
This section covers Apache configuration directives for configuring path-based authorization for Subversion repositories served through the Apache HTTP Server. We will briefly describe each Apache configuration directive offered by mod_authz_svn for configuring path-based authorization for Subversion repositories served through the Apache HTTP Server. For an in-depth description of using path-based authorization in Subversion, see Path-Based Authorization.


These are the httpd.conf directives that apply to mod_authz_svn:

AuthzSVNAccessFile file-path

Consult file-path for access rules describing the permissions for paths in the Subversion repository.

AuthzSVNAnonymous On|Off

Set to Off to disable two special-case behaviors of this module: interaction with the Satisfy Any directive, and enforcement of the authorization policy even when no Require directives are present. The default value of this directive is On.

AuthzSVNAuthoritative On|Off

Set to Off to allow access control to be passed along to lower modules. The default value of this directive is On.

AuthzSVNNoAuthWhenAnonymousAllowed On|Off

Set to On to suppress authentication and authorization for requests that anonymous users are allowed to perform. The default value of this directive is On.

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