Resolved bugs (excluding employees)

Thu Jul 18 2024 06:40:55 PDT
  • Bug ID: 1655460, 1656291, 1657647, 1659176, 1659537, 1659828, 1659838, 1659839, 1660015, 1660328, 1660818, 1660835, 1660847, 1661488, 1662862

15 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1659537 Sync additional preferences in Privacy & Security Firefox Sync a.polivanchuk RESO FIXE 2024-01-17
1656291 Enable all ESLint rules on toolkit/**/*.xhtml files Toolkit General soniasingla.1812 RESO FIXE 2020-09-07
1655460 Port OS.File setDates to C++ Toolkit Graveyard OS.File mail RESO FIXE 2023-05-17
1657647 Support reading/writing utf-8 text files with IOUtils Toolkit Graveyard OS.File mail RESO FIXE 2023-05-17
1659176 Document return values for IOUtils Toolkit Graveyard OS.File mail RESO FIXE 2023-05-17
1659838 IOUtils should stop accepting tasks at the ProfileBeforeChange shutdown stage Toolkit Graveyard OS.File mail RESO FIXE 2023-05-17
1659839 IOUtils should assert XRE_IsParentProcess() Toolkit Graveyard OS.File mail RESO FIXE 2023-05-17
1660015 Add IOUtils global to privileged eslint environment Toolkit Graveyard OS.File mail RESO FIXE 2023-05-17
1660328 Implement directory iterator for IOUtils Toolkit Graveyard OS.File mail RESO FIXE 2023-05-17
1660835 Support reading/writing with lz4 compression in IOUtils Toolkit Graveyard OS.File mail RESO FIXE 2023-05-17
1660818 Add telemetry to track the number of times the scrollable badge is clicked DevTools Inspector manas.khurana20 RESO FIXE 2020-08-31
1660847 Add test for scrollable badge click functionality DevTools Inspector manas.khurana20 RESO FIXE 2020-08-28
1662862 Most system libraries have their debug ids (UUIDs) nulled out in macOS 11 (BigSur) minidumps Toolkit Crash Reporting smichaud RESO FIXE 2020-11-09
1659828 Get rid of `virtualMemorySize` in ProcInfo Toolkit Performance Monitori smurfd RESO FIXE 2020-09-02
1661488 The "Set as Default" sting is barely visible when the button is hovered on Linux using light OS themes Toolkit Themes ntim.bugs VERI FIXE 2020-09-07
15 bugs found.