Delegates.observable VS LiveData for data binding

Sandeep Kella


Choosing between Delegates.observable and LiveData for data binding in Android depends on the specific requirements and context of your application. Both have their strengths and are suited for different scenarios. Let's compare them in detail:



  1. Simplicity: Delegates.observable is straightforward and easy to use. It allows you to define a property that triggers a callback whenever its value changes.
  2. Kotlin Standard Library: It is part of the Kotlin standard library, which means it does not require additional dependencies.
  3. Flexibility: You can use it in any Kotlin class, not just in Android-specific components.


  1. Not Lifecycle-Aware: It does not handle Android lifecycle events, which can lead to memory leaks or updates being sent to inactive components.
  2. Manual Notification: You have to manually notify changes using callbacks, which can be cumbersome for more complex data binding scenarios.


class User {
var name: String by Delegates.observable("John Doe") { _, oldValue, newValue ->
println("Name changed from $oldValue to $newValue")



  1. Lifecycle-Aware: LiveData is designed to be lifecycle-aware, ensuring that it only updates active observers, preventing memory leaks and unnecessary updates.
  2. Integration with Architecture Components: It integrates seamlessly with Android Architecture Components like ViewModel, providing a robust framework for managing UI-related data.
  3. Thread-Safety: LiveData is thread-safe and designed to be used across different threads.


  1. Dependency: It requires AndroidX libraries, which means an additional dependency in your project.
  2. More Complex: It can be slightly more complex to set up compared to Delegates.observable.


class UserViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val _name = MutableLiveData<String>().apply { value = "John Doe" }
val name: LiveData<String> get() = _name

fun updateName(newName: String) {
_name.value = newName

// In an Activity or Fragment, Observer { newName ->
textView.text = newName

When to Use Each

Use Delegates.observable when:

  • You need a simple, lightweight solution.
  • You are working in a non-Android-specific context or within a ViewModel where lifecycle is not a concern.
  • You prefer not to add additional dependencies.

Use LiveData when:

  • You need a lifecycle-aware solution that automatically manages updates based on the observer’s lifecycle state.
  • You are integrating with other Android Architecture Components like ViewModel, Room, etc.
  • You need a thread-safe way to manage and observe data.


Both Delegates.observable and LiveData have their use cases. For Android applications, especially when dealing with UI components and lifecycle management, LiveData is generally the better choice due to its lifecycle-awareness and seamless integration with other Architecture Components. However, for simpler scenarios or in non-Android contexts, Delegates.observable can be a suitable and efficient option.

Additional Resources:



Android developer @PhonePe, writes about Android development and productivity.