Arkhia is LIVE — Public Beta Launch

3 min readSep 8, 2022


The future of scalable applications is here!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of Arkhia v1.1, our public beta. Arkhia’s Mirror API suite is now available to anyone building applications on the Hedera Hashgraph network.

On August 8th, Arkhia launched its private beta for select clients and partners. Based on the feedback gathered during the private trial, the Arkhia team enhanced its services and have made the beta open to the public.

With the release of our public beta, anyone can register and subscribe to our API services, whereby applications can tap into Arkhia’s infrastructure to power their applications. Follow these steps to get started and access our documentation to learn more.

What is Arkhia?

Arkhia is a powerful, high-availability Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) provider for enterprises and application-scaling teams building on the Hedera Hashgraph network. Arkhia’s API suite provides a performant Mirror API connecting our customers to an Arkhia operated & maintained Mirror Network.

Arkhia offers multiple types of services tailored for all applications building on the Hedera network, regardless of use case. Arkhia provides the performant solution dApps need to stay connected to the network.

When building on Hedera, developers either 1) leverage Hedera’s public network or 2) operate their own mirror node. The first option limits performance due to network congestion and throttling while the latter requires continuous monitoring, maintenance and cost to upkeep.

Arkhia overcomes this ecosystem constraint with its own Mirror Network to ensure API service remains reliant, cost-effective and enterprise-grade.

Arkhia takes care of the infrastructural challenges, allowing developers to focus on the core of their applications. It offers a highly scalable, low-latency network which makes on-demand scaling possible.

Arkhia Services and Tools

Arkhia offers a range of services and tools such as data statistics,analytics and team management tools, that help teams expedite development.

Arkhia currently offers two APIs with more to come:

  1. REST API sets up a low-latency reverse proxy that relays requests to our resilient, auto-scalable Hedera Mirror Node REST API service.
  2. Hedera Consensus Service gRPC is a fundamental part of the infrastructure made available by the mirror node. It enables Dapps to subscribe to HCS topics and receive messages broadcasted downstream. This API will be made available very soon

Check out our services documentation for more details.

More Information

To get in touch with the Arkhia team, reach out to

Get started for free

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About Arkhia

Arkhia is an enterprise-grade Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) provider of decentralised technologies. We are empowering organisations, teams and individuals to build fast, modular and scalable solutions in our high availability environments for Web3 applications. Purposely built for reliability, resilience and high throughput on Hedera, the Arkhia API suite benefits anyone needing ultra reliable network uptime for mission critical applications. To learn more on how we provide enterprise-grade infrastructure, visit, subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Twitter (@arkhia_io) and LinkedIn.




Arkhia is a Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Web3 backend provider for blockchain & distributed-ledger developers. Now live!