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Mar 12, 2020 at 16:02 comment added cousin_pete @LindaJeanne Now seventeen days plus another eight days has passed and no response. This is a worry and shows a distinct lack of transparency. The opaque nature of the processes you describe are the opposite of transparency, indeed somewhat Orwellian!
Mar 5, 2020 at 15:52 comment added LindaJeanne @Teresa Dietrich: Should I take your non-response to my question to be my response? SE slandered someone to the press (!) for asking for clarifications, in a private channel, about an as-yet unimplemented policy (while people who said far worse intentionally trans-phobic things reportedly went un-censured), and never properly apologized for the same. Should we just "move on" without an acknowledgement that (slamming someone in the press for questions asked in good faith on a private channel) was a bridge too far, and an assurance that it won't happen again?
Feb 21, 2020 at 0:03 comment added LindaJeanne @TeresaDietrich "the nature of the feedback we are looking for: red flags, potential negative impacts" -- so are you in a position to ensure that, in the future, SE won't slander anyone else to the press for politely discussing "potential negative impacts" of a proposed change?
Feb 19, 2020 at 18:57 comment added Teresa Dietrich While I wasn't here through the past situations, I can speak to how we will do it going forward. Feedback is a tricky thing and unstructured feedback is even harder. When we go for feedback in the future, we provide the context for what we are trying to achieve with the proposed action, change, policy and the nature of the feedback we are looking for: red flags, potential negative impacts, will this help us achieve our goal, etc. One of the most frustrating interactions is providing feedback that isn't taken into account. Setting expectations for how the feedback is used will be key.
Feb 19, 2020 at 18:00 comment added vicky_molokh Given that this is allegedly a community-centric platform/medium/system/etc., I would ask for the community to have veto over certain fundamental things. Otherwise +1.
Feb 19, 2020 at 17:13 comment added Bryan Krause From my perspective, I've already seen some movement on responsiveness to moderator feedback (on content, not just messaging), even though initiatives like the moderator council are still in the future. Other moderators may disagree, of course. But yes, the changes in the CM team, both in terms of the expertise lost and the stresses on those who remain, do make it hard to understand the direction.
Feb 19, 2020 at 17:09 history answered Mad Scientist CC BY-SA 4.0