Rewilding Europe

Rewilding Europe


Heilig Landstichting, Gelderland 63.504 volgers

Making Europe a wilder place, with more space for wild nature, wildlife and natural processes. For the benefit of all.

Over ons

Our mission We want to demonstrate the benefits of wilder nature through the rewilding of diverse European landscapes, and to inspire and enable others to engage in rewilding by providing tools and practical expertise. Our vision Wild nature is valued and treated as an essential element of a prosperous and healthy society, with far more space provided for wildlife and natural processes. Our goal Rewilding is being practiced at scale across Europe. The application of rewilding principles, models and tools is delivering measurable, demonstrable, and sustained benefits for nature and people. With many actors we create a Europe that is richer in nature and more resilient to climate change.

11 - 50 medewerkers
Heilig Landstichting, Gelderland
rewilding, nature conservation, communications, nature based economy, project management, environmental services, sustainability, ecosystem restoration en natural grazing


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    Monseigneur Suyslaan 4

    Heilig Landstichting, Gelderland 6564 BV, NL


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    🌍✨ We're thrilled to announce the release of our new documentary, "Breathing New Life into the Iberian Highlands," showcasing the transformative power of rewilding in eastern Spain! Directed by award-winning filmmaker Emmanuel Rondeau, this film highlights the revival of nature and communities through #rewilding efforts by Fundación Española de Renaturalización - Rewilding Spain. The premiere in the landscape itself was met with awe and enthusiasm from the local community. “The new documentary is the perfect showcase of rewilding’s holistic approach to conservation,” says Team Leader Pablo Schapira Perez. “It shows how a growing number of local entities, associations, and communities are embracing rewilding as an opportunity to address environmental and social challenges, such as depopulation and lack of opportunities for young people.” Stay tuned for the online premiere next week to discover this intimate story of transformation in the landscape. 🎥👀 July 23 at 5 PM CEST on our YouTube Channel! Read on 👉 Made possible with support from our partner Hogan Lovells.

    New documentary showcases rewilding’s power to revitalise | Rewilding Europe

    New documentary showcases rewilding’s power to revitalise | Rewilding Europe

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    🌿 Investing in the next generation is key to a wilder, more resilient future! 🌞 Rewilding Danube Delta and Rewilding Romania just hosted a summercamp in the Danube Delta to inspire and equip young minds with the knowledge and passion needed to protect and restore our natural landscapes. By engaging youth from diverse backgrounds, we're not only teaching them about #rewilding and its benefits but also fostering a deep connection with nature that will last a lifetime. Here's to empowering the future stewards of our planet! 🌏 #GenerationRestoration #DanubeDelta #NatureEducation

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    🌊 Exciting news from the Danube Delta! 🧒 The Danube Delta Rewilders Camp, organised by Rewilding Ukraine and Rewilding Romania, has just kicked off in Jurilovca, a charming village on the Romanian side of the Delta. We are thrilled to welcome 30 enthusiastic secondary school children from Romania, Ukraine, and the Republic of Moldova! 🎉 Throughout the camp, supported by the Endangered Landscapes & Seascapes Programme, these young explorers will learn about the keystone species of the Danube Delta, the critical importance of healthy wetlands and steppes, and how rewilding can benefit both nature and the local communities. The camp is going well, with kids happy to make new friends, engage in interesting activities, and explore nature. Stay tuned for more updates soon. 🤸♀️ 📷 Ioana Petrencu, Alex Ifrim / Rewilding Romania #EducationMatters #RewildingEducation #GenerationRestoration

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    𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞 Samen met onze non-profit partner Rewilding Europe kijken we terug op een succesvol event op donderdag 4 juli jl. Rewilding Europe zet zich in voor grootschalig natuurherstel in Europa. Onze gasten uit de corporate sector en van diverse filantropische investeringsfondsen hebben zo op informele wijze kennis kunnen maken met het werk van Rewilding Europe en kunnen bespreken hoe zij hierbij een belangrijke sleutelrol zouden kunnen spelen. Frans Schepers, co-founder en Executive Director van Rewilding Europe, maakte in zijn keynote duidelijk dat zelfs kleine stappen in natuurherstel een echte game-changer kunnen zijn tegen de klimaat- en biodiversiteitscrisis. Bekijk hier de onlangs uitgebrachte film van Rewilding Europe: Als onderdeel van ons Responsible Business-programma en ter bevordering van biodiversiteit en milieubescherming ondersteunt Hogan Lovells Rewilding Europe en de bij haar aangesloten organisaties door middel van een partnerschap met onder andere pro bono juridisch advies en financiële sponsoring ten aanzien van het opschalen en verder ontwikkelen van rewilding in heel Europa. Lees hier meer over ons partnership met Rewilding Europe: #ResponsibleBusiness #RewildingEurope #HoganLovells #SDGs #NaturePositive #Biodiversity

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    🌿 Celebrating Wilder Nature in 2023! 🌍 Our Annual Review 2023 is packed with insightful infographics showcasing our strides in promoting Wilder Nature across Europe, one of the four key components in our Strategy 2023. Last year, we've worked to increase the amount of land where natural ecosystem processes can thrive, supported the comeback of #KeystoneSpecies and human-wildlife #coexistence. Check out some of last year's facts and figures on our Wilder Nature achievements, and discover more about our #rewilding impact in 2023 by diving into our Annual Review! 🔗 Read the full Annual Review online or order a tangible copy to hold the stories behind these numbers in your hands 👉

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    Listen to the latest episode of #TheRewildPodcast on the comeback of the iconic wildcat in Scotland! 🎙️🐈 James Shooter recently visited the team at Saving Wildcats, a member of the #EuropeanRewildingNetwork, to explore their efforts to restore Scotland's last native feline. The European wildcat, once widespread across the United Kingdom, is now considered functionally extinct in the wild in Scotland. The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, leading the Saving Wildcats initiative, is pioneering a conservation breeding for release program to reinforce this at-risk population. Last summer, with support from the European Wildlife Comeback Fund of Rewilding Europe, they successfully released 19 captive-bred wildcats into the Cairngorms National Park.🐱🏞️ You can find the new episode and all previous ones on our podcast page 👉 🎨 Artwork by Gemma Shooter #WildlifeComeback #Wildcats #EuropeanWildlifeComebackFund

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    Discover the vibrant and colourful Tarutino Steppe in this week's #FieldFeatureFriday! 🌾🦌🌻 As part of the extended Danube Delta rewilding landscape, the 5,200-hectare Tarutino Steppe is one of the few remaining areas of steppe in Ukraine and Europe. Characterised by its expansive grassy plains, it is home to a wide range of rare flora and fauna. 🌿🌸 In 2016, the steppe was damaged by illegal ploughing, affecting around 1,300 hectares before a national and international campaign halted the destruction. 🚜❌ As part of #rewilding efforts, the Rewilding Danube Delta team, in collaboration with local partners, is working to restore the damaged areas and reintroduce wild animals that once thrived in the European steppes. Thanks to the efforts of the team, large and small herbivores - from kulan to hamsters - are now making a comeback to the Tarutino Steppe. Their presence is crucial for restoring the #NaturalGrazing process, which in turn improves the health of the steppe ecosystem and reduces the risk of wildfires. 🔥🐾 The joint team is also working on creating a National Park covering 9,700 hectares, which will include the Tarutino Steppe and surrounding areas, providing the highest level of protection for this unique steppe landscape.🏞️ 📷 Maxim Yakovlev #TarutinoSteppe #Ukraine #DanubeDelta #Conservation #Biodiversity #ClimateAction #NatureRestoration #Steppe #ColourfulLandscapes

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    🦌 Ponds support wildlife comeback in the Velebit Mountains 🏞️ Today, the #VelebitMountains in Croatia are experiencing a wildlife resurgence, thanks to rewilding efforts led by the local team. Access to water is critical to this resurgence. Due to geological conditions, surface water has always been scarce in Velebit. Changes in land use and climate are now making it even scarcer. To counter this challenge, Rewilding Velebit are restoring and constructing ponds and wells, ensuring reliable and safe water sources for wildlife. Since 2017, over 30 water ponds and wells have been built or restored, providing essential drinking water and habitats for a range of species. These efforts not only support large herbivores such as deer, but also create vital refuges for smaller species, such as frogs and salamanders. By enhancing #NaturalProcesses such as grazing and predation, these water bodies help maintain biodiversity-rich grasslands and support complex food webs. 💧🐸 In the longer term, the team is working to enhance the connectivity of habitats in the Velebit so that wildlife species can use natural water sources more easily and safely. Read more about ponds and #WildlifeComeback in Velebit in this new blog on our website 👉 📷 Neil Aldridge, Staffan Widstrand / Rewilding Europe, Grzegorz Lesniewski, Emmanuel Rondeau

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    🌊 After last week's announcement about the historic reintroduction of #AtlanticSturgeon in Sweden, we're thrilled to share some extra background on the crucial role played by the Gothenburg Museum of Natural History in this effort, with a few other great shots from Jon A. Juárez. For centuries, the presence of adult sturgeons in the Göta Älv River was known, but proving their reproduction in this river was key to this initiative. The museum has over 30 specimens of varying sizes and ages from the Göta River, but it wasn't until the last decade that scientists conducted DNA analyses on some samples to correctly identify the species. The results confirmed that even the smaller fish were North Atlantic sturgeons. Three of these specimens are juveniles, which are unable to survive in saltwater, proving they hatched in the river in the past. This discovery opened the door for scientists and conservationists to start working on their reintroduction. Today, the water quality in the Göta has improved, and the river system is relatively biodiverse, with a wide range of habitats identified as suitable spawning grounds and food sources for Atlantic sturgeon over a sufficiently large area. While the reintroduced sturgeon are not expected to stay in the river their entire lives, they will migrate to the estuary and ultimately the sea. 👉 Discover more about the release, these impressive efforts built up over years, and details of the sturgeon's journey: 📸 Jon A. Juárez 🌍✨ #RewildingEurope #Rewilding #GothenburgMuseum #ConservationSuccess #Biodiversity #WildlifeComeback

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    🌿 𝗗𝗶𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗹𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘆 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗔𝗻𝗻𝘂𝗮𝗹 𝗥𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗲𝘄 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯? Join us in celebrating a year of growth, collaboration, and positive change and working towards a future where nature thrives and communities prosper. Our #AnnualReview2023 showcases a year of significant strides in #rewilding across Europe. From restoring rivers in the Oder Delta to building engagement in the Velebit Mountains, this publication dives into our commitment to a wilder, more resilient continent. We prepared a new series of captivating stories for you, including stunning photography, and insightful infographics that illustrate our impact on nature, climate, and communities. Frans Schepers, our Executive Director, encapsulates it perfectly: "Offering a narrative that is both hopeful and profound, rewilding has shown that there is every reason to amplify real action that enhances wild nature across Europe." 🔗 Dive into the full online version of the Annual Review 2023 here 👉 Want to hold this insightful publication in your hands instead or share it with others? Order a FREE hard copy (bottom of the page, shipping costs apply) and delve deeper into the transformative power of rewilding 👉

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    This #FieldFeatureFriday, we take you to the breathtaking Lika Plains 🌾, nestled at the foothills of the Velebit Mountains. Here, Rewilding Velebit has been supporting natural grazing, with Konik horses, Bosnian mountain horses and Tauros thriving in naturally structured social herds. 🐎🐃 Reintroducing social herds is a crucial practice in #NaturalGrazing and #rewilding large herbivores as the social behavior of these animals significantly impacts species diversity in the landscape. 🌿 The herd's social structure influences how animals spread out and use the landscape. As herds split and youngsters are repelled, habitat use becomes more diffuse. Young stallions, in particular, might migrate to new habitats in search of mates. 🌍🔄 Both serious and mock fights help turn up soil. Eating in one place and defecating in another aids nutrient transition, leading to local differences in soil fertility. Dominant stallions mark their territory by defecating on others' scents, creating huge dunghills that become nutrient hotspots, fostering diverse plant communities. 🌱💩 Each plant species occupies its unique niche, so even minute local differences can cause dozens of plant species to grow side by side. Grazers contribute to this diversity by carrying seeds in their fur, spreading various species across the landscape. 🐎🌸 Learn more about this in our Natural Grazing guide 👉 📸 Daniel Allen #SocialHerds #Biodiversity #EcosystemRestoration #NaturePhotography #WildHorses #NaturalProcesses #KeystoneSpecies

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