E80 Group

E80 Group

Fabbricazione di macchinari di automazione

Viano, Reggio Emilia 50.784 follower


Chi siamo

Our Group was created with the aim of strengthening its presence on the international market and promoting innovation for an increasingly sustainable growth. Specialized in the development of automated and integrated intralogistics solutions for manufacturers and distributors of consumer goods operating in the beverage, food, tissue and other sectors, in 1992 the company anticipated the concept of Industry 4.0: the Smart Factory, sustainable, interconnected and safe. Our main systems include a wide range of laser guided vehicles, palletizing robots, robotic stretch wrappers, pallet inspection systems, robotic labelers, high-density automated warehouses, storage and picking solutions. The entire logistics flow is centrally supervised by the SM.I.LE80 software platform (Smart Integrated Logistics), that ensures the efficient integration of the systems, guaranteeing the optimal management of all operations, from the entry of raw materials to storage and shipping. As of today, we completed more than 450 integrated factories in various parts of the world and installed over 2.800 robotic systems, 9.000 automatic laser guided vehicles and, since 2016, 50 automated high-density warehouses. Our Group, based in Viano, Italy, is present in Australia, Brazil, Chile, the United Arab Emirates, France, Japan, Mexico, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Poland, Russia, Thailand and the USA with the aim of being close to its customers. To this end, it offers 24/7 remote and on-site consulting and after-sales services ensuring businesses the highest levels of digitalization, reliability and reduced margin of error. Our Group fundamental assets are the result of the expertise gained in more than 40 years of history and the sharing of hardware and software competences: enhancement of people, investments in R&D, in addition to a deep technological knowledge and an important adaptability to market needs.

Sito Web
Fabbricazione di macchinari di automazione
Dimensioni dell’azienda
1001 - 5000 dipendenti
Sede principale
Viano, Reggio Emilia
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Automation, Warehouse logistics, LGVs, AGVs, Palletizers, end-of-line automation solutions, software house, Factory Integration, supply chain management, intralogistics, Robotic, Industry 4.0, Smart Factory, Layer picking, AS/RS Warehouse e Storage solutions with AGVs


Dipendenti presso E80 Group


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    It has been a great honor to work with Treasury Wine Estates in the development of a state-of-the-art winery in the Barossa Valley, South Australia. The perfect integration of automated systems, including LGVs and warehouse solutions, customized barrel management software, and advanced robotic technologies, marks a significant leap forward in increasing the efficiency, sustainability, and safety of the plant. This commitment reflects our shared dedication to leveraging the value of collaboration, driving innovation and achieving excellence.

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    Years in the making, our state-of-the-art automation system is now live in the Barossa! 🦾🍇 For the last few months, our team has been putting the finishing touches to an integrated automation and barrel handling system. This week, we were proud to officially launch it to representatives from government, the wine industry, and our partners at E80 Group and Nukon. The end-to-end automated system features driverless forklifts, a custom barrel management software system, barrel washing and filling facilities, and individual barrel identification. The $10 million investment represents a world-first in winemaking, bolstering the Barossa Valley’s credentials as one of Australia’s most innovative winemaking regions. Take a look behind the scenes of our robotic reds and hear from our team at the Barossa site 👇 Read more: https://lnkd.in/ggdzftxw #TWE #AustralianWine #Innovation #Sustainability Ashton Hurn, South Australian Wine Industry Association, The Barossa Council, Barossa Australia, Australia China Business Council

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    Creare valore per i clienti, i collaboratori, la società e l’ambiente è al centro del nostro impegno. Questo si riflette in tutte le iniziative che il nostro Gruppo sta portando avanti come società benefit sia a livello nazionale che globale. Una cultura della sostenibilità e dell’innovazione che alimentiamo passo dopo passo grazie anche ai workshop che stiamo realizzando con NATIVA. Un percorso di innovazione e responsabilità per un futuro sempre più sostenibile.

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di E80 Group, immagine

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    Il nostro Gruppo e Valorugby Emilia sono orgogliosi di supportare il Team Reggio, il progetto promosso da Fondazione per lo Sport del Comune di Reggio Emilia che offre l’opportunità a giovani studenti-atleti del nostro territorio di vivere esperienze sportive e culturali internazionali in città gemellate di diversi paesi, dal Sudafrica agli Stati Uniti fino alla Germania ed oltre. La prossima tappa è il 19 luglio: diciannove giovani reggiani partiranno per il Texas per allenarsi con gli atleti della Sigma Swimming di Fort Worth. Questo scambio è un’importante attività in continuità con i Giochi Internazionali del Tricolore e anima il lungo gemellaggio con Reggio Emilia, che nel tempo ha coinvolto attraverso scambi culturali più di 1.200 persone di cui oltre 770 giovani e che nel 2025 celebrerà i suoi 40 anni. L'appuntamento successivo sarà dal 23 ottobre al 2 novembre a Johannesburg e vedrà gli atleti di Valorugby Emilia coinvolti nella partecipazione ai Tambo e Soncini Games.

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    Academic excellence and entrepreneurial vision are at the heart of the Double Degree in #InternationalBusinessDevelopment at the Università degli Studi di Parma. These elements are fundamental to the educational path designed to train and prepare students to face global challenges.   To demonstrate the interdisciplinary nature of the program and the strong link between academic training and business, the Steering Committee, chaired by Professor Paolo Fabbri and co-chaired by Professor Marco Magnani, includes Professor Lucia Poletti and business representatives such as Rossano Sulati, Head of Internal Audit of our Group, Nadia Nofroni of Electrolux Professional and Mario Tarantino of Credem Euromobiliare Private Banking. Their different perspectives enrich the training and ensure its relevance. Learn more about the International Business and Development: https://lnkd.in/dpt8V_AD

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    We are excited to welcome you to our booth 4D11 at the Saudi Warehousing & Logistics Expo from September 2-4. Our colleague Nicola Barusi, Head of Sales Greater Middle East, Oceania & Africa of E80 Group, along with his team, will guide you through our flexible and innovative solutions to optimize and enhance your intralogistics operations. Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity!

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    Un viaggio nel cuore dell’innovazione alla scoperta del mondo dell’automazione. È quello intrapreso da venti studenti e studentesse dei corsi di Ingegneria Meccatronica e Digital Automation Engineering dell’Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia che, nei giorni scorsi, hanno avuto l’opportunità di conoscere le tecnologie del nostro Gruppo, con un focus speciale sui processi di automazione e integrazione dei flussi. Dopo una presentazione nella nostra sede di Traversetolo, hanno visitato il nostro centro di Ricerca e Sviluppo a Viano, dove il team ha mostrato loro le nostre soluzioni intralogistiche, offrendo una visione concreta di ciò che tra qualche anno potrebbe far parte del loro futuro.

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di E80 Group, immagine

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    The opening of our new office “InnovE80 Hub” in downtown Chicago featured by Modern Materials Handling Magazine. This new interactive innovation center helps our customers concept, design and develop new intralogistics solutions for CPG producers and distribution centers. As President Enrico Grassi explained: “It's a proactive space where companies keep coming to chart their future, leveraging our expertise even before project initiation.” The full article is available following this link: https://lnkd.in/dpPu-dRQ

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    Our fellow colleagues of the R&D Department at the 33rd European Conference on Operational Research in Copenaghen. Hosted by Danish OR Society at the DTU - Technical University of Denmark, Euro2024 gathered more than 3000 professionals, researchers, PhD students and companies from around the world.    From plenaries to keynote talks, it has been an unmissable opportunity to converse about challenging research questions and applications making an impact to the real-world. #EURO2024 #Copenaghen #Research #OR

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    What are the advantages of integrating warehouse solutions and laser guided vehicles? These systems are key to overcoming CPG market requirements such as: - Data collection and analysis - Flexibility improvement - Safety increase - Automatic truck unloading and loading - Picking solutions for mixed orders Click on the following link to learn how these technologies boost factory productivity and adapt to DCs evolving needs: https://lnkd.in/dc4JVmKb #LGV #WarehouseSolutions

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    BBQ Time on the Roof of InnovE80 Hub, Chicago! Recently, 50 of our 200-strong North American team gathered for an evening of laughter and togetherness at our rooftop venue at the InnovE80 Hub Chicago. The joy and unity we experienced perfectly mirror the spirit of today’s Independence Day celebration. We extend our warmest wishes to our American customers and partners for a joyous and safe holiday. Happy 4th of July! #BE80

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