Over ons

NDIX is a platform for broadband infrastructure and IT services. Our mission is to accomplish cost reduction of broadband services through supporting fair competition between service providers by means of separation of services and infrastructure. Our Digital Marketplace A connection with our digital marketplace offers our customers (B2B) access to nearly 100 IT service providers. Our customers are completely free in choosing and buying IT services at the marketplace. NDIX strictly separates infrastructure and IT services. That’s why changing providers, or using services of multiple providers at the same time, causes no problems. All while our customers continue using the same connection. Our Internet Exchange As well as a digital marketplace, NDIX is an Internet Exchange with a peering VLAN. This peering VLAN is available for automatic peering through our route server and can be used by all connected parties. Our peering VLAN is mostly used by service providers. But heavy internet users like government bodies are connecting to reduce costs of internet use. Our network NDIX comprises various interlinked locations in the Netherlands and Germany. These serve as a single marketplace. Wherever an organisation is connected, it has access to the whole of the network. Interconnections between connected parties can be made through costless VLAN's. Besides our locations in the Netherlands and Germany we connect with third party networks that offer access to locations worldwide.

IT-services en consultancy
11 - 50 medewerkers
Particuliere onderneming
Connecting companies using our Ethernet/DWDM platform, Internet Exchange en Marketplace for IT services


Medewerkers van NDIX


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