術的人員
    • 雲端資訊安全分析師、架構師及工程師
    • 資訊安全/網路安全人員
    • 雲端基礎架構師

    Hansheng Chiu
    Google Cloud Certified Instructor

EP10: Application Development with Cloud Run

  • 8 月 18 日
    EP10: Application Development with Cloud Run

    本培訓課程將帶您瞭解透過 Google Cloud Run 執行雲端原生應用程式開發的基礎、做法、技術能力及相關工具。

    • 正在使用或預計使用 Google Cloud 的網路工程師及管理人員
    • 希望採用軟體定義網路解決方案相關雲端技術的人員
    • 雲端資訊安全分析師、架構師及工程師
    • 資訊安全/網路安全人員
    • 雲端基礎架構師

    Browny Lin
    Google Cloud Certified Instructor


  • 8:30 AM–09:30 AM
  • 9:30 AM–09:40 AM
    Opening Keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
  • 9:40 AM–10:00 AM
    Pushing the limits of BigQuery with Kabam
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
  • 10:00 AM–10:40 AM
    Fast analytics at scale with Google BigQuery
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 10:40 AM–11:00 AM
  • 11:00 AM–11:20 AM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 11:20 AM–11:40 AM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 11:40 AM–12:40 PM
  • 12:40 PM–01:00 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:00 PM–01:20 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:20 PM–01:40 PM
    Session Title
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 1:40 PM–02:40 PM
    Closing keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Speaker: Name, Title, Organization
  • 2:40 PM–03:40 PM
    Happy hour

Track 1

Track 2

Track 3

  • 8:30 AM–09:30 AM
  • 9:30 AM–09:40 AM
    Opening Keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
    Opening Keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
    Opening Keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
  • 9:40 AM–10:00 AM
    Pushing the limits of BigQuery with Kabam
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
    Pushing the limits of BigQuery with Kabam
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
    Pushing the limits of BigQuery with Kabam
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ


Track 1

Track 2

  • 8:30 AM–09:30 AM
  • 9:30 AM–09:40 AM
    Opening Keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
    Opening Keynote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
  • 9:40 AM–10:00 AM
    Pushing the limits of BigQuery with Kabam
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ
    Pushing the limits of BigQuery with Kabam
    Firstname Lastname, Position, Company XYZ

Our partners





Three-promo module. 40 characters max = two lines max on mobile.

h3 headline 30 characters max

Donec rutrum congue leo eget malu suada. Praesent sapien massa, creallis sollicitudin malesuada euse consecturuer.

h3 headline 30 characters max

Donec rutrum congue leo eget malu suada. Praesent sapien massa, creallis sollicitudin malesuada euse consecturuer.

h3 headline 30 characters max

Donec rutrum congue leo eget malu suada. Praesent sapien massa, creallis sollicitudin malesuada euse consecturuer.

Two-promo module. 40 characters max = two lines max on mobile.

h3 headline 30 characters max

Donec rutrum congue leo eget malu suada. Praesent sapien massa, creallis sollicitudin malesuada euse consecturuer.

h3 headline 30 characters max

Donec rutrum congue leo eget malu suada. Praesent sapien massa, creallis sollicitudin malesuada euse consecturuer.

One-promo module. 40 characters max = two lines max on mobile.

h3 headline 30 characters max

Donec rutrum congue leo eget malu suada. Praesent sapien massa, creallis sollicitudin malesuada euse consecturuer.

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