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Giada Sciuccati

Giada Sciuccati

HR Specialist - presso Tecnimont

Assigned to a project, he/she is in charge of generating documents and deliverables in compliance with the technical project requirement, assigned to him/her by the Static Equipment Head of Department or by Static Equipment Project Leader, guaranteeing quality, assigned budget and time.

Key Activities & Responsibilities:

  • To guarantee the quality of the generated mechanical calculations of pressure equipment (vessels, columns and heat exchangers) and their compliance with the contractual and company standards, procedures and work instructions;
  • To conduct technical training as per department needs and exchange experience with colleagues of the entire Tecnimont Group for new Design techniques;
  • To review the engineering drawings and the relevant mechanical calculations of pressure equipment supplied by the Manufacturers;
  • To coordinate the activities of the drafting engineers charged to prepare the engineering drawings of each static equipment and transmit any necessary information to Static Equipment Project Leader;
  • To cooperate in the preparation, updating and editing of internal norms and standards;
  • To provide for the compilation and issue of the summary sheets of the loads acting on the supports, fireproofing, insulation, painting and auxiliary structure weights of static apparatuses;
  • To participate, when required, for the critical apparatuses to the most important phases of construction and testing.

Personal Attributes:

  • degree in Mechanical Engineering or Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
  • minimum 5 years of experience in mechanical engineering in engineering companies or manufacturer of static equipment
  • fluent English speaker and writer
  • availability to travel for short period in Italy and abroad
  • Livello di anzianità

    Livello medio-alto
  • Tipo di impiego

    A tempo pieno
  • Funzione lavorativa

  • Settori

    Fabbricazione di macchinari industriali e Petrolio e gas

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