Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro scpa

Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro scpa


Passione e competenza nel vetro da oltre 60 anni

Chi siamo

La Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro (SSV), attiva a Murano-Venezia sin dal 1956, è un centro di ricerca di respiro internazionale ed un laboratorio di analisi specializzato accreditato UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025, che svolge attività di supporto tecnico-scientifico all’intera filiera del vetro: produttori, trasformatori, utilizzatori di vetro, produttori di materie prime, refrattari e impianti destinati all’industria vetraria. Oltre cinquanta persone tra laureati, ingegneri e tecnici specializzati operano in laboratori attrezzati con strumentazioni scientifiche di ultima generazione, sviluppando progetti di ricerca applicata, fornendo servizi di assistenza tecnica ed effettuando prove di controllo e certificazione di qualità nei diversi settori applicativi dell’industria vetraria: vetro cavo, vetro piano per edilizia, articoli casalinghi, vetro tecnico, fibre di vetro, vetro artistico.

Sito Web
Dimensioni dell’azienda
51-200 dipendenti
Sede principale
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione


Dipendenti presso Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro scpa


  • Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro scpa ha diffuso questo post

    Don't miss out on this opportunity: only two days remain for registration! On the 16th and 17th of November 2023 in Parma, at the Centro Congressi Santa Elisabetta, ATIV, the Association of Italian Glass Experts, will be organizing the 35th ATIV Glass Day 2023, with title "Environmental Sustainability and Economics of Glass Production. Combination and/or Autonomy". Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro's experts will take part to this important event alongside professionals from many companies, institutions and universities active in the Glass sector. The Afternoon of the 16th November will be dedicated to the topic of Glass CULLET RECYCLING, and will feature lectures from Co.Re.Ve. (the Italian Consortium overseeing cullect collection, treatment and recycling), SSV, technology suppliers and cullet producers and users. On the 17th of November, the whole day will be dedicated to technology solutions for the DECARBONIZATION of the glass industry, featuring lectures from SSV and Assovetro, technology suppliers and glassmakers. For more information and the complete Programme of the event, click on the following link: For Registration details, click here:

    Programma 16-17 Novembre 2023.pdf

  • Don't miss out on this opportunity: only two days remain for registration! On the 16th and 17th of November 2023 in Parma, at the Centro Congressi Santa Elisabetta, ATIV, the Association of Italian Glass Experts, will be organizing the 35th ATIV Glass Day 2023, with title "Environmental Sustainability and Economics of Glass Production. Combination and/or Autonomy". Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro's experts will take part to this important event alongside professionals from many companies, institutions and universities active in the Glass sector. The Afternoon of the 16th November will be dedicated to the topic of Glass CULLET RECYCLING, and will feature lectures from Co.Re.Ve. (the Italian Consortium overseeing cullect collection, treatment and recycling), SSV, technology suppliers and cullet producers and users. On the 17th of November, the whole day will be dedicated to technology solutions for the DECARBONIZATION of the glass industry, featuring lectures from SSV and Assovetro, technology suppliers and glassmakers. For more information and the complete Programme of the event, click on the following link: For Registration details, click here:

    Programma 16-17 Novembre 2023.pdf

  • Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro scpa ha diffuso questo post

    Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro will take part to the 35th ATIV Glass Day 2023, organized by ATIV, the Association of Italian Glass Experts, on the 16th and 17th of November 2023 in Parma, at the Centro Congressi Santa Elisabetta, titled "Environmental Sustainability and Economics of Glass Production. Combination and/or Autonomy". The Afternoon of the 16th November will be dedicated to the topic of Glass CULLET RECYCLING, and will feature lectures from Co.Re.Ve. (the Italian Consortium overseeing cullect collection, treatment and recycling), SSV, technology suppliers and cullet producers and users. On the 17th of November, the whole day will be dedicated to technology solutions for the DECARBONIZATION of the glass industry, featuring lectures from SSV and Assovetro, technology suppliers and glassmakers. For more information and the complete Programme of the event, click on the following link: For Registration details, click here:

    Programma 16-17 Novembre 2023.pdf

  • Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro will take part to the 35th ATIV Glass Day 2023, organized by ATIV, the Association of Italian Glass Experts, on the 16th and 17th of November 2023 in Parma, at the Centro Congressi Santa Elisabetta, titled "Environmental Sustainability and Economics of Glass Production. Combination and/or Autonomy". The Afternoon of the 16th November will be dedicated to the topic of Glass CULLET RECYCLING, and will feature lectures from Co.Re.Ve. (the Italian Consortium overseeing cullect collection, treatment and recycling), SSV, technology suppliers and cullet producers and users. On the 17th of November, the whole day will be dedicated to technology solutions for the DECARBONIZATION of the glass industry, featuring lectures from SSV and Assovetro, technology suppliers and glassmakers. For more information and the complete Programme of the event, click on the following link: For Registration details, click here:

    Programma 16-17 Novembre 2023.pdf

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