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Case Studies

Jun 17, 2024

How French Transmission System Operator, RTE, Leverages LF Energy and LF Edge to Build Next-Gen Substation Monitoring and Controls

Download this case study in PDF format Overview French Transmission System Operator (TSO) RTE is accelerating the energy transition and its digital transformation to build the control system of the future. This requires the development and adoption of new technologies to transform the power grid, starting with solving the problem… Read more.
Photo of the Seeed Recharger

May 13, 2024

Seeed Studio Develops Open Source EV Charging Product Thanks to Zephyr RTOS and LF Energy EVerest

Download this case study in PDF format Challenge Seeed Studio, a leading IoT hardware company, recognized the growing demand for an efficient and customizable open source electric vehicle (EV) charging solution. The challenge was to develop a product-ready solution that aligned with the evolving market needs, offering scalability, security, and… Read more.

Jan 9, 2024

Alliander’s Delvi Project Leverages LF Energy Power Grid Model to Direct Overhaul of Low Voltage Grid

Download this case study in PDF format Delivering DSO Energy Transition with LF Energy Power Grid Model Alliander's Delvi Project Leverages Power Grid Model to Direct the Netherlands' Largest Ever Overhaul Project of the Low Voltage Grid Across the globe, Distribution System Operators (DSOs) are on the front line facing… Read more.

Jul 6, 2023

LF Energy CoMPAS Cleans Up IEC 61850 Data Model

Download this case study in PDF format Download the Japanese case study - 日本語のケーススタディをダウンロード This case study focuses on the implementation of the CoMPAS software tool developed by LF Energy for the Real Time Interface (RTI) project initiated by Dutch Grid Operators and market parties. The RTI aims to enable… Read more.

Dec 19, 2022

OpenSTEF Delivers Operational Forecasts at Hundreds of Grid Locations for Alliander

Download this case study in PDF format The Challenge As a grid operator, Alliander – the largest distribution system operator (DSO) in the Netherlands – required accurate forecasts of the load on the electricity grid looking hours to days ahead. With the rise in renewable energy and electrification of energy… Read more.