Why Single Apps Will Become Obsolete

5 min readJun 30, 2024



In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, the way we use technology is constantly evolving. One significant trend on the horizon is the potential obsolescence of single apps. This article explores the factors driving this change, the implications for consumers and businesses, and what the future holds for app development.

The Rise of Super Apps

What Are Super Apps?

Super apps are multifunctional platforms that offer a wide range of services within a single application. Examples include China’s WeChat and Indonesia’s Gojek, which combine messaging, payments, shopping, and more.

The Appeal of Super Apps

Super apps provide a seamless user experience by integrating multiple services. This reduces the need for users to switch between different apps, saving time and effort.

Limitations of Single Apps

User Convenience

Single apps require users to download, manage, and navigate multiple applications for different needs. This can be cumbersome and inefficient compared to the all-in-one nature of super apps.

Storage and Performance

With the increasing capabilities of smartphones, storage space and performance are critical. Single apps can quickly fill up storage and slow down devices, while super apps optimize resources by consolidating functions.

Economic and Market Forces

Competition and Innovation

The tech industry is highly competitive. Companies are continually seeking ways to differentiate themselves. Super apps represent an innovative approach that can capture more user engagement and market share.

Business Efficiency

From a business perspective, maintaining multiple single-function apps is costlier and more resource-intensive than developing a super app. Consolidation can lead to significant savings and improved efficiency.

Integration and Ecosystems

Ecosystem Development

Super apps thrive on building ecosystems that include various services and partners. This ecosystem approach creates a network effect, where the value of the app increases as more services and users join.

Data and Personalization

Super apps can leverage data across different services to provide highly personalized experiences. This level of personalization is challenging to achieve with isolated single apps.

Technological Advancements

AI and Machine Learning

Advances in AI and machine learning enable super apps to offer intelligent recommendations and automated services. Single apps, with their narrow focus, may not fully harness these technologies’ potential.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing supports the scalability and integration capabilities of super apps. As cloud infrastructure becomes more advanced, the benefits of a unified platform over separate apps become more pronounced.

Consumer Behavior and Expectations

Shift Towards Convenience

Modern consumers prioritize convenience and efficiency. Super apps cater to this by offering a one-stop solution for various needs, aligning with the trend of on-demand services.

Unified User Experience

Users increasingly prefer a consistent and unified experience across different services. Super apps deliver this by integrating functionalities, reducing the friction of switching between different apps.

The Role of Regulations

Data Privacy and Security

Regulations around data privacy and security are becoming stricter. Super apps can streamline compliance by centralizing data management, whereas single apps may struggle with decentralized approaches.

Market Regulations

In some regions, regulatory environments are more favorable to super apps, encouraging their development and adoption. This can accelerate the decline of single apps in these markets.

Case Studies


WeChat started as a messaging app but evolved into a super app offering payments, social media, and e-commerce. Its success showcases the potential of super apps to dominate diverse market segments.


Gojek began as a ride-hailing service and expanded into a super app with services like food delivery, payments, and logistics. Its growth underscores the benefits of integrating multiple services under one platform.

Future Predictions

Increasing Adoption of Super Apps

As more companies recognize the advantages of super apps, their adoption is likely to increase. This will drive further innovation and consolidation in the app market.

Evolution of App Development

App development will shift towards creating more versatile and integrated platforms. Developers will focus on building ecosystems rather than isolated applications.


The era of single apps is waning as super apps rise to prominence. Driven by consumer demand for convenience, technological advancements, and market forces, super apps offer a compelling alternative to traditional single-function apps. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, embracing the super app model will be crucial for staying competitive and meeting the needs of modern users.


1. What is a super app?

A super app is a multifunctional platform that integrates various services, such as messaging, payments, shopping, and more, into a single application.

2. Why are single apps becoming obsolete?

Single apps are becoming obsolete due to the rise of super apps, which offer greater convenience, better user experiences, and more efficient resource management.

3. How do super apps benefit consumers?

Super apps benefit consumers by providing a one-stop solution for various needs, reducing the need to switch between different apps and offering personalized experiences.

4. What technological advancements support the rise of super apps?

Advancements in AI, machine learning, and cloud computing support the rise of super apps by enabling intelligent recommendations, automated services, and scalable integration capabilities.

5. How do super apps impact businesses?

Super apps impact businesses by driving innovation, reducing costs, and creating more efficient ecosystems that can capture greater user engagement and market share.

6. Are there any disadvantages to super apps?

While super apps offer many advantages, they also come with potential downsides. These include concerns about data privacy and security, as consolidating multiple services into one platform can make it a more attractive target for cyberattacks. Additionally, the dominance of a few super apps can lead to market monopolies, reducing competition and potentially stifling innovation.

7. How do super apps handle data privacy?

Super apps handle data privacy by implementing robust security measures and adhering to regulatory requirements. They use encryption, secure authentication methods, and regular security audits to protect user data. Additionally, super apps often provide users with control over their data, allowing them to manage permissions and privacy settings.

8. Will all single apps become obsolete?

Not necessarily. While the trend is moving towards super apps, certain niche or highly specialized apps may continue to thrive. These apps cater to specific needs that super apps may not fully address, maintaining their relevance in the market.

9. What role do partnerships play in the success of super apps?

Partnerships are crucial for the success of super apps. By collaborating with various service providers, super apps can offer a wide range of functionalities and enrich their ecosystems. These partnerships also help super apps expand their reach and enhance user experiences.

10. How can businesses transition from single apps to super apps?

Businesses can transition by gradually integrating additional services into their existing apps. This process involves strategic planning, user experience design, and leveraging technological advancements. Companies should also focus on building robust partnerships and continuously gathering user feedback to refine their offerings.

