Недавние курсы

Multimedia courses setting you up to become a better WordPress developer, designer, user, and contributor.

Beginner WordPress Developer

Ready to start developing for WordPress? In this course, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how WordPress works, learn about the tools you will need for local development, and discover the fundamental concepts of WordPress development.

  • Уроки: 59

Beginner WordPress User

Embark on your WordPress journey with our beginner-friendly course! Learn the essentials of creating and managing your own website, from mastering the user-friendly interface to crafting engaging content. Unlock the power of WordPress and build a solid foundation for your online presence.

  • Уроки: 25

Последние учебные пособия

Instructional videos for all skillsets to help you level up your WordPress expertise.

Предстоящие онлайн-семинары

Live sessions where you can learn alongside other WordPress enthusiasts from around the world.

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