
NTTデータは、豊かで調和のとれた社会づくりをめざし、世界50ヵ国以上でITサービスを提供しています。 当社は、デジタル技術を活用したビジネス変革や社会課題の解決に向けて、お客さまとともに未来を見つめ、コンサルティングからSI・ソフトウエア開発、ITシステムの運用・サポートに至るまで、さまざまなサービスを提供します。 NTTデータは、お客様との「Long-Term Relationship」のもと長期にわたる揺ぎない関係性を構築し、お客様にとって最適なソリューション・サービスを提供していきます。

社員 10,001名以上
Advisory Services、Application Development and Management、Enterprise Application Services、Business Intelligence and Analytics、Infrastructure Services、Outsourcing Services、SAP Solutions、Oracle Solutions、Cloud Solutions、System Integration、Digital Transformation、IT Service




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    Discover the transformative power of #AI across industries in India. We’re thrilled/honored to be the Innovation Partner for the nasscom AI Gamechangers Awards 2023-24 which will showcase compelling AI adoption stories nationwide. The #nasscomAIConfluence2024 will also host engaging keynote addresses, panel discussions, fireside chats and more showcasing AI innovation while also deliberating on global trends. Explore India's leap towards AI Excellence. Register today: https://bit.ly/3W9kYia #ArtificalIntelligence #NTTDATAIndia

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  • NTTデータの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    Join us live tomorrow from the second day of The 152nd Open!   Mona Kiblawi Charif, Global CMO, NTT DATA Inc., will be speaking with Gregor McQuattie, Head of Media, NTT DATA UK&I on the technology activation that NTT DATA brings to the golf course at and how it can also be used in broader industries.   You’ll also see how Mona and Gregor fared when they had a private session with NTT DATA golf ambassador, Emma Cabrera Bello earlier this week!    #NTTDATA #DrivingDataFurther #TheOpen #NTTDATAWall #SmartSports

    NTT DATA Live at The Open

    NTT DATA Live at The Open


  • NTTデータの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    As NTT DATA continues to digitally transform The Open, we recognise the importance of holding on to the Championship’s cherished traditions. The iconic yellow leaderboard at The Open is instantly recognisable across the world so we were excited to get a behind-the-scenes peak into how this is brought to life during the Championship. Take a look as Lucy Simpson, Partnerships Manager at The R&A takes NTT DATA golf ambassador, Emma Cabrera Bello into the iconic leaderboard. Stay tuned for our next update, where we’ll go behind the NTT DATA Wall, to see how the blend of innovation and tradition enhances the fan experience onsite. #NTTDATA #DrivingDataFurther #TheOpen #NTTDATAWall #SmartSports

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    NTT DATA have developed a Copilot to support product development in automative and manufacturing industries. SysEng Copilot is streamlining the systems engineering workflow with GenAI, it tackles the complexity of managing processes, methods and tools (PMT). It is built around two main components: Method Finder and Method Coach. For customers to adopt, we are offering a 3-month Value Discovery PoC together with our partner, Microsoft. Read more interesting facts about SysEng Copilot from Jens Krueger – Product Owner and Julian Morelli Desanzo – Solution Architect through this link. https://bit.ly/3W81sma #SysEngCopilot #NTTDATA #MethodFinder #MethodCoach #Microsoft #PMT #GenAI

    GenAI in Motion: Redefining Automotive Systems Engineering - SysEng Copilot

    GenAI in Motion: Redefining Automotive Systems Engineering - SysEng Copilot


  • NTTデータの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    Leaders from all around the world gathered together at Global Conference in London to discuss their future policies and priorities and to strengthen the collaboration in the future to ensure success. Please look forward to insights from Yutaka Sasaki, CEO of NTT DATA Group Corporation.

    Yutaka Sasakiさんのプロフィールを表示、グラフィック

    President and CEO of NTT DATA Group and NTT DATA JAPAN

    I had the privilege of attending the Global Conference in London, where top leaders from NTT DATA converged. This gathering of our top 150 executives is crucial for aligning our direction and priorities and ensuring our 200,000 employees worldwide are unified in our mission.   In my keynote, I emphasized the theme of "Quality Growth," which requires us to: · Grow further with enhanced quality · Value Our People · Maintain Ethical Standards   Quality Growth means evolving from simply selling technology and services to offering business-driven value propositions. By enhancing our global consulting and engineering capabilities and increasing success stories that deliver client outcomes, NTT DATA will achieve high-quality growth.   As business leaders, we must balance a high-level strategic view with a keen understanding of ground-level operations. While we create visions and strategies, manage financial targets, and nurture relationships with investors, we must also focus on employee engagement, listen to our customers, and strengthen our partnerships. Our success depends on this dual perspective.   Navigating opportunities and risks requires this balance. The outstanding performance of our leaders is shaping the future of NTT DATA.   Abhijit Dubey #Leadership #GlobalConference #QualityGrowth #NTTDATA #Innovation #Ethics #Teamwork   先日、ロンドンで開催されたグローバルカンファレンスに参加いたしました。このカンファレンスにはNTT DATAのトップリーダー達が集結しており、当社の今後の方向性について認識を共有し、世界中の20万人の社員が共通のミッションに対して一丸となるために非常に重要な場です。   私の講演では「質の高い成長」というテーマを強調しました。重要なポイントは以下の通りです。 ・質をともなった成長 ・人財を大切にすること ・倫理的な基準を守ること   質の高い成長とは、単に技術やサービスを販売するだけでなく、ビジネス価値を提供する提案への進化を意味します。グローバルなコンサルティングとエンジニアリングの能力を高め、お客様に成果をもたらす成功事例を増やすことで、NTT DATAはより質の高い成長を実現します。   グローバルカンファレンスに出席したリーダーたちには、ビジネスリーダーとして、高度な戦略的視点と現場視点の両方を持つことを期待しています。ビジョンと戦略を策定し、財務目標を管理する一方で、社員のエンゲージメントを高め、お客様の声に真摯に耳を傾け、パートナーシップを強化することにも力を注がなければなりません。この両面の視点があってこそ、成功に繋がります。   優れたリーダーシップのもと、NTT DATAの未来はより明るく切り拓かれると確信しています。

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  • NTTデータの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    It’s Open week and the pros have already been perfecting their swings on the course at Royal Troon. 🏌🏽 As the official IT Provider to The Open golf Championship, NTT DATA is excited to showcase its latest experience to golf fans on the course, and all over the world. Join NTT DATA golf ambassador, Emma Cabrera Bello, as she welcomes viewers to The 152nd Open and highlights the NTT DATA Experience onsite. Stay tuned over the coming days as we bring more behind-the-scenes insights on how our innovative technologies are transforming the fan experience at The Open. #NTTDATA #DrivingDataFurther #TheOpen #ShotView #NTTDATAWall #SmartSports

  • NTTデータの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    The iconic NTT DATA Wall is back at The 152nd Open, bringing all the latest updates from around the course to spectators onsite. 📺⛳️ Built using 400 individual LED panels to create one massive event installation over 20 meters wide, The Wall showcases real-time broadcasts following the best players in the world, alongside captivating statistics and engaging data visualisations from the ShotView platform, so that fans onsite won't miss a beat - or a birdie. The NTT DATA Wall is not just about showing the game - it's about immersing fans in the Championship. #NTTDATA #DrivingDataFurther #TheOpen #ShotView #NTTDATAWall #SmartSports

  • NTTデータの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    As the official IT provider to The Open, NTT DATA is setting a new standard for sports technology and fan engagement. The world's oldest golf championship returns to Royal Troon this week and we’re pleased to once again be bringing the most immersive and engaging experience to-date to The Open fans. At the event, we will be showcasing how some of our most innovative technologies not only transform fan experiences, but how they also apply to broader business settings. Read our latest blog from Chief Technology Officer and Head of New Ventures at NTT DATA UK&I Tom Winstanley to learn how NTT DATA's technology innovations are enhancing the global golf fan experience: https://bit.ly/4690Jp6 #NTTDATA #DrivingDataFurther #TheOpen #SmartSports

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  • NTTデータの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    In today’s healthcare landscape, unlocking the full potential of data is paramount for driving innovation and improving patient outcomes. Real-World Evidence (RWE) holds vast potential across diverse applications, with a primary focus on identifying undiagnosed areas and visualizing populations to inform product development and adaptation strategies. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the importance of having access to timely and comprehensive data to inform decision-making and shape the development of healthcare products and services. To discover more about fascinating Pharma Data Revolution, please click here.https://lnkd.in/gD_bhiVB Harsh Gandhi | Phil Rust | Questex Life Sciences & Healthcare | Questex #NTTDATA #PharmaData #RWE #Healthcare #Technology

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