About Lesbians Who Tech & Allies

Our mission is to reach pay equity and representation at every level, for women, women of color, and nonbinary leaders. We work to ensure these leaders have the skills and support they need to achieve success.

We build pathways and provide learning experiences for mid-senior women, women of color, and nonbinary leaders, across all industries. We know that more economic power and access to jobs and leadership roles is the path to achieving our mission.

Because LGBTQ+ women and nonbinary leaders are rarely centered, their voices are often missing from leadership.  We center that demographic in our organization's name to provide value to that community.

How We Provide Value to Companies

We help companies like yours provide learning experiences for their mid-senior women, women of color, and nonbinary leaders, curate access to targeted talent pipelines, and design brand activations that provide multiple streams of value, including new business and increased revenue. We build pathways for leaders across all industries to have more economic power, access to jobs, and leadership roles within all areas of business, media, and technology.

Talent Development & Learning Experiences: We help mid-senior level women, women of color, and nonbinary leaders progress. We design learning experiences for your most valuable leaders, providing more pathways to ascend into your future Executives. Intentionally investing in skill building will increase employee happiness and rate of retention.

Talent Pipeline & Employer Brand: We tailor experiences for our partners to make genuine connections with mid-senior level women, women of color, and nonbinary leaders. And establish your brand as an employer of choice for today's most innovative talent.

Brand Activations & Business Development: We work with brands to amplify their product launches and build deeper relationships with decision-makers who are current and potential customers. Market your brand and products to a wide range of customers from venture backed startups to Fortune 1,000 companies. We organize panels, events, and dinners, akin to a recent one featuring the Vice President of the United States. While not a sponsored event, it highlights the caliber of our network and curated opportunities. You can learn more about our partnership options here :: bit.ly/2024PARTNERSHIPS



CEO & Founder (she/her)


Chief of Staff (she/her)


VP, HR & Operations (she/her)

John Juarez-Miller


VP, Sales (he/him)

Toni Munoz


VP, People & Programs (she/her)


Director of Finance (she/her)

Ashley Bedell


Creative Director (she/her)

Anni Lundy


Director of Digital Marketing (she/her)

Brian Corliss


Sr. Data Analyst (he/him)

Nick Charbonneau


Sr. Product Manager (he/him)

David Gardner


Software Engineer (he/him)


WordPress Engineer (she/her)

Rika Ciminieri


Frontend Engineer (she/her)

Community Inclusion

Do I Have to Be a Lesbian to Join?

No — One of the best things about our community is its diversity. Our 100,000 members are LGBTQ women, nonbinary, trans, and gender nonconforming. We also have many other intersecting identities when it comes to race, ethnicity, ability, age, and more. We work together to promote the visibility and inclusion of women, women of color, and nonbinary leaders in technology. If you work to move this mission forward, we want you on our team. We welcome allies.

I’m an Ally and/or Someone Who Has Resources to Share.

How Can I Help?

When allies make space for others, they create a culture of vibrant inclusion and allow everyone to have seats at the table. If you are coming from a place of privilege, we appreciate any support you can offer our community. You can do that by becoming a Summit sponsor, financing projects, and sharing networks. You can also reach out to sponsor@lesbianswhotech.org to talk about how you can work together with us.