Skill Farm

Credit Analyst - Banking

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Skill Farm Members are invited to apply for the following role:


Management of a corporate customer portfolio, analysis of economic-financial data, use of databases and direct meetings with customers to define the most appropriate strategies for the recovery of exposures;

Support in the processing of electronic credit procedures following the agreements reached with customers. In particular, we are looking for a profile with specific experience in credits granted to corporate companies subject to Negotiated Crisis Settlement, certified or unattested restructuring agreements, and skills on the functioning of public support guarantees (e.g.: Mediocredito Centrale Fondo PMI, Sace, Ismea, FEI, or other Consortia);

Management of practices to maximize credit recovery, also through the acquisition of new guarantees, where permitted by the relevant legislation (Business Crisis and Insolvency Code, Supervisory Regulations and Internal Regulations);

Reporting to your Team Leader and Managers, both through the use of internal management programs and by participating in specific dedicated meetings (in person or via video conference);

Monitoring of your portfolio through internal management programs;

Management of documentation relating to practices.

Skills & Qualifications:

Master's degree in economic-financial disciplines or in law;

Good knowledge of the Business Crisis and Insolvency Code;

2-3 years of experience managing credit practices, particularly positions classified as UTP;

Ability to critically analyze company financial statements and business plans presented by the client, with particular reference to prospective cash flows to evaluate the sustainability of the client's residual debt;

Availability to travel daily for visits to the companies involved in the assignment;

Proactivity and collaboration, with good problem solving, negotiation and mediation skills.
  • Livello di anzianità

    Esperienza minima
  • Tipo di impiego

    A tempo pieno
  • Funzione lavorativa

    Finanza e Vendite
  • Settori

    Banche d'investimento

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