The Material Supply Management Manager will join the Contract & Subcontract Management department based in Milan Head Office: after the placement of the applicable Purchase Orders, he/she will be in charge of supporting the projects procurement teams regarding the management of passive contracts with Vendors. He/she will also assess, draft and negotiate with Vendors the potential contractual amendments and the agreements on requests for Changes, compensation of liquidated damages and backcharges, for critical Purchases.

Key Activities & Responsibilities:

• provide contractual guidance to Project Team members;

• review/draft correspondence having contractual relevance, contract amendments, settlement agreements;

• administer release of payments and availability of bank guarantees;

• analyze and directly negotiate claims or change requests from/to counterparties;

• lead the support team in internal reporting, quantum and delay calculation, records collection.

Personal Attributes:

  • candidates with Engineering or Economics Degree. Legal background will be considered a plus;
  • experience in industrial equipment and machinery manufacturing is a plus;
  • 7-10 years of experience gained in EPC Companies (Oil & Gas, Petrochemicals, Power);
  • consolidated experience in claims review/preparation;
  • strong legal awareness and negotiation skills;
  • keen on team working, knowledge sharing and positive attitude;
  • fluent English (spoken and written);
  • use of MS Office, Excel, PowerBI, Outlook;
  • availability to travel abroad.
  • Livello di anzianità

    Livello medio-alto
  • Tipo di impiego

    A tempo pieno
  • Funzione lavorativa

    Ingegneria, Acquisti e Legale
  • Settori

    Trasporti, logistica, supply chain e stoccaggio, Fabbricazione di prodotti chimici e Fabbricazione di macchinari industriali

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