Animated Bar Chart with D3.js and React

Learn the underlying concepts and how to plot charts with D3.js and React

Teng Wei Herr
Level Up Coding


In the previous article, we discussed the core concepts of D3.js and how to work with its API to create data-driven elements. In this article, I will be demonstrating the concepts behind plotting an animated bar chart with D3.js and code example in a React-based web app.


  • Break the chart down into individual components: the container, axes, and bars.
  • Use SVG and D3.js to draw these components.
  • Render them in the DOM using a React callback ref.

Charting with D3 Is Like Building LEGO

Photo by Astrid Schaffner on Unsplash

When plotting a chart with D3.js, you work with various independent components — much like LEGO bricks. You construct components separately and then assemble them together to create the final chart. This concept applies to all types of charts.

Let’s consider the example of a bar chart. We can break it down into several components.



Web engineer at MoneyLion, writing about web engineering, R&D and performance optimisation.