Digital Asset Custody & Management on Hedera

5 min readOct 6, 2023


Those of you native to Web3 are familiar with the utopian vision of ‘mass adoption’. A decentralised ecosystem replete with opportunities accessible to anyone who is connected. The space is closer than ever before to that end-goal, but many obstacles remain ahead.

One massive accelerator for technological innovation is institutional acceptance. For the DLT world, having large institutions provide liquidity to the network, engage in staking, and utilise smart contracts will accelerate adoption of DLT technology, which drives the next step towards mass adoption. Arkhia aids several large and small institutions in promoting adoption of the Hedera network, and has recently added enterprise technology company Metaco to that list.

Metaco provides institutions with the necessary custody and orchestration infrastructure to confidently enter the DLT space, enabling them to securely store assets, manage their staking and smart contracts, and transact on-chain with confidence. This article explains how Metaco leverages Arkhia to ensure uptime and reliability and build additional features to simplify the on-chain interactions of institutions.

Arkhia For Custody

Custodial solutions can utilise various aspects of the Arkhia Suite to ensure reliability, improve their offerings, and scale operations to accommodate increasing demand. The Arkhia Suite is divided into three main aspects, bringing in a multitude of utility for custodial solutions.

The Arkhia Suite


Teams managing custody solutions tailored to institutions know that the uptime and reliability of their platform is imperative to adequately support clients. Metaco chose Arkhia as an infrastructure partner because the Arkhia Suite allows the custody platform to operate as usual during times of heightened activity, allowing Metaco to deliver consistent high-quality service to its institutional customers.

The Metaco team, like any custody technology provider or service on Hedera, will also enjoy 24/7 customer service, which means custody providers are instantly aware of any disruptions, allowing them to act accordingly and ensure the security of the platform.

Arkhia infrastructure was built for enterprises. Through partners such as Google Cloud, which helps Arkhia implement industry best practices, and Horangi, which provides 24/7 security monitoring on the status and security of Arkhia’s systems, Arkhia is built to support high-demand institutional and enterprise solutions.

Additionally, Arkhitects receive access to dedicated bandwidth and guaranteed TPS, ensuring uninterrupted access to data on Hedera and sufficient throughput when requesting said data. Combine this with the ability to AutoScale your infrastructure during periods of heightened demand, and businesses will find that they need Arkhia to maintain strong performance during the busiest of times and be prepared for anything.


Arkhia offers the largest set of APIs of Hedera, allowing developers to pick the right method of querying the network to maximise performance and minimise time-spent. The Arkhia REST API returns 200 transactions per call, making it twice as fast as other providers.

The Arkhia Watchtower API is part of the in-house WebSocket API that enables platforms to listen for data rather than repeatedly ask the network if a change has occurred. One application of this API for custody solutions would be utilising ASrkhia’s CryptoGetBalance feature within the Watchtower API. The CryptoGetBalance feature provides zero-latency balance updates directly from the Hedera Consensus Nodes, giving the developers of custody solutions instant wallet balance updates. With that data, they can immediately alert their users of the activity, and indicate what action needs to be taken, if any.

Not only do Arkhia APIs prevent low-latency and inconsistent uptimes, they can also help improve the performance of custody providers in ways to enhance security and the user experience. The Arkhia team is consistently working to expand our suite of APIs to allow our Arkhitects to develop new, familiar features for users that simplify and improve the overall experience.

Wrap up

Arkhia was made by Hedera developers, for Hedera developers to provide the smoothest developer experience on the network. Our goal is to allow projects to truly harness the incredible potential of Hedera, and build reliable solutions that can handle the current demand, as well as the increased demand to come.

As the value held on-chain increases, so does the need for secure custodying of digital assets. To meet the uptime and reliability demands of institutions, custody solutions are looking to Arkhia for enterprise-grade infrastructure and developer tooling. The Arkhia team is looking forward to assisting Metaco as they help institutions engage confidently with the on-chain economy.

​​About Arkhia

Arkhia is an enterprise-grade Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) provider for decentralised technologies. We are empowering organisations, teams, and individuals to build fast, modular, and scalable solutions in our high-availability environments for Web3 applications. Purposely built for reliability, resilience, and high throughput, the Arkhia API suite benefits anyone needing ultra-reliable network uptime for mission-critical applications. To learn more about how we provide enterprise-grade infrastructure, visit, subscribe to our newsletter, and follow us on Medium, Twitter (@arkhia_io), LinkedIn, and Reddit.

About Metaco

Founded in 2015 in Switzerland, Metaco is an enterprise technology company whose mission is to enable financial and non-financial institutions to securely build their digital asset operations. The company’s core product, Harmonize™, is a mission-critical orchestration platform for digital assets. From asset-agnostic custody and trading to tokenization, staking and smart contract management, the platform seamlessly connects institutions to the broad universe of decentralized finance (DeFi) and decentralized applications (Web3 Dapps). Metaco has established itself as the institutional standard for digital asset infrastructure, trusted by the world’s largest global custodians, banks, regulated exchanges, and corporates. Its software and technology solutions enable institutions to store, trade, issue and manage any type of digital asset — such as crypto and digital currencies, digital securities, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) — with the highest possible security and agility.

Metaco is part of Ripple, the leader in enterprise blockchain and crypto solutions.




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