KPMG Italy

Legal Public Sector Consultant | Roma

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Chiara Negri

Chiara Negri

Psicologa | Talent Acquisition | KPMG

With its highly qualified tax and legal experts, KPMG Studio Associato provides assistance in all the key tax and corporate law areas, offering innovative, integrated services. Its work teams specialise in both professional field and client sector.

With over 500 professionals at 12 offices in Italy's largest cities, the KPMG network's Tax and legal unit is one of the top professional partnerships in the country.

We are recruiting professionals to join our Legal Public Sector team in Rome, to carry out activities relating to public procurement law and anti-bribery and transparency requirements, the processing of personal data in the public sector (GDPR) and the digitalisation of the public administration (Digital administration code).

Specifically, these activities will be carried out with the public administration and similar bodies in respect of the following fields and areas:

  • public works, service and supply contracts (Legislative decree no. 36/2023);
  • processing of personal data in the public sector (Regulation (EU) 679/2016 – GDPR, Legislative decree no. 196/2003);
  • the digital public administration, e-procurement, e-health and, in general, the digitalisation of administrative procedures and the management of the related documentation (Legislative decree no. 82/2005);
  • obligations pursuant to anti-bribery and transparency regulations (Law no. 190/2012 and Legislative decree no. 33/2013);
  • rules governing state-owned companies (Legislative decree no. 179/2016).

The ideal candidate must have:

  • a master's degree in law with final marks of at least 105/110;
  • experience with large law firms, state-owned companies or public bodies in one or more of the subjects relevant to this notice;
  • already be practising as a lawyer or be certified to practice as a lawyer;
  • a good knowledge of Microsoft Office;
  • excellent interpersonal and teamwork skills;
  • excellent organisational skills, an ability to take initiative and problem solving abilities;
  • strong motivation to grow professionally;
  • flexible and dynamic approach.

Your data will be processed in full compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) no. 679/2016 (General Data Protection Regulation - “GDPR”), as amended. Please see KPMG's privacy policy for further information at this link:

KPMG Studio Associato is an equal opportunity employer.
  • Livello di anzianità

    Esperienza minima
  • Tipo di impiego

    A tempo pieno
  • Funzione lavorativa

    Consulenza, Informatica e Vendite
  • Settori

    Consulenza e servizi aziendali

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