Meet AOS: The Operating System of the First Hyper-Parallel Computer

Learn the architecture behind the ao computer and the first steps to start using it.

Marco Rodrigues
Level Up Coding


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The ao hyper-parallel computer hit the scene in February 2024 and is already making waves among developers worldwide. This innovative system takes inspiration from the actor model, enabling processes to run concurrently and communicate seamlessly without waiting for each other. Each processing unit within ao adheres to a core data protocol that runs on Arweave blockchain-like decentralized storage solution. This distributed network of nodes creates a unified experience for users, presenting ao as a Single System Image (SSI).

1 — The actor model

The network of independent processors, called actors, collaborate by sending messages to each other. This eliminates the need for shared memory, making the AO computer incredibly scalable and efficient. Its asynchronous approach allows tasks to run simultaneously without waiting for each other to finish, significantly speeding up complex computations.



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