ChatGPT 4 Vs Gemini Pro

Josh Feldberg
3 min readFeb 12, 2024


As artificial intelligence continues to shape the way we interact with information, I decided to put two of the leading AI platforms to the test: ChatGPT 4 (Pro) and Gemini Advanced (Pro). This was a very quick and poorly done test, but gave me enough insight to guide my short-term use strategies.

My focus was on Arsenal and climate-related prompts to leverage my own expertise and test the AI’s ability to handle current news. Here’s the breakdown:

Round 1: Recognising Data from Image

I uploaded an image of the Arsenal fixture list and asked both AIs to list the fixtures. Both performed admirably.

  • Winner: Draw

Round 2: Latest News

I asked for Arsenal news from the past two days. Gemini smashed it! It gave me insights into the club’s latest win, injuries, and transfer links, all nicely laid out and using good sources like Sky Sports, the official Arsenal website, and Gooner News. ChatGPT gave me a basic commentary on an old game and relied on a less reputable source.

  • Winner: Gemini. Clearly, don’t rely on ChatGPT for breaking news.

Round 3: Changing Text Style

I asked the AIs to turn the news summary into a newsletter for the Arsenal Supporters’ Club I run (true story!). Both did well, though I slightly preferred ChatGPT’s version.

  • Winner: Draw. This comes down to personal taste.

Round 4: Generate an Image

I asked the AIs to generate an image of a climate change dystopia. Gemini wins as it can quickly create variations and is much faster. For basic reference images, either would suffice, but I’d personally lean toward Gemini due to its speed. Next, I requested an image of Emirates Stadium from above, like a drone shot, on a big Champions League night with Arsenal playing Barcelona FC. Neither performed well, so I provided a reference image and asked them to improve it. The results were still subpar — something like Midjourney would be far better for this task. Finally, neither could create an image of “Declan Rice” due to copyright issues. ChatGPT laughably generated a generic player vaguely resembling Rice…but in a SPURS shirt (Arsenal’s bitter rivals 🤣).

  • Winner: Draw. For complex image generation, Midjourney is superior, but for quick visuals, either ChatGPT or Gemini would be okay.

Round 5: Campaign Ideation

I asked for ideas on a campaign to drive engagement and advocacy for climate issues among Conservative voters in the UK, including a sample draft. Both performed well with insightful suggestions, but ChatGPT gets the win for its longer, more detailed output.

  • Winner: ChatGPT.

Round 6: Draft a Press Release

I provided information about female footballers campaigning on climate change and asked for a press release appealing to FT and Economist readers. Gemini wins this round. While both outputs were decent, Gemini’s factual focus would likely resonate better with those publications.

Additional Considerations

  • Stability: In my experience, Gemini has been significantly less buggy, resulting in a smoother workflow.
  • Customisation: ChatGPT Pro excels with its extensive plugin store and ability to train custom “ChatGPTs.”

Overall Conclusion

Both ChatGPT Pro and Gemini Advanced have unique strengths. For now, my experiments lean towards ChatGPT Pro due to its customisation features. However, it’s likely only a matter of time before Gemini catches up in this arena.



Josh Feldberg

Londoner, 1/2 Spanish, adopted Catalan. Interests: tech, politics, marketing, business, climate… and everything in between. Views not those of employer’s