Arkhia Monthly Review: December 2023

3 min readJan 2, 2024


As 2023 has come to an end, we want to wish a happy new year to everyone following Arkhia. We capped out December with another new Arkhitect, and planned how to make 2024 another successful year for Arkhia and partners.

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December 2023 highlights for Arkhia:

  • Welcomed VRJAM as the latest Arkhitect.
  • Gave free testing credits of the new Arkhia Events API to our Arkhitects.
  • Case Studies galore.
  • Community engagement and positive sentiment around the Arkhia Metrics page as Hedera hit 37 billion transactions before the new year.

New Arkhitects

Arkhia welcomed fan-engagement platform VRJAM, which recently migrated to Hedera. VRJAM will leverage Arkhia’s battle-tested JSON RPC Relay to operate and expand its platform offering digital ownership of in-game assets to users.

Events API — Holiday Gift

Last month, Arkhia released the Events API, which enables teams to listen to an array of data coming from the Hedera Mirror Node. This provides real-time notifications for changes in certain cases, including wallet token balances and smart contracts, all of which have a variety of potential applications.

The Events API has been unlocked for all Arkhitects during the holiday season so developers can test its benefits and see what new functionalities are made possible for their applications.

Case Studies

Use cases for Arkhia were highlighted for the wide variety of applications our platform supports. The Arkhia Case Studies are deep dives into how specific types of applications leverage different aspects of the Arkhia Suite to improve their applications.

Community Engagement

One of the most compelling forms of engagement in the Hedera world is celebrating each billion transaction milestone on the mainnet. To give HBARbarians more insight into live mainnet transactions on Hedera, we built the Arkhia Metrics page We look forward to expanding on this page in 2024.


2023 was an incredible year for Arkhia, and the team is ready to tackle more challenges in 2024 and make it a successful second year in operation. We look forward to expanding the Arkhia Suite even further, welcome new Arkhitects, and provide many forms of value for the community.

We wish you a happy new year, and we’ll see you in 2024. Expect many exciting updates early in Q1, so be sure to stay tuned.


Arkhia is an enterprise-grade Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) provider for decentralised technologies. Arkhia empowers organisations, teams, and individuals to build fast, modular, and scalable solutions in our high-availability environments for Web3 applications. Purposely built for reliability, resilience, and high throughput, the Arkhia API suite benefits anyone needing ultra-reliable network uptime for mission-critical applications. To learn more about how we provide enterprise-grade infrastructure, visit, subscribe to our newsletter, and follow us on Twitter (@arkhia_io), LinkedIn, and Reddit.




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