The Future of Cyber Threat Intelligence: Harnessing STIX 2.1 Visualization in React Projects with stix2vis

Navaneeth Prakash
3 min readJul 6, 2024


STIX 2.1: Shaping the Future of Cyber Threat Visualization

In today’s increasingly digital world, where cyber threats loom large and grow ever more sophisticated, the ability to effectively visualize and understand threat intelligence data is more crucial than ever. Enter STIX 2.1 — the Structured Threat Information Expression (STIX) version 2.1 — a standardized framework developed by OASIS here(Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards). STIX 2.1 represents a pivotal advancement in cyber threat visualization, offering a structured approach to representing and sharing threat intelligence data.

The Importance of Visual Representation

Cyber threat intelligence is often complex, involving intricate relationships and patterns that can be challenging to decipher through traditional text-based methods alone. STIX 2.1 addresses this challenge by providing a standardized format that allows for clear and intuitive visualizations of threat data. Key advantages of STIX 2.1 visualization tools, such as stix2vis, include:

Enhanced Comprehension

STIX 2.1’s structured data format simplifies the representation of complex cyber threat information. By visualizing relationships between entities like threats, vulnerabilities, and indicators, analysts can quickly grasp the scope and implications of potential security incidents.

Intuitive Analysis

Graphical representations provided by STIX 2.1 enable analysts to identify key indicators and anomalies at a glance. This visual approach not only speeds up the detection of potential threats but also facilitates a deeper understanding of the threat landscape.

Improved Decision-Making

Visual tools based on STIX 2.1 empower cybersecurity teams to make faster and more informed decisions. By presenting data in a visual format, organizations can prioritize their responses based on the severity and relevance of identified threats, thereby enhancing overall security posture.

Collaboration and Communication

Visual representations of threat intelligence foster clearer communication and collaboration across cybersecurity teams. They provide a common language for discussing complex security issues, bridging the gap between technical analysts and non-technical stakeholders within an organization.

Sample representation of Poison Ivy (CVE-2011–2100)

The diagram illustrates various entities and their relationships within a cybersecurity context, specifically using STIX 2.1 data. In the diagram, the central entity is labeled “Poison Ivy,” which is a well-known remote access Trojan (RAT). Poison Ivy is a type of malware used by attackers to control infected systems remotely.

Getting Started with STIX 2.1 Visualization

Implementing STIX 2.1 visualization in React projects using stix2vis is straightforward and highly customizable. Here’s a step-by-step guide to integrating and customizing stix2vis:


Begin by installing stix2vis via npm:

npm install stix2vis

Basic Usage

Once installed, import the component into your React application:

import React from ‘react’;
import StixViewerView from ‘stix2vis’;

// Prepare your STIX 2.1 JSON data
const stixData = {
“type”: “bundle”,
“id”: “bundle — uuid”,
“objects”: [
“type”: “indicator”,
“id”: “indicator — uuid”,
“labels”: [“malicious-activity”],
“pattern”: “[file:hashes.’SHA-256' = ‘abcd1234’]”,
“valid_from”: “2021–01–01T00:00:00Z”

// Render the StixViewerView component
function App() {
return (
<div className=”App”>
<StixViewerView stixJson={stixData} />

export default App;


Customize the visualization to fit your specific needs by passing additional props:

graphStyle={{ width: ‘100%’, height: ‘600px’ }}
wrapStyle={{ border: ‘1px solid #ccc’, padding: ‘10px’ }}
onNodeClick={(node) => console.log(‘Node clicked:’, node)}

Available Props

  • stixJson: The STIX 2.1 JSON data to visualize (required).
  • graphStyle: CSS properties to apply to the graph container.
  • wrapStyle: CSS properties to apply to the wrapping div.
  • onNodeClick: A callback function triggered when a node in the graph is clicked.

Standards and Motivation Behind STIX 2.1

STIX 2.1 is not just a technological solution but a standardized framework endorsed by OASIS, a leader in developing open standards for various industries, including cybersecurity. The motivation behind STIX 2.1 includes:


By adhering to OASIS CTI STIX Visualization Standards, STIX 2.1 ensures interoperability, consistency, and usability across diverse cybersecurity tools and platforms. This standardization facilitates seamless integration and enhances the reliability of threat intelligence sharing and analysis.


In an ever-evolving threat landscape, STIX 2.1’s flexibility and support for advanced visualization techniques make it a future-proof solution. Organizations can adapt to new threat types and data requirements while maintaining effective cyber defense strategies

In conclusion, STIX 2.1 represents not just a technological advancement but a paradigm shift in how cybersecurity professionals interpret and respond to threats. By leveraging the power of visual data representation, organizations can fortify their defenses, streamline operations, and maintain a proactive stance against cyber threats.

