PicoGK — a compact and robust open-source geometry kernel for Computational Engineering


LEAP 71 is committed to Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS). We believe, that foundational technologies, like many computer algorithms, programming languages, and increasingly AI models, should be free for everyone and available in source code form. The computational geometry kernel that lies at the basis of Computational Engineering, is such a technology.

PicoGK (“peacock”) is a compact geometry kernel tailor-made for Computational Engineering. All of LEAP 71’s Computational Engineering Models and the resulting objects are based on PicoGK. PicoGK incorporates other Free and Open-Source projects, notably OpenVDB. The PicoGK viewer is based on GLFW, an open-source 3D user interface toolkit.

PicoGK stands for Pico (tiny) Geometry Kernel and provides an intentionally reduced but robust instruction set that can be used by Computational Engineering Models. LEAP 71 is committed to providing more open-source code in the future, to enable wide-spread adoption of this new paradigm, which, we think, is going to change the profession of engineering forever.

The first module that we are releasing in addition to PicoGK, is the LEAP 71 ShapeKernel, an abstraction layer for computational geometry, that makes it easier to build sophisticated parts.

The fundamental PicoGK Runtime module is written in C++. The higher level PicoGK code and the LEAP 71 ShapeKernel are written in C#, an elegant, high-performance, strongly-typed language, which gives us the power and confidence to create sophisticated algorithms that generate advanced technical objects.

PicoGK is actively developed and maintained by LEAP 71, and available for free under the permissive Apache 2.0 open-source license, which allows both commercial and non-commercial use.

By making PicoGK and other parts of our technology stack widely available, we hope to contribute to the adoption of this new paradigm and start building an active community of Computational Engineers.

To explore the PicoGK source code and get started, please head over to the LEAP 71 GitHub.

#aerospike rocket thruster generated using @picogk (“peacock”) our compact and robust #opensource geometry engine for #ComputationalEngineering. PicoGK now supports native export to the industry standard CLI #3dprinting format.

Liquid Oxygen #LOX injector and cooled spike of a new #aerospike rocket thruster we are creating on #Noyron RP.

Our large #ComputationalEngineering Model, @noyron.ai lies at the core of all engineering work we do with our customers. Noyron abstracts general engineering logic, provides physics frameworks, such as thermal models, and automates the generation of complex geometry using @picogk our compact and robust #opensource geometry kernel. #Noyron builds machines.

Family picture of @noyron.ai generated #rocket #thrusters. All of these engines were created by the same #ComputationalEngineering Model, but with different propellants, thrust levels, materials and operating regimes.

We think #aperiodic patterns such as #penrosetiles and #quasicrystals have interesting properties for #hypersonic applications. That’s why we open-sourced a library for these shapes on @picogk our compact and robust geometry kernel that forms to foundation of all our work.

@miiteuae #madeindubai🇦🇪

This #copper #3dprint by #AMCM reveals the intricate channels that route the fuel around the engine, before it is injected into the combustion chamber. Without the cooling effect, the engine would melt immediately, as the exhaust gas temperature exceeds 3000°C. Photo courtesy of AMCM.

Business end of our 5kN #Kerolox thruster, designed through the @noyron.ai Large #ComputationalEngineering Model

#throwback to @josefinelissner ‘s first rocket design. The 80cm high copper #aerospike #3dprinted at #AMCM in 2022.

Full transparency: views through the 5kN thruster we fired in Wescott, UK three weeks ago. Our large #ComputationalEngineering Model, Noyron, allows us to build intricate geometries rooted in physics and logic.

#multimaterial #additivemanufacturing will allow us to build the next generation of machines, but it needs #ComputationalEngineering to generate the complex geometries required. Last year we worked with the @fraunhofer.igcv on perfecting their experimental steel/copper printing process. In the end the most complex object was this regeneratively cooled #aerospike rocket engine.

Our @noyron.ai TKL-5 thruster emerging from the build volume of the @eos3dprinting M-290 #3dprinter. The engine was printed in CuCrZr copper alloy by #AMCM - photo courtesy of AMCM.

This #impeller design takes inspiration from mushroom lamella to provide lightweight structural support. Generated using @picogk our compact and robust #opensource geometry kernel. #ComputationalEngineering

There is a lot of cross pollination between #heatexchangers and #rocket engines. Our @noyron.ai Large #ComputationalEngineering Model uses sophisticated thermal and pressure drop models to autonomously design complex designs on @picogk our robust and compact #opensource geometry kernel.

The design of complex #manifolds are a great application for #ComputationalEngineering - they can be generated in seconds, where even simple ones take forever to design in #cad. Created using our #opensource kernel @picogk

Cut through the injector head of our 5kN #kerolox rocket engine, which uses coaxial swirler elements. Designed autonomously through the @noyron.ai Large #ComputationalEngineering Model and output on our #opensource @picogk geometry kernel.

Rocket engines are powerful - this small thruster can lift the weight of a horse into the air by the sheer power of its exhaust - producing the power of 20,000 horses in the process.

#cnn today

Proud parents before the test fire. @josefinelissner is holding up the connector end of the coaxial swirl injector head. @lin_kayser is holding the @noyron.ai TKL-5 copper combustion chamber. Together they form the entire thruster.

Big thank you to @eos3dprinting sister company #AMCM for the excellent #3dprint in #copper (CuCrZr). The thruster withstood everything we threw at it.

Before the storm. @noyron.ai TKL-5 thruster.

Looking at the coaxial swirlers which mix the liquid oxygen and kerosene before combustion.

#coaxialswirl injector head of our @noyron.ai thruster before assembly.


#aerospike rocket thruster generated using @picogk (“peacock”) our compact and robust #opensource geometry engine for #ComputationalEngineering. PicoGK now supports native export to the industry standard CLI #3dprinting format.

Liquid Oxygen #LOX injector and cooled spike of a new #aerospike rocket thruster we are creating on #Noyron RP.

Our large #ComputationalEngineering Model, @noyron.ai lies at the core of all engineering work we do with our customers. Noyron abstracts general engineering logic, provides physics frameworks, such as thermal models, and automates the generation of complex geometry using @picogk our compact and robust #opensource geometry kernel. #Noyron builds machines.

Family picture of @noyron.ai generated #rocket #thrusters. All of these engines were created by the same #ComputationalEngineering Model, but with different propellants, thrust levels, materials and operating regimes.

We think #aperiodic patterns such as #penrosetiles and #quasicrystals have interesting properties for #hypersonic applications. That’s why we open-sourced a library for these shapes on @picogk our compact and robust geometry kernel that forms to foundation of all our work.

@miiteuae #madeindubai🇦🇪

This #copper #3dprint by #AMCM reveals the intricate channels that route the fuel around the engine, before it is injected into the combustion chamber. Without the cooling effect, the engine would melt immediately, as the exhaust gas temperature exceeds 3000°C. Photo courtesy of AMCM.

Business end of our 5kN #Kerolox thruster, designed through the @noyron.ai Large #ComputationalEngineering Model

#throwback to @josefinelissner ‘s first rocket design. The 80cm high copper #aerospike #3dprinted at #AMCM in 2022.

Full transparency: views through the 5kN thruster we fired in Wescott, UK three weeks ago. Our large #ComputationalEngineering Model, Noyron, allows us to build intricate geometries rooted in physics and logic.

#multimaterial #additivemanufacturing will allow us to build the next generation of machines, but it needs #ComputationalEngineering to generate the complex geometries required. Last year we worked with the @fraunhofer.igcv on perfecting their experimental steel/copper printing process. In the end the most complex object was this regeneratively cooled #aerospike rocket engine.

Our @noyron.ai TKL-5 thruster emerging from the build volume of the @eos3dprinting M-290 #3dprinter. The engine was printed in CuCrZr copper alloy by #AMCM - photo courtesy of AMCM.

This #impeller design takes inspiration from mushroom lamella to provide lightweight structural support. Generated using @picogk our compact and robust #opensource geometry kernel. #ComputationalEngineering

There is a lot of cross pollination between #heatexchangers and #rocket engines. Our @noyron.ai Large #ComputationalEngineering Model uses sophisticated thermal and pressure drop models to autonomously design complex designs on @picogk our robust and compact #opensource geometry kernel.

The design of complex #manifolds are a great application for #ComputationalEngineering - they can be generated in seconds, where even simple ones take forever to design in #cad. Created using our #opensource kernel @picogk

Cut through the injector head of our 5kN #kerolox rocket engine, which uses coaxial swirler elements. Designed autonomously through the @noyron.ai Large #ComputationalEngineering Model and output on our #opensource @picogk geometry kernel.

Rocket engines are powerful - this small thruster can lift the weight of a horse into the air by the sheer power of its exhaust - producing the power of 20,000 horses in the process.

#cnn today

Proud parents before the test fire. @josefinelissner is holding up the connector end of the coaxial swirl injector head. @lin_kayser is holding the @noyron.ai TKL-5 copper combustion chamber. Together they form the entire thruster.

Big thank you to @eos3dprinting sister company #AMCM for the excellent #3dprint in #copper (CuCrZr). The thruster withstood everything we threw at it.

Before the storm. @noyron.ai TKL-5 thruster.

Looking at the coaxial swirlers which mix the liquid oxygen and kerosene before combustion.

#coaxialswirl injector head of our @noyron.ai thruster before assembly.


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