How to Make Python Forms as a Pro

Learn how to use Flask-WTF with Jinja templates to build outstanding forms that can be used for the most diverse applications.

Marco Rodrigues
Python in Plain English


Image generated with DreamStudio

Surveys have been an effective means of data collection in the past, but in today’s fast-paced world, people are too busy to stop and answer questions on the streets. It’s more convenient for them to complete online forms while browsing the internet than to spare five minutes for a stranger on their way to work. As a result, companies and individuals now use digital tools like Google Forms, rather than approaching people in person.

Google Forms is indeed an extremely useful tool. Not only is it free and incredibly easy to use, but it’s also accessible to anyone. In addition, it offers advanced features such as data analytics and seamless exporting options. However, builders are confined to built-in widgets, and few customization features, leading to less appealing forms, that may deviate the attention of those filling them.

While there are other options such as Jotform, Formly and Canva, that offer more customization and have more appealing designs than Google Forms, they also come with a price, which not everyone is willing to pay.



From Microelectronics to IT. A bottom-up point of view over Data Science, AI and Web3. Nature fulfils my writing soul 🌱