The Linux Foundation Projects
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LF Energy provides our projects with several options for scheduling meetings and webinars, whether virtual or in-person. The choice of meeting tool depends on the purpose of the meeting and the audience. This document outlines the guidelines for when each tool should be utilized.

Committee/Working Group Meetings

For committee meetings, whether private, such as a TSC meeting to discuss a security vulnerability, or public, such as a monthly working group meeting, the LFX Project Control Center should be used. Project maintainers should have access to the tool; if anyone does not have access and needs it, please file a support ticket.

Instructions on how to create a meeting in PCC can be found here.

If a meeting is recorded, the recording will be available a few hours following the meeting’s completion. The system will also automatically track who attended the meeting and for how long so you can review this information later.

Webinars and Meetups

For public webinars and meetups (in-person or virtual) about LF Energy projects, you should use the Bevy platform. The Linux Foundation events team provides project communities with access to this tool at no cost. There are two options for setting up a webinar or meetup:

  1. LF Energy managed – in this case, you need to provide details about the webinar or meetup to the LF Energy communications team using our marketing request form. Please be sure to fill out the form in as much detail as possible. Our team will then reach out with any questions and to confirm details, then will build out a registration page and virtual event platform (if needed). This is recommended for one-off activities.
  2. Self-serve – in this case, we will provide you with a login to the Bevy platform to self-manage webinars or meetups. We strongly recommend reaching out to the communications team ( and booking a walkthrough of the platform. You will be able to schedule your own webinars and meetups as often as you like. You can also access analytics about how many folks registered and attended, as well as see registration lists. Note you will not have access to contact information such as email addresses for registrants. You can send emails through the platform to all registrants if you need to communicate anything or to send a post-event wrap up. Note that the system does automatically generate some emails such as a registration confirmation and reminder emails ahead of the event. The one requirement here is that if you are using a virtual event platform, it CANNOT collect any personally identifiable information such as phone numbers, email addresses, etc. due to privacy regulations. We recommend a tool that does not require a log in or pre-registration. If you need LF Energy to set up the virtual event platform for you, use our marketing request form. Self-serve is recommended if your project plans to have multiple webinars or meetups on an ongoing basis.

In either setup, the registration page created by Bevy will convert to a wrap-up page after the event. Slides and recordings can be added here, so those who want to revisit the content or who were not able to attend can view those later. Emails can also be sent to everyone who registered, or only those who attended, at any time through Bevy.

Ad Hoc Meetings

If your project community needs to have an ad hoc meeting, perhaps with only core maintainers or one-on-one between two developers, you are welcome to use any tool you like. There is no requirement for these meetings to run through LF Energy tools. If you do wish to use one of these tools, use the LFX Project Control Center (see the Committee/Working Group Meetings section above for instructions).

Individual Organization Run Webinars/Meetups

If your organization wishes to host a webinar or meetup related to an LF Energy project, but with only your company organizing rather than the broader community, there are two options:

  1. The first option is to run this using the same process outlined above in the Webinars and Meetups section. You still have the option for LF Energy to manage this or to do so under the self-service model, however, our team will need to review the topic and confirm it is relevant to the community. Note that under this option, you will not receive any personally identifiable information about registrants or attendees.
  2. If you are hosting this for business purposes such as generating sales leads or any other reason that requires the collection of personally identifiable information, reach out to us at to discuss the process and guidelines.

If you have any questions about the guidelines outlined above, contact for assistance.