Mauro Bellini
Mauro Bellini è un influencer

Fidenza, Emilia Romagna, Italia Informazioni di contatto
30.717 follower Oltre 500 collegamenti

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  • Supporter

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    - 5 anni e 2 mesi

    Servizi sociali


  • La Blockchain per le imprese

    Tecniche Nuove libri

    Se la portata rivoluzionaria dell’Internet delle persone è oggi sotto gli occhi di tutti e sta per essere affiancata dall’Internet delle Cose, con la blockchain sta arrivando anche l’Internet del Valore e promette di dare vita a una trasformazione altrettanto radicale.
    Con questo libro si cerca di capire come la blockchain stia entrando nella nostra vita sociale e professionale e come stia cambiando banche e finanza, pubbliche amministrazioni, imprese manifatturiere, del commercio, della…

    Se la portata rivoluzionaria dell’Internet delle persone è oggi sotto gli occhi di tutti e sta per essere affiancata dall’Internet delle Cose, con la blockchain sta arrivando anche l’Internet del Valore e promette di dare vita a una trasformazione altrettanto radicale.
    Con questo libro si cerca di capire come la blockchain stia entrando nella nostra vita sociale e professionale e come stia cambiando banche e finanza, pubbliche amministrazioni, imprese manifatturiere, del commercio, della logistica e dei trasporti. Ma soprattutto vediamo quanto nuovo valore possa portare nei settori chiave del Made in Italy come agrifood, fashion, automotive.

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  • Blockchain & Bitcoin

    Class Editori

    Testo originale dedicato alla comprensione e divulgazione del fenomeno blockchain e delle principali nozioni legate a Bitcoin e ICO

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  • Web and digital marketing



  • ESG360

    Testata editoriale dedicata all'innovazione digitale e tecnologica per la sostenibilità e per l'ESG

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  • RiskManagement360

    - Presente

    The first Italian site dedicated to digital innovation for risk management and compliance

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  • Industry4Business

    - Presente

    Design, project management, launch and business development of website and services portfolio. I’m currently Editor in chief of Industry4Business

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  • Agrifood.Tech

    - Presente

    Creation, design, business deveveloment of the italyan web portal for digital innovation in agriculture and in the Made in Italy food chain. I’m currently work as a Editor in chief of too

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  • BigData4Innovation

    - Presente

    I was in charge to create and develop a website devoted to BigData and data Sciences topics. I'm currently working on this web site.

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  • Blockchain4Innovation

    - Presente

    Design, project management and launch of one of the first italian web portal and hub of high value services for blockchain, cryptocurrency, distributed ledger technology and ICO-STO topics.
    I’m currently Editor in chief of Blockchain4Innovation

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    - Presente

    Design, project management and launch of the first italian web portal and communication services totally devoted to Internet of things and IoT sectors such as amart home, smart builgind, smart city, smart mobility, smart energy, Industry 4.0, smart agrifood

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    - Presente

    Editor in chief and business development for the first italian online magazine devoted to innovative digital payment, mobile payment innovation, Open banking and financial digital opportunities

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  • New Business Media web site


    Coordination of people and competences for designing and delivering of New Business Media institutional website

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  • 3D Printing Creative


    I was in charge to design, develop and launch the first italian nagazine offline and online devoted to 3D Prining market and community. The projet will cover the creation and management of newsletter and App too and business development acrivities.

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  • Lombardia Verde App


    Creation of the App Store and Google Play app

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  • New Business Media e-commerce web site


    Team management for design and delivery of New Business Media e-commerce website

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  • Mobile App development and launch


    Coordination and management of online, mobile and digital resources and tech providers to create the 110 Mobile Apps and mobile marketing and sales services for 110 magazines of New Business Media and Tecniche Nuove Group for Apple App Store and Google Play Store

  • Applicando


    Editor in chief of online and offline magazine, project manager of new business services. During 2019 I designed and developped the Applicando’ s web site.

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  • Webfactory digital team


    Creation and management of a team focused on web and digital developement. The team is based on It, Web marketing, Analytics, high Tech and editorial competences. With this new team I develop and manage web sites, newsletter, Application, digital projects and provides services such as Ad serving, e-mail marketing, web analytics, web marketing services, content management, lead generation project etc.



    I was in charge to design, develop and launch the first italian web porlal devoted to ICT professional community. I worked with the -at that time- company french headquarter Groupe Test in charge for 01net. fr.

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  • Europarlamento24


    Idea, analysis, design and project management of websites, newsletter, App devoted to European Parliament for business people. I was in charge to manage relation with EU representatives and

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  • Reseller Business


    Project management, design and creation of a weekly Ict magazine devoted to Ict partner and trade provider

  • Computer Dealer & Var


    Idea, project, design of a magazine devoted to high technologies trade companies

Votazione esame

  • Laurea

    Votazione: 110 e Lode

  • Maturità

    Votazione: 60/60 e lode


  • English


  • French



  • Anes Digital


    - Presente

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